Hmmmm... Altered can put up a decent argument, but he does not truly know his stuff MM, with all due respect.
First of all, Eik makes a great point. *nods to Eik* Nintendo has never been "falling" they are one of the few companies to pull massive and consistent profits year in and year out.
Yeah, we both agree that the top loading NES was the way to go, I believe it
was top loading in Japan, from the beginning, right?
The SuperScope was the best of its kind at that time, that is undeniable. It was fun, sporty, and functional. (And if you have any doubts that it will kick ass in Super Smash Brothers Melee, then you and I will have true issues between us!
The demise of the SNES CD Playstation is a much longer story than that, involving 3 parties actually, not just Nintendo and Sony. You could easily find all of the info out there. Perhaps the greatest reason that the deal fell through was because Sony\'s lawyers were trying to gain certain liberties over the add on that Nintendo was not willing to give them (and rightfully so, any SNES add on should be managed by Nintendo, not the manufacturer.) As for your "jumping onto the bandwagon" argument, the fact that in the end they
did not market a flawed CD Add On like Sega did means that for whatever reason, they wound up making the right choice in the end.
True the C Buttons of the N64 were very much like the crappy XBox buttons of today, but at least M$ has no excuse, the N64 was one generation ago. And Miyamoto designed the N64 (and GCN) pads, unfortunately, where as the GCN pad was developed to be versatile and functional, the N64 pad was designed to work perfectly with one game, Super Mario 64. On a minor and unrelated note: I happily, had no issues with the closeness and small size of the buttons, but I do know that it was an issue with many, many others.
The D Pad was a Nintendo innovation. Digital buttons in the shape of a circle do not make a D Pad. The D Pad was obviously an evolution of the more flawed technologies of the earlier systems, but Nintendo was the first one to incorporate a
universally comfortable and functional design, allowing easy access to all 8 compass directions without barely a movement of the finger. The D Pad was probably the most significant contribution to gaming controls of the 80s.
Likewise was the N64 Analogue 3D Stick a similarly massive contribution to the 90s. Yes, analogue control was around before that. Your mouse is analogue, and some of those early systems also had forms of analogue control, mainly slippery, greasy, non-centering "thumb" circle thingies. But again, Nintendo was the first one to take that technology, turn it into a pseudo-joystick format that not only was comfortable, but worked for the 3D world the way the D Pad worked for the 2D world. Again, Nintendo changed the way we play games. That\'s innovation, me friends.