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Author Topic: WTF IS THIS all Nintendo is where going to GET FROM GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH  (Read 4571 times)

Offline JediMaster
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2001, 12:21:35 AM »
T****s, I don\'t  belive you Star Fox is a sequel but it is NOT a rehash. This game is totally different then the others, Pikmin and Lugi\'s Mansion are original, Eternal Darkness is original, almost 1/3 of the launch titles are totally new games. And all these games are way better than the PS2 launch at all. There is nothing that I want on XBox, I never plan on getting one. I have my reasons, but I would be up all night stating them. Let me ask this, what new innovations does the XBox games have that makes them different then ED, Pikmin and Lugi\'s Mansion. Your crazy, 500 bucks won\'t even buy you a GC and a XBox, it would be like 510 for both, or something. I would much rather see you blow money on a PS2 then an XBox, the Ps2 gives you more worth your buck then the XBox.
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Offline AlteredBeast
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2001, 06:12:53 AM »
JediMaster, you would be up all night listing reasons on why you would never get an X-Box? :rolleyes: Also, what does X-Box bring in terms of innovation that GC doesn\'t? Have you been living in a cave somewhere.

I once thought that the Hard drive would be a non-essential piece. But if you look at Project Ego, you see what a hard drive can do for a system.

You age, grow (hair growth, body growth, etc), live, die, kill, build, destroy, etc. All of the things you do in this game can be saved on the INSTALLED hard drive, expanding the game exponentially. Shenmue 3 will be amazing on it, nuff said. (I don\'t see any reason why Sega would put it on anywhere else)

Eric Jacob
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2001, 08:18:22 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
All of the things you do in this game can be saved on the INSTALLED hard drive, expanding the game exponentially. Shenmue 3 will be amazing on it, nuff said. (I don\'t see any reason why Sega would put it on anywhere else)

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, just like a computer. . . interesting.


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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2001, 09:07:07 AM »
I will never get one. Everyone around in this area, the reatailers, my friends, my enemies, They all think it will fail miserably. Nothing could ever convice me to get one. Theres nothing it has that I want on it. Why should I spend 300 bucks on a console when I can get 6 more games for my cube?
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Offline AlteredBeast
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2001, 01:17:31 PM »
Because you will never get games like Project Gotham, Project Ego, Panzer effing Dragoon (300 bucks worth IMO int hat game alone), Morrowind (?), etc.

Yes, it sounds like a PC, but unlike a PC, the only thing that MS will allow games to use the hardware for is saving, updating, and changing, there will be NO installing games on hardware, as is the common thought.

You and "everyone you know" is going to miss out on a truly great console, even if, in your mind it\'s gonna fail, kind of like Dreamcast, eh?

Eric Jacob
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2001, 01:29:53 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Because you will never get games like Project Gotham, Project Ego, Panzer effing Dragoon (300 bucks worth IMO int hat game alone), Morrowind (?), etc.

I\'m going to quote myself from the thread "Does PS2 have enough exclusives?" to argue your point on those xbox exclusives.
Originally posted by Troglodyte
I don\'t like exclusive titles [such as Project Gotham, Project Ego, Panzer effing Dragoon].  I wish they would all just share and share alike.

It\'s like, why must I spend $800 for three systems so that I can play all the games?


I don\'t care if anything is exclusive or not, if it\'s exclusive to a console I don\'t have, i can usually ignore it and it will "go away."

And about Ego, it\'s not like this is the first time it\'s been done.  Black and White started with the concept of "evolving characters."  i\'m quite sure that Ego will not be the only gmae of it\'s kind, and that these "evolving" concepts will show up on multiple games on multiple consoles.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2001, 01:47:31 PM »
Originally posted by Troglodyte

And about Ego, it\'s not like this is the first time it\'s been done.  Black and White started with the concept of "evolving characters."  i\'m quite sure that Ego will not be the only gmae of it\'s kind, and that these "evolving" concepts will show up on multiple games on multiple consoles.

Well, Molyneux did begin to explore the concept in B&W but it is nowhere close to the depth and scope found in Ego.  You are comparing one creature to an entire populace capable of learning, eneracting with each other, talking, deciding on a career, starting a family etc.  The two are simply incomparable.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2001, 02:43:50 PM »
Originally posted by ho3j

Well, Molyneux did begin to explore the concept in B&W but it is nowhere close to the depth and scope found in Ego.  You are comparing one creature to an entire populace capable of learning, eneracting with each other, talking, deciding on a career, starting a family etc.  The two are simply incomparable.

I didn\'t mean for a full comparason, just the "evolution" part and the fact that you can be good or evil, depending on what you do.

Plus, the person-to-person interaction thing was started by the SIMS.  I\'m not saying that the SIMS nor Black and White ARE project Ego, I\'m saying that the principle concepts of Project Ego are not entirely new, just used ona grande scale.  With this in mind, I don\'t see how Project Ego being an xbox exclusive is such a big deal.  Because the concepts are not exclusive to xbox, and I\'m sure many mor games will come up with the same concepts on other consoles, so no worries if you don\'t get xbox.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2001, 03:29:04 PM »
Just FYI an EGO type game would almost certainly require the HD.  But anyway, you made it sound as if B&W somehow took away from Ego.  Its like saying Donkey Kong takes away from Mario 64 because Miyamoto explored jumping in DK. ;)

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2001, 03:35:28 PM »
Originally posted by ho3j
But anyway, you made it sound as if B&W somehow took away from Ego.  

That would be impossible.  B&W took nothing from EGO, as B&W came before EGO.

I\'m not saying Ego stemmed from B&W, I\'m merely stating that project EGO is not a brand-spanking-new idea, but a culmination of concepts developed in games such as B&W and the SIMS.

Offline AlteredBeast
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2001, 03:37:15 PM »
Project Ego is a huge scope, in comparison I would say Shenmue was so much more expansive and wide-scoped than anything I had seen at the time, and Project Ego is even so much more than wide than that.

That said, there can always be copycats, but nothing feels as refreshing as the original.

Eric Jacob
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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2001, 03:46:06 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Project Ego is a huge scope, in comparison I would say Shenmue was so much more expansive and wide-scoped than anything I had seen at the time, and Project Ego is even so much more than wide than that.

That said, there can always be copycats, but nothing feels as refreshing as the original.

Eric Jacob

Especially when the "next-gen" of EGOs fix all the flaws of it\'s predecessor.  Hm hmmm.  Sure there\'s always the original, but what spawns from that leap can be just as enjoyable, if not more so.

Like I said before, I don\'t feel like spending another $300+ for a few exclusive games.  That\'s why I never bought a DC, and I\'m perfectly satisfied.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2001, 04:42:11 PM »
"That would be impossible.  B&W took nothing from EGO, as B&W came before EGO."

You took my example backwards. :)

"I\'m not saying Ego stemmed from B&W, I\'m merely stating that project EGO is not a brand-spanking-new idea, but a culmination of concepts developed in games such as B&W and the SIMS."

In a way Ego stemmed from Black and White since Peter Molyneix is involved in both games.  Anyway, if Ego is not a new idea then no game is so it is a silly point to make in the first place.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2001, 04:52:43 PM »
Originally posted by ho3j
"That would be impossible.  B&W took nothing from EGO, as B&W came before EGO."

You took my example backwards. :)

"I\'m not saying Ego stemmed from B&W, I\'m merely stating that project EGO is not a brand-spanking-new idea, but a culmination of concepts developed in games such as B&W and the SIMS."

In a way Ego stemmed from Black and White since Peter Molyneix is involved in both games.  Anyway, if Ego is not a new idea then no game is so it is a silly point to make in the first place.

The compression of the seperate concepts is a new idea, the concepts that the idea is comprised of are not.

"But anyway, you made it sound as if B&W somehow took away from Ego."

Let\'s just focus on this clause: "B&W somehow took away from Ego."

B&W(direct object) somehow took(verb) away from Ego(receiving noun).

What you should have said:

Ego somehow took away from B&W.

The cat took the bone away from the dog.

The dog took the bone away from the cat.

In English, word order is important.

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WTF IS THIS all where going to GET FROM Nintendo for GAMECUBE AT LAUNCH
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2001, 05:32:21 PM »
Wow... no need to be patronizing and you are still misunderstanding me.

"But anyway, you made it sound as if B&W somehow took away from Ego."

You suggested that the presence of the evolving creature AI in B&W made the evolving world AI in Ego something less than new.  IE: You made it sound like B&W took away from Ego, made Ego’s innovation less than it is etc.


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