Too make a long story very short. Life is too complicated to just happen. The way are bodies are made with every cell, the way we can reproduce, the way we have feelings, and the way a big purple blob controls what are body does. Also you must look outside of earth. To explain though how it came about, Science will NEVER be able to prove the beginging of time. The story of Noah\'s Ark is definitly true, because we have the boat. To have someone work on something that big and take every animal into it he could find, and do it on just a hunch? No way, he was told it was going to happen.
God told the people what to write in the Bible, if men would have wrote things in it that was not from God, the book would not be perfect. The Bible is perfect and nothing in it contridicts itself, everything is perfect. Also people in those Death experiences that come back to life shortly after they leave where they were, MANY fit the description of the place that John writes about in Revelation. Also many have claim to have seen Jesus, and descesed relatives. I belive in those happening. I belive that the "tunnel" experience though is just something totally different. Also one death thing had one guy, where he went to a scortching hot place with these things that were biting him and it hurt so bad, and he was just being tormented. He wasn\'t a beliver of God till after he came back, then he became a priest. Wether or not that last one is fake, I don\'t know. But I can tell you for sure that there is a God and there is a Devil, and a heaven and hell. Its all real. Think of it this way. What if you don\'t ever believe in God and you do wined up spending eternity in hell. Then what will you say about it?