ok, your comparison between shenmue and some of the crap ps2 titles it lame. its liek comparing the best one one console, to the worst on another.
shenmue= best on DC.
gt3= best on ps2.
compare those, and then youll think right. your comparison is off.
i think the graphics have come a long way. if you think they look like psx graphics, go out and buy a couple of games for psx, or even better rent them.
the framerates are fine for us in the usa. i think the pal version ps2\'s got screwed this year.
but really. if you pay close attention, ps2 can push 6+ times the polys and has around 6 times better graphics technically.
but the thing is, do you see the difference? it is mostly up to the programmers. the people who did shenmue did it really well. they used poly\'s efficently. many programmers for ps2 are just trying to figure out how to pull poly\'s outta the system. once they figure that out, they can do things like what pholphony did with gt3. use the vector units to their advantage... ya know, the whole bit.
i think the best is yet to come, and i am not dissapointed. look at the step from psxgames to ps2 games, and youll see what i mean.
Your an absolute ediot if u think PS2 graphics are almost the same as PS1.
Give a good reason before u flame the PS2.
GT3 on PS2 show what the PS2 is capable of. GT3 is the best looking game on any console or PC. I havent seen such top quality reflection on even high end PC.
Enuff said.
Get Lost
do not flame him for stating his opinion. he said that he just wanted a discussion, not a flame war. he did not flame anything. he just said what he thought.
so discuss, do not flame.