Originally posted by Ryu
If every developer produced top notch quality titles, then why would we need magazines, reviews, news, and many other things to help us CHOOSE which games to buy? In the manner you are speaking, you make it sound like you want to be able to go to the store, buy any game off the shelf and be satisfied with it and that has never been the case. Did you expect that trend to change this generation? Why should it if developers can still make money off Army Men Games?
Once again more "like" these top notch games. So far it seems that we have some good looking games - a handful - and then a load of really bad ones in comparasion. Its bringing these bad ones up to scratch which would make me happier - rasing the overall quality.
Also we need mags, et al to help us choose cause im only on about graphical capabilities alone. Although to go into gameplay is another thing - the PS2 has far too many rehashes - but no I don\'t use magazines, websites etc to help me choose games on graphics, i use them to find out about the gameplay and that would still continue.
Go back to the PSX launch and its first year of release and show me just how many games are really worth owning nowadays. If you can find more then 10 titles, I\'ll be surprised. Every console starts off slow. You need to look at your console purchase as an investment beyond it\'s first year. Don\'t be so short-sighted, RichGUK. There\'s 4 years left in the PS2\'s life roughly. If 15 games come out in its first year that are worth owning (we still have sept and oct left before its one year US anniversary), then just imagines how many more we can tack onto that in the next 3-4 years. If you have 40 PS2 games in your library that you consider must-haves or relatively good games, then I think the console has done its job. The PSX did, the N64 did, the DC did, the Saturn did, but it took the consoles entire life span to truly reach those standards. Just see the big picture, I think you are just being far too judgemental of the past 300 days of the consoles life rather then the future 1100 days.
Yeah I agree to some extend. My brother owned a Sega Saturn and although looking back he would have sooner got the PSX he still felt he was able to purchase enough quality games to make the investment worth while.
I must stress though im not judging the PS2 on good games in terms of gameplay. I agree that its hard for a console not to have enough games to make it worth while. Even if it only had 2 games a year, over 5 years is 10 games worth purchasing. Im simply stating that the graphical capabilities of the console haven\'t been up to scratch thus far. Maybe it will get better maybe it won\'t but simply put in my opinion im a tad disapointed with what i\'ve seen so far in terms of graphical achievments.
Besides the handful of games thats been mentioned many times so far in this post alone, the rest are on a par with my old 200Mhz 3dfx 1 - if that.
In a sense we aren\'t really debating. We sort of talking about two different things aren\'t we? Im not being short sighted, I can perfectly grasp the fact that the PS2 has life left in it to improve - which is what your saying.
You haven\'t actually told us your opinion, just made excuses on why it could be like it is - yes you have said that its a new console and other consoles in history of gaming have taken time to show their true colours - but what is your opinion on what you have seen so far on the PS2 ? Good bad ? Better or worse than you expected ?
New console or not, hard to develop for or not, I expected the overall quality of games in the graphics department only to be higher thats all im saying.