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Author Topic: We are animals just like every one else on this planet!  (Read 30962 times)

Offline Tetrad
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We are animals just like every one else on this planet!
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2001, 02:47:16 PM »
keep posting metal your almost a member
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« Reply #76 on: July 09, 2001, 02:50:12 PM »
I think I\'ve found some glitch or something!  Three times now I\'ve tried to make a new post and my previous post, whether it be two or three posts away, is overwritten!

I\'m trying to tell Mr. Metal Spammer here that a lama is a buddhist monk.

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« Reply #77 on: July 09, 2001, 02:50:40 PM »
i know thats what im doin hehe


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« Reply #78 on: July 09, 2001, 02:55:02 PM »
Sit back and crack open a cold one, because Uncle Weltall is gonna touch on many points.

I have a distrust and hatred for religion. Religion and religious differences have been the cause of far too many wars, from the Holy Crusades to WWII. Millions and millions of people have died in the name of religion. I believe that all organized religions are corrupt and self-serving, and I single out the Catholic Church over the rest, as they have quite a bloodstained history of powermongering and massacre. But Protestant, Islam, Jewish, all the rest are equally corrupt. They use God (or whatever) to justify doing things like killing or taking money. They try to interfere in politics. They want to control us.

I personally follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I celebrate Christmas and Easter. I believe in the Lord our God. But I also thing the Bible is used in the wrong ways by religion and science alike. Religion uses the Bible to inform us that certain things, like homosexuality and pornography and, basically enjoying life at all is a sin and will earn you a one way ticket straight to Satan\'s Furnace. They use the Good Book to twist and manipulate people into believing what they want.

Scientists also frequently refer to the Bible to discredit and disprove religion. Sure, I don\'t think Moses REALLY parted the Red Sea to cross into Israel, but that doesn\'t discredit God. Scientists use the Good Book to twist and manipulate people to disbelieving what they want.

But they both overlook one crucial point, that invalidates all of their opinions:


The books of the Bible were written by Man. Anyone who has read the Bible knows that God was never the type to make things clear for His children. God never gave mankind the straight talk, he was always somewhat cryptic. And, it\'s never noted that he told any man all about how he did what he did. We\'re told that the universe is created in six days, and on the seventh day he rested, but never is any detail given into how it was done.

I don\'t think it was a work of magic that created Earth. The Bible depicts primitive Man\'s interpretation of how it happened. But who\'s to say God wasn\'t responsible for the Big Bang? Science cannot disprove the existence of God, and Religion cannot prove the existence of God. It could very well be that there is no God, and it\'s equally likely that God exists in such a state that we cannot comprehend. Science is anything but absolute. Science is full of guesses. Science is more theory than law. Religion is also more theory than law. And both are completely the product of Mankind. There are many religions, but almost all of them share a great deal of similarities, which leads me to believe that different religions interpret the same ideas in very different ways.

God is very important to us today. Even though we\'ve seen no solid evidence he exists, he exists in people\'s minds, and while religion may serve as a reason to breed war, God is not a religion. God is a being AND He is and ideal. The fear or love of God gives moral support to those who might not otherwise have it.  The fear of Hell may be used by unsavory televangelists to force you into accepting their beliefs, but it also serves to deter people from commiting certain acts that SHOULD get you sent to hell, such as murder or rape. God inspires love as well as hate. The love and fear of God is the very essence of the moral fabric of our society. And that is interpreted through religion. Religion is not all bad, and neither is Science. Consequently, neither are all good. Science has been used to give people heart transplants. It\'s also been used to create machines of war that have killed millions. Science follows many of the same rules as religion, and in my eyes is a religion of its own, a religion that worships change as a god.

To the original topic of the thread, Humans are animals, but we are so much more than animals. In a most basic sense animals can do anything Humans can do. A monkey can paint a picture, a human can create a lifelike masterpiece that is almost indistinguishable from reality. Ants can built enormous anthills where millions of ants can live, humans can build large collections of aesthetically correct structures to live in. Chimps like Clyde use tools to catch ants, and otters use rocks to crack open oysters, Humans use tools that are much more advanced. What sets humans apart from other animals is that we are much much more intelligent. Physically, human beings are not impressive at all. We cannot run from danger because we are not that fast. We couldn\'t fend off a hungry tiger because we lack the teeth and claws. Physically, we are a very weak species. However, we have very very large and complex brains, much moreso than any other animal. We can\'t fight a tiger with our natural claws (nails), so we built spears and bows to fight them. We developed new ways to defend ourselves because we adapt so much faster than other animals. Humans were really given the short straw in the big scheme of things, but we were also given the most beautiful brains of any creature, and that one single advantage is what is responsible for us being the dominant species on this planet instead of being extinct, which is where we\'d be without our brains. We are more than animals, and we are less than animals.

Sweaty Spam of The Spaminators[/size][/b]


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« Reply #79 on: July 09, 2001, 02:58:14 PM »
LAMAS are not budhist you monk

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« Reply #80 on: July 09, 2001, 03:00:07 PM »
I applaud you Weltall.  You have said what I\'ve been trying to say, and yet again I was at a loss for the "perfect" words.

I\'m gonna stop posting at this thread for tonight, I\'m gonna observe for the rest of tonight and come back later with my opinons.

Thanks again Weltall.

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« Reply #81 on: July 09, 2001, 03:06:26 PM »
I disagree with you on one point there Weltall. While God did not phisically write the Bible I believe he used man as a medium to get what he wanted to be know know. I believe God spoke through man to create the Bible. Some of the earlier Books of the Bible were written by people 20 or 30 years after the person experienced it and yet the Bible is very specific, something I don\'t believe man could\'ve achieved by himself.
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« Reply #82 on: July 09, 2001, 03:09:55 PM »
man wetall thats what i was TRYING to say but these people just didnt get it......lama


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« Reply #83 on: July 09, 2001, 03:12:27 PM »
The earlier books of the Bible, to the best of my knowledge, heve never been attributed to anyone. I don\'t think we know who exactly wrote those books. But I think you are right, God used Man as a medium to tell the stories of the Bible. I wasn\'t too clear but my point was, The Bible is written by Man, and Man didn\'t know the details. Even if God used Man as a medium, who\'s to say he told Man everything? I think metaphysical things like the Big Bang would be a little over the heads of Man at the time, so Man wrote things as he saw them. My main point is that Religion and Science both refer to the Bible as the absolute authority on religious matters, but I don\'t believe that the authors of the Bible knew all of what was going on. Also, Man is known to embellish his stories:D
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« Reply #84 on: July 09, 2001, 03:13:14 PM »
as far as i know mosses wrote those books
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« Reply #85 on: July 09, 2001, 03:20:44 PM »
Wait a minute, God spoke through flaming bushes to men, who wrote "Supposedly Gods words" down...

I really think the bible is a lets all feel good type of book, and is not meant to be made into a work of God. IMO.

I think we don\'t need to go to church, why, cause I ain\'t telling no men my “Sins”. I think the only reason people went to confession in the dark ages was because the Church was so corrupt they wanted to keep tabs on people stealing, looting, not paying taxes, whatever... right? IMO

I remember what my grandpa said before he died, he was 105 when he died. "Don\'t trust men, for they will take advantage of your good intentions." So priests/preachers/Popes/Rabbi/whatever can kiss my A$$.   God don\'t speak through them, they are sinners, just like the rest of us. (if you believe in sin of course)

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« Reply #86 on: July 09, 2001, 03:29:49 PM »
you dont have to go to church. I always found it comforting to be with other christains and you dont have to tell people your sins. thats only catholic stuff which im not a fan of. and as far as the burning bush thing he did that because god as himself is not comprehendable to men so god would appear in a simpler form, as far as i believe. and just because people are sinners doesnt mean he doent speak to them. they are spiritual leaders who im sure would admit to sin and if they dont they are full of crap
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« Reply #87 on: July 09, 2001, 03:50:53 PM »
Originally posted by Bossieman
When did God come down and started a war?

What God? Wich one, there is a couple of thousends, you tell me witch one I I will try to help you. It seems like you think your God is the only God. That is Sad. Would you kill anyone for that?
I do believe my God is the only God.  I don\'t have to fight for my beliefs, b/c in this country I have that freedom.  In some countries Chrisitians are persecuted and killed for just believing in God.

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« Reply #88 on: July 09, 2001, 03:51:14 PM »
ok i have a question for everyone...

if god created man and the creatures of the world/universe then who created god - did he just appear - i mean there is a reason theory of how the universe came to be but there is no good reason of how god was created unless he was imagined by some man

religion was not always here - so why didn\'t the cave men believe in god - why didn\'t god do anything with the cave men they killed each other yet god did stop it

also i just can\'t believe in something when there is nothing but a book written - and people believe and take this book too seriously

all i gotta say is why did god create me - what gave him the right to - i mean if there is a god - i never choose to be created but yet if i didn\'t want to be here and kill myself i am damned to hell - why should i i don\'t wanna be there or here i just wanted to have a choice

well thats just to say - i mean i don\'t wanna kill myself - just something i have thought about
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« Reply #89 on: July 09, 2001, 03:59:45 PM »
I believe God was just always there. An eternal being. As for the "cave men" do you know one? How do you know the "cave men" didnt believe in God. As for the cave men killing each other im confused with what your saying. And man I don\'t take it to seriously you just don\'t take it serious at all. Why would God need permission to create you?
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