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Author Topic: We are animals just like every one else on this planet!  (Read 30974 times)

Offline Bossieman
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« Reply #150 on: July 10, 2001, 08:31:14 AM »
Hello again, whata groovy topic, 150 replies in under 24 hours!!
I have read the whole topic and find it very interesting.
There seems to be this question, what happened before big bang?
Time and space was created in the Big bang, the question what happened before is meaningless, because there was no "before".
I dont want to go into detail on this "before thing" because you need to know quantumphysics and general relativitytheory to understand it.
The thing is that science do eliminate the need for a God. We may need to belive in a God because we dont know things and that makes us belive.

You may want to belive that you are free to do whatever you want, that you have a free will.
If Hitler didnt start the WWII, I would not exist, why?
Because if WWII hadent started my mother would not have moved from Norway to Sweden were my father lived, and because of Hitler my mother and father made me, so I have to say that I exist because of hitler (amongst billions of other small events)
Everything that happens now is based on what happened the moment before. Meaning that our lives are just the result of what happened before, No one would have a PS2 if not a man at Sony came with the Idea of a gamingmaschine. his mother and father had a big fight before they jumped to bed and made him. this fight was a result of some other events a.s.o. I can go on until I reach a point were a Insect landed on a leaf. If the Insect haddent landed on the leaf noone here would  have a PS2.
The interesting part is that everything I do is based on what have happened, meaning that I can´t control my life, I may think I can but other events do, I may think I have a free will, but I have not. A man that has just murdered his wife can´t help it because he was a result of billions of events.
I know that people don´t want to live beliving this, it would have made your life meaningless.

Imagine a meteor hitting the earth, many people would say that it was Gods "wraith" agains human sin.
God made the meteor hit earth, if we had lived a better life it would not have happened. WRONG the meteor would have hit the earth anyway because it has been on eath collision since it was created millions of years ago.

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« Reply #151 on: July 10, 2001, 08:38:46 AM »
Humans as a species are inquisitive, and want to find things out for themselves. A lot of people lose faith because of events in their life, they feel God let them down, or did not intervene on their behalf. They find science as a refreshing non ignorant teacher. IMO.

I\'m a catholic, although I don\'t practice my religion. I think the "Pope"+Bishops and catholic church is nutty. :nut:
I think women should be allowed to be priests.
I think it is ok for a woman to have an abortion.
I think it is ok to clone human beings.

I don\'t like the idea of a religious institution dictating morality towards the masses.  

I don\'t like the word Atheist, it feels very ignorant.
I\'m not an atheist, I can\'t disprove God\'s existence, neither can I prove he exists. Therefore I take the easy way out. :D  I have no problems with GOD. IMO I think there might be a God, as for how much he cares for us, if at all, I don\'t know. It is the same, as for us to care about a stupid ant on a sidewalk; In this case we are the ants.

I do have a problem with religion though,
Religion exists as an "Institution", which I do not care much for. Religion is a human endeavor, so that we all fit into our little niches(groups). Groups go to war with each other, it is like this: Religion vs. Religion

If we all just believed in GOD, and did not belong to a religious group at all, would we have had so many wars, crusades, etc... ?

The earth was created, Life evolved from primordial ooze, and here we are billions of years later...

Offline Bossieman
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« Reply #152 on: July 10, 2001, 08:51:10 AM »
Can God create a rock so heavy that he cant lift it?

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« Reply #153 on: July 10, 2001, 09:08:33 AM »
Hmm, I see a lot of mention about the Big Bang,
Just because men can’t explain something does not mean it was
Created by God.

1000 years ago people believed earth was flat, anybody saying something else was in league with Satan. According to these man of “God” the earth is the center of the universe.  Total Ignorance kills brain cells. :D  All of us are ignorant at some point, unavoidable. Human Nature.  I banged my toe on the table, God did this to me. Lol.

A lot of smart minds have wrestled with the “Big Bang” theory for a long time, I don’t think anybody came up with anything concrete. Nobody knows what caused it.  All we have are theories.

Theories about the Big Bang hinge upon how the universe will end. Will it expand indefinitely, Is the universe curved, and will it begin to slow and fall back in on itself in the end? Is there dark-matter in the Universe, and if so is there enough of it?

I’m sure we will find out about the creation of “everything” at some point, maybe not in our lifetime, so what. I’m sure during the 16th century people thought that men will never fly, only birds can soar the heavens. This is the same thing, 400 years from now, people looking back on this time will see nothing more then civilized-wannabe-apes trying to explain the wonders of the Universe, failing, then blaming it all on an almighty deity because of lack of understanding.  IMO.

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« Reply #154 on: July 10, 2001, 09:33:10 AM »
I think some of you are getting off on the wrong track here. Many of you are saying things that completely blow my mind. Some of you are saying that just believing in God and Jesus Christ as our Savior will get you into heaven.

sorry guys.
James 2: 20 -

"But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"

To clear this up for all NIV and Comic Book Bible readers, this says you have to act on your beliefs, or your faith is as good as nothing.

Also, you guys speak of multiple true religions.
Ephesians 6:23 -

"...even as Christ is the head of the church, the Savior of the body"

If Jesus Christ isn\'t at the helm of your church, you may just be in the wrong place. When Christ was on the Earth in Jerusalem, he set up the church which would be the only church with complete truth. After he died. the original 12 apostles continued the church, each taking their turn as prophet, seer, and revalator. After they all died out, the church was lost and other churches, found on greed and intelligence took it place. These are not the right church to belong to. Please look around and study different books of other religions.

I don\'t remember where this quote is from, but it surely struck a chord with me, and after studying various religions greatly, I finally decided to do it.

"If any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God, for whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life."

Because you were born into a certain faith or because you were born without faith in any particular religion should give you greater cause to search around for the true gospel.

Bossieman - I don\'t think you read through all the replies, because if you did, I think your reply would have been better educated, we are not answering your less thought out questions like "could God build a rock so big he couldn\'t lift it" That is just a horrible question. God is all-powerful and everlasting. But he would never lift it directly, instead lift it with great winds or something, but if the rock was that big, couldn\'t it damage the earth or the people on it? We will never know though, as we are not God, and we do not know his eternal plan for us.

Bozco - I am glad that have been confirmed a member of your church. I believe they do that at age 14, you are still young yet and would not know things about other churches. It is good that you are at least taking apart in your own religion though, as belonging to the religion and never doing anything about it is so much worse. Get the priests permission to go do it, I think you will see by his reply whether you are in the right church or not.

There is only one true religion everyone. People are Islamic and Jewish, etc. because they were born into it and they believe in it. That is part of their free agency, though. Another reason that they are part of those churches is because way more often than not, they have not yet heard and experienced the word of God. They have not felt the Holy Ghost.

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #155 on: July 10, 2001, 09:37:52 AM »
It\'s \'cause a butterfly flapped it\'s wings.  (In reference to Bossieman\'s story.)

I\'ve posted my beliefs.  I\'m not going to post it again in order to take up space.  This thread had grown big really fast and many people\'s posts are repetitions of things said before.  Please make sure you read the posts so that nothing has to be repeated.

I\'ve posted what I think about the big bang, and what I think about where souls travel in the afterlife.

In respose to Bossieman\'s question about the giant rock, you might as well ask why God made the sky blue and the grass green.  I don\'t know.

1000 years ago not everyone thought the world was flat.  New evidence shows that the Greeks and Romans were quite close to discovering a sphirical planet.

Altered -
I believe that faith is all that one needs to get into heaven.  It is with this faith, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, that has us want to do good.  Acts of kindness do not get you into heaven.  Faith does.

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« Reply #156 on: July 10, 2001, 09:41:36 AM »
Eric, you belive in a specific God, why do you do that? What made you a beliver of a God? I´m really interested, what is the deal here? Did you woke up one morning and belived in God or is it your parents that made you belive in God?
I don´t know what the big thing is about a God, there must be something but what?

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« Reply #157 on: July 10, 2001, 09:42:03 AM »
Toxical - people were not killed for thinking the world was round that far ago because nobody thought otherwise. Later people thought it was flat, and others thought is round. Christopher Colombus is a good example of someone who thought it was round, although misjudging its size completly.

Also hundreds of years ago, Leonardo da Vinci made many drawings of human nature, one of the concepts he came up wit was, gasp!, the helicopter. Many people thought flying was a possibility, nobody knew how, though.

Again with the Big Bang Theory. if the big bang theory was caused by \'dust\' what caused the dust? What caused the causing of the dust? so on and so on. There has to be a beginning somewhere to Science. In religion we have God to explain it for us. He is eternal, everlasting, and he created us and all things around us.

Another note on people that think aliens aren\'t real BECAUSE they are religious - Why would God have only made one intelligent species and stopped at that? Couldn\'t he make more species that are as intelligent or more intelligent than we are somewhere else, while changing things about their climate and things to have different outcomes? The universe is a vast place.

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #158 on: July 10, 2001, 09:45:54 AM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte

In respose to Bossieman\'s question about the giant rock, you might as well ask why God made the sky blue and the grass green.  I don\'t know.

Please, the sky is blue because the light from the sun is going throw the athmosphere and the result is blue.
the light and the atoms in the athmosphere creates the blue sky, not God.

The grass is green because there is klorofyl (swedish word) in the grass.

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« Reply #159 on: July 10, 2001, 09:47:08 AM »
Yes my parents taught me of God, but nobody made me believe but myself. I read the Bible and Book of Mormon and prayed on them to know they were true. The feeling I get, the warm fuzzy feeling I get told me what I was doing was right.

The Holy Ghost is quite the powerful thing if you ask me. I have diverted so many things I shouldn\'t have because of a prompting of the spirit. Without that prompting, I could be dead, or a drug addict, or whatever else.

Also, I have personally prayed on things when something happens and they have come true, stuff that shouldnt happen.

I am sorry if you never have a feeling that guides your life Bossieman, I don\'t know what I would do without it.

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #160 on: July 10, 2001, 09:48:39 AM »
It seems like Bossie is reading but not really reading all of the posts. Doesn\'t saying that there was nothing before the Big Bang go against science? Science says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So something had to have caused the "big bang".
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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« Reply #161 on: July 10, 2001, 09:50:18 AM »
Couldn\'t God have created chloryphyll and atoms though, Bossieman? remember to open your mind, maybe not believe, but listen to what others tell you.

We, christians, all know that light refraction causes blus sky and that the grass is green because of clhoryphyll, we are not stupid because we are religious, we just believe that god made these things. Every time you ask that same question with a different point to it, you will get the same response, that should\'ve been shown to you by now in the 7 page of this thread.

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #162 on: July 10, 2001, 09:54:59 AM »
Personally I think God doesn´t exist, we´re the result of the natural life progress.
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

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« Reply #163 on: July 10, 2001, 09:55:17 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
I am sorry if you never have a feeling that guides your life Bossieman, I don\'t know what I would do without it.

Science gives me that feeling. :)

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« Reply #164 on: July 10, 2001, 10:04:17 AM »
Trog - did you read that verse I stated from the Bible? it said faith without works is dead. I feel sorry for you if still think that just believing is your ticket into heaven. Good works won\'t get you into heaven. Worshiping God and following His commandments will.

Bossieman - good job answering my questions though. Does science tell you not to kill? No, science, by your measure tells you to kill to prove you are strongest and to show to the female sex that you are more powerful. Sorry, science gives you exactly 0 feeling. I think you have a little religion in you. You have just shut it out becuase of your love for Science.

Eric Jacob
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