Does anyone know why this argument has died down? Well I will tell you.
It stems from a few select people whose opinions and ideas will never change, even when they are presented with other sides of the arguments, not suggesting they are even right, just suggesting that the other side open his mind.
Bossieman has apparently has a total lack of knowledge on what it is to present an argument. An argument is not made to impress people, an argument is to state your point, while coming out correct. Well, when you make statements you cannot back up and someone tells you to prove those ideas or states opinions directly opposite of yours while still not proving them, you should at least listen!
I don\'t know what you have against Americans but it really goes to show you that stereotypes run rampant, yes even among the "scientists". No, Most americans do NOT run around saying how we are better than every other country. You would be a fool to think that. Why? Because we are made up of every other country! My ancestors are mainly from Sweden and it mystifies me how I developed into such an open-minded person when all the Swedes, Norwegians, Icelandics, etc. I have met obviously do not know how to learn anything new or at least accomadate the idea.
I don\'t care what the heck you believe in, but you BETTER believe that the world is going bye-bye soon. Whether it be through chemical-nuclear warfare (your point of view) or the Second Coming of Christ (my point of view). I give it around 30 years. Be afraid, be very afraid. and if it is WAR. you know what will motivate this human ending war? Stupidity, ignorance, jealousy, pride, greed, all things some of the members on this board facilitate every day, unfortunately. It seems we have not \'evolved\', as we are still killing eachother over stupid crap like opinions. Get over yourselves.
I find it funny that we look at aliens to be of higher intelligence than us, therefore peaceful. How did they get passed this stage of evolution than? (our stage) Stopping war is easy, you follow simple Christian ethics: forgive and forget!
get over yourselves and get to church. Because faith without works is dead, and surely no faith is worse.
Eric Jacob