"You are not evil or dumb for being Catholic, just ignorant to a truer religion. That is not your fault, and I don\'t criticize you for being catholic. If I were you, I would investigate all the churches you know and pray on what is the right one after learning about all of them." - AlteredBeast
LoL.. See this is part of what I\'m talking about right here. Not to pick on you Altered, but you just sent the guy on a wild goosechase. None of the reliegeons are right.. and none of them are wrong. We simply don\'t know because there\'s nothing to compair and contrast with aside from other religeons.
The problem is.. each religeon is fighting each other so hard to gain followship.. that it\'s like spinning our wheels. I say, just accept that people can be of different religeons and leave it at that. If they want to convert, then yeah.. I\'ll try to give them advice on what works for me.. but there\'s no pressure involved. I\'ll stay with my religeon because that\'s what I was born into, weither by my choice or gods.
Prehaps this whole "conversion" thing is just god\'s way of testing our tolerance, acceptance, and loyalty?
BTW: Don\'t just pick on Catholics man.. it\'s not like the Jews, Lutherans, or even the damn Quakers are perfect little angels either. I mean.. just look at what the puritans did to the Native americans! I won\'t even get into what non-christian religeons have done in the name of "god".