I think some of you are getting off on the wrong track here. Many of you are saying things that completely blow my mind. Some of you are saying that just believing in God and Jesus Christ as our Savior will get you into heaven.
sorry guys.
James 2: 20 -
"But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
To clear this up for all NIV and Comic Book Bible readers, this says you have to act on your beliefs, or your faith is as good as nothing.
Also, you guys speak of multiple true religions.
Ephesians 6:23 -
"...even as Christ is the head of the church, the Savior of the body"
If Jesus Christ isn\'t at the helm of your church, you may just be in the wrong place. When Christ was on the Earth in Jerusalem, he set up the church which would be the only church with complete truth. After he died. the original 12 apostles continued the church, each taking their turn as prophet, seer, and revalator. After they all died out, the church was lost and other churches, found on greed and intelligence took it place. These are not the right church to belong to. Please look around and study different books of other religions.
I don\'t remember where this quote is from, but it surely struck a chord with me, and after studying various religions greatly, I finally decided to do it.
"If any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God, for whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life."
Because you were born into a certain faith or because you were born without faith in any particular religion should give you greater cause to search around for the true gospel.
Bossieman - I don\'t think you read through all the replies, because if you did, I think your reply would have been better educated, we are not answering your less thought out questions like "could God build a rock so big he couldn\'t lift it" That is just a horrible question. God is all-powerful and everlasting. But he would never lift it directly, instead lift it with great winds or something, but if the rock was that big, couldn\'t it damage the earth or the people on it? We will never know though, as we are not God, and we do not know his eternal plan for us.
Bozco - I am glad that have been confirmed a member of your church. I believe they do that at age 14, you are still young yet and would not know things about other churches. It is good that you are at least taking apart in your own religion though, as belonging to the religion and never doing anything about it is so much worse. Get the priests permission to go do it, I think you will see by his reply whether you are in the right church or not.
There is only one true religion everyone. People are Islamic and Jewish, etc. because they were born into it and they believe in it. That is part of their free agency, though. Another reason that they are part of those churches is because way more often than not, they have not yet heard and experienced the word of God. They have not felt the Holy Ghost.
Eric Jacob