You mis-read my post. The PS2 is not nearly as powerful as xbox or GC--CPU included. So in essence, I\'m agreeing with you.
All these buzz words that Sony fed us are BS if you ask me. All these "hiden" features and abilities is Sony\'s way of covering up their shoddy system archetecture. The PS2 is a good system, but it is outclassed by the GC and Xbox. I\'m confident that I\'ll get another year out of it (2 max) before the GC and xbox start out pacing it in terms of graphics and games.
I was on this end with the genesis too. It was a great system, but slowly it began to show its age and the SNES started to look better and better. After a while it became aparent that 3rd party developers did SNES ports to the Genesis as an afterthought and the quality just wasn\'t there. After that it wasn\'t long before the SNES was in the lead (in terms of system sales desipte being incredibly far behind when it was released.)
I am not really comforted by the lead that Sony has. Sony sold this many consoles in a year and a half. It is not inconceivable that the xbox or GC can match that (or at least post impressive numbers--preorders alone for the xbox are impressive). Especially since the PS2 will not be able to go toe to toe with these newer consoles in a year or so I just think the casual gamer--motivated by graphics alone--will go with a newer system.
I also think that like the snes/genesis race, numbers sold is not an accurate figure in terms of active PS2 owners. I purchased a SNES after it became evident that the better games were coming out for the SNES. After that I didn\'t buy anymore games for the Genesis. Therefore, even though I was counted as a Genesis owner, I no longer patronized the system. This may not be the case now, but as PS2 owners buy GCs or Xboxes, it may become a factor. The past generation was won by exclusives, but this generation will be won by graphics because there are far fewer exclusives this generation. Once devs release games for multiple systems and the PS2 is the worst looking version, I can\'t see the casual gamer going with the PS2.
I realize this is not a popular opinion around here, but I can\'t think the PS2 is untouchable.