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Author Topic: WTF IS THIS all Nintendo is where going to GET FROM GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH  (Read 4572 times)

Offline QuDDus
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I have to say that I am not that impressed.  Those third party games form acclaim midway and ea will all be on xbox and ps2. And only first pary games I interested in for gamecube will are starfox and wave race. NoT one fighting game. I don\'t consider Melee to be a real fighter. I have 500 saved already bye november I was looking to have 800 or so saved.So I could bye both consoles.  But I think I am going to wait on gcn now. Or maybe pick it up and just get starfox. I will have to wait on the xbox launch games to see if I will just spend all the money on my xbox.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2001, 10:19:56 PM »
It is a good launch line up, far better then the expected Xbox launch, in my opinion. Lugi\'s Mansion should be excellent, WaveRace was a great game in the old days, a graphical upgrade and longer game should be fun. StarFox should be fun, even though it doesn\'t interest me. Then there is Melee, which looks pretty damn impressive, even though I don\'t care for the first.

Its a good launch, but can\'t appeal to everyone. But the first party titles are sure to sell by the truckloads. And then should be fun for the most part. Nintendo\'s first party games almost always deliver.

The third party stuff looks solid. I have full faith that Sega\'s game will kick ass. Batman Tommorw (my most wanted launch title ;) ) is by Ubi Soft , makes of the great Rayman.  It looks solid all around.

This launch is much better then the N64 launch, so anyone who bought that and didn\'t complain about it, really can\'t complain about this one. It may not have the expected Mario title, but Lugi\'s Mansion should fill that gap quite easily.

Before anyone mentions my Xbox comment, make note that I said SUSPECTED lineup. When I say that, I mean DOA3, Halo, Oddworld and so on.. None of those games really appeal to me. Oh and make note that I said, in my opinion .


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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2001, 10:23:51 PM »
I dont think either console\'s launch line-ups have any wow to them. But X-Box has Panzer Dragoon.

You just can\'t beat that. Nothing right now out for PS2 or anything else for X-Box and GC that they have announced interests me more than my old classic!

Eric Jacob
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2001, 10:27:16 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
I dont think either console\'s launch line-ups have any wow to them. But X-Box has Panzer Dragoon.

You just can\'t beat that. Nothing right now out for PS2 or anything else for X-Box and GC that they have announced interests me more than my old classic!

Eric Jacob


Mmm\'hmm. Which is the exact reason I will get an Xbox. Its been to long since I played Panzer Dragoon. Can\'t complain the sequel of last year\'s \'sleeper hit\' either - Jet Set Radio: Future.


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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2001, 10:31:05 PM »
oh without a doubt, JSR:F is close behind. Really close!

so I know X-Box will be mine at launch. and since PD games have all looked fantastic upon release, my jaw will be on the floor for approxamately 24 straight hours! I can\'t wait for Tokyo Game Show so I can see the screens!

Eric Jacob
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Offline QuDDus
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2001, 10:49:43 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
It is a good launch line up, far better then the expected Xbox launch, in my opinion. Lugi\'s Mansion should be excellent, WaveRace was a great game in the old days, a graphical upgrade and longer game should be fun. StarFox should be fun, even though it doesn\'t interest me. Then there is Melee, which looks pretty damn impressive, even though I don\'t care for the first.

Its a good launch, but can\'t appeal to everyone. But the first party titles are sure to sell by the truckloads. And then should be fun for the most part. Nintendo\'s first party games almost always deliver.

The third party stuff looks solid. I have full faith that Sega\'s game will kick ass. Batman Tommorw (my most wanted launch title ;) ) is by Ubi Soft , makes of the great Rayman.  It looks solid all around.

This launch is much better then the N64 launch, so anyone who bought that and didn\'t complain about it, really can\'t complain about this one. It may not have the expected Mario title, but Lugi\'s Mansion should fill that gap quite easily.

Before anyone mentions my Xbox comment, make note that I said SUSPECTED lineup. When I say that, I mean DOA3, Halo, Oddworld and so on.. None of those games really appeal to me. Oh and make note that I said, in my opinion .


:laughing: :laughing: Well we all have are preference of games. I just thought gamecube would give me more. I just thought there would be a better range of launch games. I am not a big luigi fan so I will probally just rent that game. I am a huge starfox fan.  And wave race looks great and I liked it on n64. But I guess I thought nintendo would have more from third parties instead of just games I will see on xbox or ps2. I am not all that hyped about that batman game. Or melee. I will say I am more hyped for xbox. Panzier dragon, munch,halo,doa,New legends...ect. It does sound exciting.
But I hate waiting on getting games. I have to have the game right when it comes out and not a year later.(THAT\'S JUST ME) I may force myself to get gc rigt away because I don\'t wanna wait and not play starfox.
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2001, 11:01:38 PM »
Both console launches look to be rather exceptional in my opinion.  I just wish XB had more launch titles that appealed to me as much as the GCN stuff does.  Although I do look forward to seeing what the XB can do, I just don\'t see the reason to pick it up just yet.  I\'m definitely going to wait and see what happens to it overtime, but I can\'t wait to get my hands on one in about a year or so when the price is a bit less and their library has grown extensively.
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2001, 11:01:58 PM »
Melee has me hyped because I loved the original. Rogue Leader has be hyped because I love Star Wars space shooters. Star Fox has me hyped because I am a SF fan. Pikmin has me hyped because Strategy is near the top or thee top of my fac genres, and its something totally new and innovative. I\'m not really hyped about Luigi\'s Mansion as I am the others. But only the stuff shown at E3 was like just seeing the courtyard infron of peach\'s castle in Mario64. Also I could go on but I must be off to sleep its 3 AM here. GoodNight everyone.
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Offline AlteredBeast
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2001, 11:06:24 PM »
too...much...usage of the word... hyped. slowly...dying!


If I have money for both while still having money for Panzer Dragoon and JSR:F (expected 2 weeks after) I will get both, otherwise, no dice Monkey Ball!

Eric Jacob
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2001, 11:12:02 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

. I am not a big luigi fan so I will probally just rent that game.  

Not tryin\' to argue or anything, I just got a question.. How can you not be a Lugi fan? He has never had a game before! Do you mean, you hated playin\' as him in the original Mario\'s? ;)

I\'m just jokin\' around.
Don\'t take any offense.

Offline QuDDus
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2001, 11:23:18 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

Not tryin\' to argue or anything, I just got a question.. How can you not be a Lugi fan? He has never had a game before! Do you mean, you hated playin\' as him in the original Mario\'s? ;)

I\'m just jokin\' around.
Don\'t take any offense.

yes...yes I never liked luigi.  My loyalty is too mario:laughing: But seriously so far the game has not impressed me that much.  But bye time launch is near  I would have had more time to read up on it and see final screens so I could change my opinion and buy it.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2001, 11:57:59 PM »
But bye time launch is near I would have had more time to read up on it and see final screens so I could change my opinion and buy it.

I hope you are not implying that the Luigi\'s Mansion screens look nothing less then stellar.  "Final screens"?  I thought the ones that were out now are more impressive then 95% of all games available.
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2001, 12:33:58 AM »
I personally see Lugi\'s Mansion has the biggest graphical jump this generation, IMO.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2001, 01:55:02 AM »
waverace and star wars are the only ones appealing to me.

I prefer the xbox line up

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2001, 06:08:46 AM »

Panzer Dragoon is NOT coming out at launch. In fact, it hasen\'t even been given a solid release date yet.

And Jet Set Future is NOT coming out 2 weeks after the launch. It\'s coming out Jan 15, 2002, the same day that NBA2K2 is coming out.

Get your facts straight.

As for the topic: I can\'t complain about the GameCube launch since there is plenty of titles that interest me that come out around launch. Pikmin(Dec), Rogue Leader, Luigi\'s Mansion, Star Fox Adventures, Smash Bros, Wave Race, PSOV2(Dec) and Eternal Darkness(Dec). What ever title out of the proceeding gets the best score from IGNCube then I\'m buying it without hesitation. 5 games, that\'s more than enough quality games for a launch, and three great ones will follow short after.

Next year the Cube will own. Too Human, MARIO, ZELDA, THE NEXT PERFECT DARK, Kameo, Tony Hawk 3, RE:0(actually, it might come out in 2001, but I have my doubts), WrestleMania Cube, Metroid(hopefully), and possibly the next Mario Kart... *drules*


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