Panzer Dragoon is NOT coming out at launch. In fact, it hasen\'t even been given a solid release date yet.
And Jet Set Future is NOT coming out 2 weeks after the launch. It\'s coming out Jan 15, 2002, the same day that NBA2K2 is coming out.
Get your facts straight.
As for the topic: I can\'t complain about the GameCube launch since there is plenty of titles that interest me that come out around launch. Pikmin(Dec), Rogue Leader, Luigi\'s Mansion, Star Fox Adventures, Smash Bros, Wave Race, PSOV2(Dec) and Eternal Darkness(Dec). What ever title out of the proceeding gets the best score from IGNCube then I\'m buying it without hesitation. 5 games, that\'s more than enough quality games for a launch, and three great ones will follow short after.
Next year the Cube will own. Too Human, MARIO, ZELDA, THE NEXT PERFECT DARK, Kameo, Tony Hawk 3, RE:0(actually, it might come out in 2001, but I have my doubts), WrestleMania Cube, Metroid(hopefully), and possibly the next Mario Kart... *drules*