Ahh Yes the Venus thing is true, go check out Worlds in Collisions. In all the anciet records of the Aztecs and the Egyptians, There were always 4 planets that they could see. They called them Mercury, Earth, Mar, and Jupiter. After though, the time of Moses, Venus was added to this list, in all records it doesn\'t exist until then. Also, Venus would go on to fly near Mars, while Athena would be Venus in Roman Mythology, and Ares would be Mars. These two had many battles in mytholodgy. Immaneul here goes on to describe what most likely happened. The two came into contact, and then giant lighting bolts were shot out from the coment to the planet. This is where part of mythology comes from. This slowed down Venus enough to begin an orbit around the sun. "Worlds in Collision" Clearly proves this much more than I can. Venus was what God was for Moses. He said that there would be a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. That would be like a comet wouldn\'t you think? Also in there it says that fire began to fall from the sky. In the book it explains that Venus would let loose Oil and gas into the earth, that would allow for the fires to fall down on the planet. Also, that is why there are so Many large oil deposits around the Egpyt area, then there are other places. Also this is described in the acient civilizations records in all of them. Its very facinating. It is true, you would belive it if you read the book.
In response to Altered Beasts Religion. It clearly states that: "One does not get into heaven by good works, so no one can boast. Only faith in Jesus Christ gets you to heaven." Those aren\'t the exact words but that is in there somewhere. The Bible says there is a Heaven and Hell and nothing else. There are two places after death. I don\'t know where your church gets all that from but that is definitly not what is in the Bible at all. They have redone parts of it and should look at a real Bible of Christiainity to see what it really says.