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Author Topic: The PS2 will not stand a chance....  (Read 9167 times)

Offline Tshirts
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....
« on: November 05, 2001, 05:47:50 AM »
Although I have been vemently labeled biased and such....

It doesn\'t matter....

The fallacies in many fanboys is their inability to see from a more broader general viewpoint...

To me, I don\'t give a sh*t who wins the console war....

Sony fanboys have a more favorable proposition.  Ask yourself, who is actually more biased?  The neutral guy or the Sony *fanboy*?

In every single generation of consoles, there is a transcending console that strays from the medium and transgresses to the top.

The top categories that are the focal determining points of a successful console are:

1.  Graphics

Sony failed to capitalized on this sector.  Simply put, the system looks like sh*t.  90% of the launch games on the GC and Xbox already looks better than 60% of the games on the PS2.  Many fanboys would point out such gems as Metal Gear Solid 2, GT3, and Devil May Cry as a focal graphical standpoint for the PS2.  That is the fanboy viewpoint and it is biased as such.  The average mean should be the determining factor and not the select few *top* titles.  If we used Shenmue and Soul Caliber as the focal graphical standard for the Dreamcast, it would still be the *best* looking console today.  My point being is, if the graphics already look this *good* today, imagine the disparity down the line when the developers have fully harnessed both the GC and Xbox.  If 2nd generation PS2 games only equal first generation GC and Xbox games, doesn\'t that mean the system is *technically* one generation behind?

2.  Support

The PS2 has an abundance of support but in direct constrast with the Xbox, it doesn\'t stray too far from any real advantages.  Every single franchisee has already found their way or is going to another console.  Microsoft and Nintendo both have in house personal developements that can serve as exclusives....although the PS2 has a couple, such as GT3 and TM, it is a relatively small number and is incapable of carrying the system on its own.

That is not a big issue though....

The main problem here is the level of commitment and loyality faithful companies are displaying toward Sony.  They are no longer exclusive, and many of the once great, exclusive PSX franchises are finding their way onto multiple consoles.

One factor:

The difficult architect of the hardware.  What it boils down to is the preference of the programmers.  Preference goes a long way.  For years, developers like Treasure stayed with the Sega Genesis because of the easy-to-program architecture.  One of the main downfalls of the Saturn was its hard-to-program architecture and one of the greatest advantage of the PSX was its easy-to-program architecture.

Why is Namco praising the GC?

The easy-to-program architecture.

Many fanboys will argue with you and say "it doesn\'t matter how hard it is, if they are getting paid for it they will do it".....

That is a huge misconception.  Microsoft and Nintendo both have the funds to render and match whatever Sony offers to these programmers.  Money is not an issue for this generation unlike the past with Sega.

Last factor:  History is a cycle.

When you look back at every generation of console, the leading company *never* continues their dominance....

Many will cite "but the PS2 will be different"...

I beg to differ.  How is the generation of the Nes compared to the 16-bit be any different from the 32-bit to the 128-bit?  It is a cycle.  The industrial leader always gets beaten by a newcomer.  Nintendo did it to Atari with the Nes, Sega did it to Nintendo with the Genesis, Sony did it to Sega/Nintendo(only because Sega dropped out of the race early to launch the Saturn), and Microsoft *will* do it to Sony.

How do I know?  The industrial leader always sticks to a simple, tried and true, no-risk formula.  They think they can repeat the same success with the same "rules" in a transcending industry.  That is why they fail.  They fail to realize the rapidity of growth in a technological industry like ours.  Why isn\'t Nintendo a leader today?  They stick to Mario and Zelda and the "child market".  Why will Sony fail?  They are not transcending the industry forward.  We are not playing the PSX anymore and they don\'t realize that.

Fanboys will also cite "how can anyone top 20 million consoles"...

Simple.  Through time.  No console ever wins in their first year.  How long did it take the Genesis to lead.....2-3 years.  PSX?  2-3 years....the cycle will repeat.  Microsoft will get a strong hold on the market, and through time, they will carve straight into the PS2\'s dominance.  Nothing happens over night.

I have no doubt in my mind Microsoft will accomplish such a feat from the reasons I gave above.  They are a serious competitor and the PS2 will not stand a chance.....not this generation anyway.

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2001, 06:00:20 AM »
oh god, not again. Please T-Shirts, I don\'t even know you, but your reputation is already as low as it can get.

*Phil goes and reads post*

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2001, 06:30:25 AM »
okay, I am bored - so I will replay to this lame post (can\'t resist.. hehe).

1. Graphics

You are forgeting that the PS2 has a steap learning curve. X-Box and GameCube both feature an easy architecture and DirectX and OpenGL to make programming easier. The PS2 how ever is pretty raw in terms of programming (it\'s tough), but as it showed, the PS2 is the only real inovative console in terms of hardware outthere. It has the newest technology and it\'s heaps more powerful than it seems. I believe that when developers really understand the architecture once, we will see some pretty amazing stuff. Konami, Polyphony, SCE-Liverpool, Capcom and other and smaller developers are already showing off their gift. Thanks to the unique and powerful architecture the PS2 has, I bet it will be just as good as X-box\'s graphics soon.

Something\'s quite ironic though: if Microsoft sais there console is 3 to 4 times more powerful than current consoles (meaning the PS2) and the architecture being so easy, why aren\'t we seing graphics that are surpassing PS2\'s by 3 or 4 times?

2. Support

First parties? *LOL* you\'re kidding right? Gran Turismo is probably the most successful racing series at the moment. Oh wait, Naughty Dog, SCE Liverpool, SCE Cambridge Studios, Team Soho plus a lot of others that are under Sony\'s 2nd party developers. Yep, all exclusives and the games are getting better and better. If you ask me, Sony has every reason to be among the big 3rd parties. All my most anticipated games (take out MGS2 and DMC) are from SCE. I don\'t see the problem...

Yep, it\'s hard to develop for (the PS2), but as developers have stated, it has a steap learning curve and once they have overcome this, things will get a lot better. And it\'s already paying off. Just look at BG:DA and that\'s from a very small developer team. Don\'t worry tshirts, Sony is doing the right thing to make things easier for the developers.

Many fanboys will argue with you and say "it doesn\'t matter how hard it is, if they are getting paid for it they will do it".....

As long as the results are there, it doesn\'t matter. And again, the PS2 isn\'t that hard to make any development nearly as bad as you make it to be. I guess you\'ve been swallowing too much of Larne Lornings (sp?) crap, eh?

3. History is a cycle

What the ****? Oh yeah, I get it: just because "History is a cycle" we should all dumb our PS2s and get a Xbox? Sony won last generation, so it\'s impossible for them to win this one too :rolleyes:

how much pot did you smoke?

Fanboys will also cite "how can anyone top 20 million consoles"...

Simple. Through time. No console ever wins in their first year. How long did it take the Genesis to lead.....2-3 years. PSX? 2-3 years....the cycle will repeat. Microsoft will get a strong hold on the market, and through time, they will carve straight into the PS2\'s dominance. Nothing happens over night.

How long did it take PSX to reach 20 million consoles? PS2 is already the most successful console and it\'s just gettin better. I don\'t see where your problem is, son.

Why will Sony fail? They are not transcending the industry forward. We are not playing the PSX anymore and they don\'t realize that.

Pretty strange. 80 million sold worldwide today and still selling. Games are still in development and coming (Syphon Filter 3, Harry Potter). I think there are a few that might not share your opinion dude... wake up. Life\'s a *****.

I have no doubt in my mind Microsoft will accomplish such a feat from the reasons I gave above. They are a serious competitor and the PS2 will not stand a chance.....not this generation anyway.

Great, then get your Xbox and live happily ever after. I know I will with my PS2. Oh wait, no I can\'t, not enough money to get all those AAA titles this and next month. :D

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2001, 07:12:34 AM »
bah who cares what he says... stop responding to this crap and he\'ll go away and do something more productive with his time (hopefully. doubt it though)

T-Shirts, you\'re entitled to an opinion but stop shoving it down our throats, we know what you think already from that review you
posted a few weeks back...

Offline 182Ways
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2001, 08:17:17 AM »
I only got down to..

Although I have been vemently labeled biased and such....

It doesn\'t matter....

..before I realized that it wasn\'t worth my time to read the rest of Tshirts\' little boy rant.

Tshirts,  We don\'t care.

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2001, 09:03:37 AM »
What a waste of my time, your an idiot TShirts, I didn\'t always agree with people bashing you, but now I know why they did

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2001, 09:29:51 AM »
lol.  That was pretty funny.  Tshirts was trying to find anything to bash the PS2 for -- even if it isn\'t a problem.  I think Seven did a good job throwing what Tshirts said back at him.  I wonder if Tshirts will come back and respond or just not come back until he has something else fanboyish to say.
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2001, 09:41:16 AM »
tshirt =  "open mouth, insert foot"
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2001, 09:58:05 AM »
There can be NO SONY Fanboys since the PSX/PS2 are casual gamers machines:p :p :p :p :p :p :bounce: :bounce:

...God am I bored...:rolleyes:
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2001, 10:04:24 AM »
Great post T-Shirt.

Someone posts an educated analysis of what could happen in the coming years and people jump all over him for it. Get your respective heads out of your collective asses.
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2001, 10:04:48 AM »
C\'mon guys.

Thirts has a point here. Let us all toss aside our PS2\'s, or trade them into EB to get our Xbox\'s. I know I don\'t want all those crappy games that have been released and the rest that follow. Who needs that porn star Solid Snake, when I can have Munch. If it wasn\'t for true and open-minded gamers such as Tshirts, we would be stuck with our blasphemous PS2. Thank you Tshirts, I applaud your post, and I have seen the light.


/ dm /

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2001, 10:16:43 AM »
tshirt, or gohan

explain this comment

Microsoft will get a strong hold on the market

how do u plan on xbox getting strong hold on market, WHEN PS2 ALREADY HAS IT IN ITS FRICKIN HANDS

the market, is OWNED by sony

the xbox, WILL NEVER match the PS2\'s userbase
its a year late, plain and simple

can the xbox do anything short of "earthshattering" that the PS2 cant handle?  i lost all respect when i found out halo does not run at 60 FPS.  thats all it took for me

i might be a fine little system, and it might keep yer insecurities warm at night, but the prognosis stands that MOST consoles are bought by parents, and MOST kids do not want an XBOX for xmas.

[/end rant]
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

Offline 182Ways
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2001, 10:16:46 AM »
Originally posted by Gohan
Great post T-Shirt.

Someone posts an educated analysis of what could happen in the coming years and people jump all over him for it. Get your respective heads out of your collective asses.

Umm.. no.  

Little Tshirts here gave us a lame look into the future, stating that he apparently knows how the PS2 will "not stand a chance".  You expect us to salute his post when it does nothing more than take up server space?

The industrial leader always gets beaten by a newcomer.... and Microsoft *will* do it to Sony.

Give me a break.  This is almost as bad as that one from awhile ago that went something like, "All the consoles of the past that were black have fallen to competition, and the PS2 will be no different."

This is your idea of an educated analysis, Gohan?

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2001, 10:22:28 AM »

I guess people were fooled by Gohan\'s sarcasm. :)

/ dm /

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2001, 10:36:52 AM »
Hey hey hey, I waited for the :rolleyes: to load in his post.  

I didn\'t feel like debating whether or not he was being sarcastic, but I did feel like increasing my post count.  Yeah.


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