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Author Topic: We are animals just like every one else on this planet!  (Read 30975 times)

Offline AlteredBeast
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We are animals just like every one else on this planet!
« Reply #135 on: July 09, 2001, 09:36:32 PM »
Hitler would never have been saved because:

a) he was obviously mentally gone. Nobody kills 11 million people and doesn\'t have something wrong with him.

b) obviosuly wasn\'t a Christian. Nobody who believes in Christ will go around killing millions for their OWN glory.

c) Hitler wouldn\'t have asked for forgiveness, although Christ suffered for Hitler\'s sins too.

Gandhi will not burn in hell because hell as most people think (hot stuff) doesn\'t exist in my mind. Hell is more of a mental torture, as in "Why wasn\'t I faithful enough to live with Heavenly Father?" Gandhi will be taught in the afterlife the teachings of Christ and he can decide there if he chooses to accept them and live by them. After all it is called LIFE after death. Gandhi was never able to hear missionaries as far as I can tell and therefore will not be held accountable. With that, though, doesn\'t get a free ride. He must still accept it.

The above is basically new idea to most of you Christians. I wouldn\'t doubt that none of you have been taught in your church of progression after death. Or hell as being a torment of mental proportions and not physical. after all, what would be the point of testing our faith if we cannot hear what the word of God is. People born before Jesus came to Earth will also be given a chance to hear the Word of God.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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« Reply #136 on: July 09, 2001, 09:41:36 PM »
being in God\'s service should be just that, service.

You are not evil or dumb for being Catholic, just ignorant to a truer religion. That is not your fault, and I don\'t criticize you for being catholic. If I were you, I would investigate all the churches you know and pray on what is the right one after learning about all of them. That is the only way you can know what is true. The catholic church has harmed too many people and has set back scientific progress many hundreds of years with the Crusades, Inquisition, teaching sermon in Latin (so they could not understand what was being told to them).

Study, do not assume that the first thing you come to is right. I find it strange that the Catholic church receives converts at all because of this. Look into the church\'s past, you will see that this is not a church run by God, this is a church run by man.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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« Reply #137 on: July 09, 2001, 10:57:26 PM »
i believe in life...and i believ in living that life...i dont ask these questions as there is no answer...

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« Reply #138 on: July 10, 2001, 12:22:45 AM »
I just have one question for you Bossieman.. Ok.. just imagine that there is a god for one instant. This one (or multiple) being(s) created a system so complex and so vast that with all our knowlage and social advances.. can\'t even begin to comprehend just what all is involved in something as simple as a leaf blowing across the street. There\'s so many questions we don\'t have answers too.. and a hundredfold that we don\'t even know the questions to.

Ok.. now to say that you.. as small pitiful speck of dust hurtling through the cosmos has figured out his plan? You can honestly say with conviction that YOU know he turned his back on us.. or even that he doesn\'t exist at all because he won\'t come on down and shake you\'re f#cking hand?

Jesus said once to the priests of the Samheidron(sp?), according to my religeon, that god does not think as man thinks. God\'s way of thinking could be so totally off from our own, that religeon is just as far from learning his true message to us.. as science is from completely figuring out the universe. I mean, God is said to have sent his only son to spread his message... uncorrupted.. to us and what did we do? We crucify him. Nice.. real nice.

Now I can\'t tell you to believe or what to believe.. you have to search your soul and figure that one out for yourself. Conversion = Corruption IMO. You\'re supposed to follow a religeon because you love god, not because you want to avoid "hell".. or because someone told you to.

Also, if find a kind of quaintness in the arrogance of mankind. We discover some property of "reality" and are so quick to pat ourselves on the back and try to take possession that it\'s almost childish. "I discovered it.. it\'s mine! Humanity rules!" LoL.. we are so clueless. Like little Jhonny playin around with the powertools in his daddy\'s shed...
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
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« Reply #139 on: July 10, 2001, 12:33:46 AM »
"You are not evil or dumb for being Catholic, just ignorant to a truer religion. That is not your fault, and I don\'t criticize you for being catholic. If I were you, I would investigate all the churches you know and pray on what is the right one after learning about all of them." - AlteredBeast

LoL.. See this is part of what I\'m talking about right here. Not to pick on you Altered, but you just sent the guy on a wild goosechase. None of the reliegeons are right.. and none of them are wrong. We simply don\'t know because there\'s nothing to compair and contrast with aside from other religeons.

The problem is.. each religeon is fighting each other so hard to gain followship.. that it\'s like spinning our wheels. I say, just accept that people can be of different religeons and leave it at that. If they want to convert, then yeah.. I\'ll try to give them advice on what works for me.. but there\'s no pressure involved. I\'ll stay with my religeon because that\'s what I was born into, weither by my choice or gods.

Prehaps this whole "conversion" thing is just god\'s way of testing our tolerance, acceptance, and loyalty?

BTW: Don\'t just pick on Catholics man.. it\'s not like the Jews, Lutherans, or even the damn Quakers are perfect little angels either. I mean.. just look at what the puritans did to the Native americans! I won\'t even get into what non-christian religeons have done in the name of "god".
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
PSO Ep I & II~ Tesla: LvL 101 HUmar |Sinue: LvL 32 RAcaseal |Mana: LvL 52 FOnewearl |Malice: LvL 42 RAmarl

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« Reply #140 on: July 10, 2001, 01:20:48 AM »
Sonfan, you really don\'t like our race do you. First its us killing ourselves because of our ignorant arrogance And NOW THIS!!! You know, I really wonder if you regret being born a homosapien.

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« Reply #141 on: July 10, 2001, 01:27:20 AM »

Not particularly Avvy.

Really, aside from Videogames and Peanut Butter (Real PB, not that cheap processed Jiffys crap).. what is there to like about mankind? And I wouldn\'t say working a service job has done anything to improve my disposition either.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
PSO Ep I & II~ Tesla: LvL 101 HUmar |Sinue: LvL 32 RAcaseal |Mana: LvL 52 FOnewearl |Malice: LvL 42 RAmarl

Offline Samwise
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« Reply #142 on: July 10, 2001, 03:07:06 AM »
Ah... the quest for God...

Let me start with the concept of \'luck\'. There is no such thing. Think about it - what we call luck is just conincidences. If someone fired a gun at me and it hit something in my chest pocket and thus saving my life, then it isn\'t luck. It was a series of events that made the bullet hit right where it did. If the guy/girl had pointed just a little bit off I\'d probably be dead. That too, would just have been a coincidence. But people make up a concept which they call luck...

I think that can be compared to religion/God as well. And all you saying "MY god is the REAL god". Then what about those millions of other people, who believe in some completely different \'god\'? They think they\'re right, just as you think you\'re right. What makes them more wrong than you? Because they truely believe in their religion and they can really feel the presence of their God. But no, no... they must be mistaken right...? And the bible... it\'s the complete truth to many Christians - but what about the muslims who have their own book? They believe it\'s THE right book. And many others are the same way. They\'re just as \'right\' as you are.

Which leads me to my opinion... that religion was made up by people needing a purpose with life, an explanation for the things they cannot explain. It\'s so easy to just wave your hand and say "pfft, that\'s God\'s creation... he made the Earth, us etc.". I\'m not saying I have the answer for all questions, but I accept that. I don\'t feel the need to conveniently make up and believe in a human-made God that will save me and reunite me with my loved ones, just because I can\'t deal with the concept of death or whatever. To me God is as real as Batman. They were both made up and the only difference is that God is more common. But they\'re both nothing more than an illusion to me.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #143 on: July 10, 2001, 03:54:59 AM »
Well said Sammy! Now there\'s a philosphical standpoint supporting the scientific inclination towards the non-existance of God. How ironic!!! Maybe SonFan can use a good dose of whatever you shot yourself with before posting that!

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« Reply #144 on: July 10, 2001, 06:07:33 AM »
I might be repeating myself sometimes but I think some points need to be stressed.

For anyone that says that the Bible tells people to kill.  Provie it.  Not once does the Bible say "kill ____."  In fact, we are not supposed to judge, for it is not in our place.

The only way that someone cannot enter Heaven is if they denounce the existence of God, and truely believe it.

Often an argument comes about that other religions worship different gods.  Are you telling me that this entity cannot take different form?  For all those religions that are based on love for humanity, and follow the same basic rules, could very well be worshipping the same entity, just in a different way.

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« Reply #145 on: July 10, 2001, 06:27:27 AM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte
Often an argument comes about that other religions worship different gods.  Are you telling me that this entity cannot take different form?  For all those religions that are based on love for humanity, and follow the same basic rules, could very well be worshipping the same entity, just in a different way.
Nah, I don\'t buy that. It\'s just too damn easy to say that. It\'s the standard answer of religion: "But God is almighty and he can do whatever he wants... and we don\'t understand him... blah blah".
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #146 on: July 10, 2001, 06:58:29 AM »
I just went through with Conformation so I am sure I still want to stay Catholic

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« Reply #147 on: July 10, 2001, 07:25:49 AM »
Originally posted by Majin Prince

There are dinosaurs in the bible. its gonna take me awhile to find it.

What??? :D I don´t know exactly what are you talking about but your words are really funny. Please, if you find them, tell me the chapter, ok?

Not offence Majin ;)
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

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« Reply #148 on: July 10, 2001, 07:31:21 AM »
Atheism is just as much of a religion as Catholicism or Islam. How can an atheist walk up to someone and say get your religion out of my schools. I don\'t believe in them so don\'t force me to. Is that not the same thing? Atheist forcing their beliefs on the religious? Regardless of what anyone says the more religion is pushed away in society the worse our society becomes. How can someone not believe that there is something out there that we do not understand? It just baffles me. Science is pretty much clueless when it comes to things that are not flat out obvious. "Ahhh, this apple will not fall up so there is a force that makes everything fall down." "Hmmm, Every action that I make causes an equal and opposite reaction, intriguing." C\'mon now.

I challenge all atheists to explain where WE came from. If you say evolution, then tell me where did the first stage come from? What caused the Big Bang? These things do not just happen. Science is quick to explain things that they do not fully understand and will not understand until they come face to face with whatever higher power watches over us.

I could go on for days on this topic but the internet and web forums in particular are not a very fun place to do so. Debates are so much better in person or at least real-time.

Hey does anyone have AIM? Maybe we can have a nice chat debate on there.
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« Reply #149 on: July 10, 2001, 07:35:32 AM »
That was another one of my BIG questions about the Bible. It doesn\'t mention dinosaurs or prehistoric animals. I asked a lot of bible scholars about it and the main consensus that I got from a lot of them was that there were a lot of things OUTSIDE of the Garden of Eden and that there is no timeframe set up for the length of time they were in the garden before they were cast out.

I don\'t necessarily believe that. I\'m just trying to help out some of your debates. I have had a lot of different answers in my short quest for knowledge. If interested you could ask me a few.
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