3 pages of junk! I am not going to sort over all that stuff, instead, give an opinion that might not have been stated here.
God created man to have free agency, the ability to choose from right and wrong. Evolution has many flaws, just as many religions today have flaws. The point is, religion and beliefs in a higher power create the need for people to follow the laws of the land, the golden rule, and be nice to people that make them mad. If we were all athiests you better believe that all of the wars still would\'ve been fought, just not over the same thing. I also believe that there would be more wars.
wars have been fought over soccer games and name calling. People will fight to protect their ideas and beliefs and you better believe that scientists would fight, too. As they are no better than us "commonfolk".
I do love, Bossieman, how you belittle us christians and other religious people and believe you are of a higher mind. The fact that you don\'t believe is mystifying because there are millions of things out there that Science can\'t and never will explain. But I will not belittle you or people like you, because that is your beliefs. I do however feel kind of sorry for athiests or christians who work their faith based around THEIR own needs at the time or people who act on faith alone without works.
How can people still believe in God, you ask, in this day and age? Look all around us. Hate crimes, robberies, murder, rape, etc. are committed every day and people want to believe that one day, after they die, they will go to a better place, where their intelligence can go. Where there is no crime, only perfection. Maybe living in Sweden (the greatest country in the world in your opinion) has clouded your mind about how the REST of the world lives.
I do believe, however, that their is only ONE true religion. If you look around, you see the Jews and Muslims fighting over "Holy Land" in Israel/Pakistan. I believe their minds are in completely the wrong place and EXTREMELY hypocritical. They teach of forgiveness of enemies, yet never do and willingly kill innocent people just to show their beliefs. THat is sad to me, that it has come to this. Look around your community and see which kinds of people commit crimes less often, live longer, live happier, and are more educated. I would be willing to bet anything that 90% of the time, they are Religious people, while Athiests (or scientists in your opinion) who have nothing to strive for (perfection) get more often into drugs, and crime.
I am a highly religious person, I must be dumber than you Bossieman.
Eric Jacob