Well maybe, but a year is hardly 3 days later. Same reply as before I suppose. Yeah hard to program for is a factor for some poor looking games. It shouldn\'t however be an excuse - not after a year.
Yeah it worries me too. I see my 3dfx voodoo 1 on my PC running the likes of Kingpin and Half-Life which in terms of texture quality is about as equal as what PS2 is doing, if not better in some games - worrying thing is these PC cards and games are years old. I hope that this so called streaming technology isn\'t just a word like the "emotion" engine of the PS2, which hasn\'t really shown much in the likes of amazing things.
I can\'t help but think that the 4 meg of Vram is the achellies heel (sp?) of the PS2.
Yeah it seems so true unfortunatly - the first person to agree.
Yeah that seems about right. I recorn Sony should of sacked the guy who decided to think of streaming technology and just stick with a nice chunk of VRam. Afterall streaming technology so far hasn\'t done much. The textures are fairly low quality. The first pics from Gamecube and XBox are a lot better where texture quality is concerned.
So true. Shenmue can be ripped to pieces. I too noticed how fork lift trucks would just appear like magic. The face details though are amazing if you ask me. When people speak and their expressions change and stuff - well its been done before but - it seems so real.
Good call I forgot about The Bouncer. Very blurred game - apparently a feature not a thing to make it run smooth - but it looked great.
Hay another person who agrees.
Yeah I know what you mean. A fairly good console, average DVD player. Nothing great in terms of console gaming so far.
Developers are crap. Hmmm maybe. Theres a load of developers though this time so I suppose you could expect more crap ones than good ones, compared to other consoles. Also the fact that the machine is hard to develop for sort of makes the developers look crap.
As a whole though I agree.
Knotter / Fastson
Yeah GT3 does look good. Should be the norm though right ? Not the amazing GT3 as such but more the great looking GT3 along with the great looking other games.
Hay cool another person who agrees.
Oh well seems im not the only one thinking along these lines.
So theres people who think that the PS2 games look fine and they will get better and theres people like me who feel the PS2 hasn\'t done that much great stuff where graphics are concerned.