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Author Topic: The PS2 will not stand a chance....  (Read 9247 times)

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2001, 05:51:32 PM »
Originally posted by mm
tippedweb, i like you already

please dont insult the neogeo by comparing it to the xbox

i always stated the 3DO was more akin to micro$ofts offering

Oops!  Sorry about that! :)  I do love SNK but never did buy into their system.  However, I did buy into the 3DO.... oh those days of Need For Speed and the first 3D FIFA kicked ass!  Until they died.  Oh wait... isn\'t that what\'s gonna happen to... nevermind. ;)

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2001, 06:46:03 PM »

Noone is worth a response.  Ryu almost got me there.  Close but no cigar.

Offline IronFist
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2001, 06:47:50 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
I still do not see the XBox being a successful console after the XBox accually shows off its games running at 30fps:laughing:

Hmmm, that\'s funny.  I thought Waverace was running at 30fps too.  It\'s not that funny anymore, is it?

EDIT: Tshirts just admitted that he has been beat.  Of course, the fanboy inside of him prevents him from coming out and saying it, but you get the idea. :)
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2001, 07:16:08 PM »

Noone is worth a response. Ryu almost got me there. Close but no cigar.

I like how you stepped away from the thread entirely and declared yourself the winner of the debate without even... ya know... debating.  Very very nice tactic.  Without even offering a rebuddle, you somehow, in your opinion, won the arguement.  That has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen.
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2001, 07:58:01 PM »
Well, you guys did a good job to defend the PS2 (though it was relatively easy :D ).
I`d just like to remind that the Xbox will be $450-470 when it launches in europe... games wil be $70 -80. That will not help to outsell the PS2.

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2001, 08:01:37 PM »
You guys must have Microsoft confused with some other company.

They won\'t LET it fail. They will pump money into it until it turns a profit. Also, if they keep getting great exclusives like Project Ego, Shenmue II, and Halo, it will be a good console to me.

I don\'t really care what anyone else thinks, the system WILL have great games, and it WILL be around for a long while, probably longer than GC, since sales have been crap in Japan as of late.

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2001, 08:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
They won\'t LET it fail. They will pump money into it until it turns a profit. Also, if they keep getting great exclusives like Project Ego, Shenmue II, and Halo, it will be a good console to me.

If the Xbox is doing nothing but losing Microsoft\'s money, of course Microsoft will just drop it.  Sure, they will put a lot of money in it, and try and try to make it successful, but if they can\'t make that money back, I\'m sure they won\'t hesitate to scrap it.  But that probably won\'t happen.  It is very unlikely that the Xbox flops.
I don\'t really care what anyone else thinks, the system WILL have great games, and it WILL be around for a long while, probably longer than GC, since sales have been crap in Japan as of late.

Maybe you just didn\'t notice this, but I think it\'s worth pointing out.  The NGC is blowing the Xbox away in Japan.  Obviously I\'m trying to prove a point.  It isn\'t fair to base the success of the Xbox on how the NGC is doing in Japan, because we haven\'t seen if the Xbox has what it takes either.  

The Xbox will be fighting an uphill battle this Christmas in America too because there will be more NGC units out and the NGC will be $100 less -- a perfect pick for Santa Claus. :)
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2001, 09:07:25 PM »
From the looks of it here in europe is that xbox will be dead on arrival, a 299 pounds system cannot compete with 199 when it launches in 2002. The gamecube will be the only (and I belive it will be a tough fight for sony) for ps2. Xbox keeps screwing us eauropeans over :( :mad:

how can xbox win without europe and japans support?
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Or do you believe in me??

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2001, 09:49:26 PM »
Originally posted by Metal_Gear_Ray
how can xbox win without europe and japans support? [/B]

I don\'t think Microsoft realizes they don\'t own the gaming world like the do the computer world.  They are depending on the US to worship them and buy millions of units, but most Americans still think of Sega, Nintendo, and Sony when they think of gaming consoles.  

I am actually pretty excited for the launch of the Xbox.  This is one thing that I have no idea how well it will do.  Usually I can predict things that will happen just with common knowledge, but I honestly have no idea what is going to happen, and have no leads to believe either way.  The Xbox could actually be very successful because of how powerful and easy to program it is.  But it could also flop because of the hold Sony and Nintendo have on gamers worldwide.  

When is the launch?  November 15th or something?  The anticipation is killing me...
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2001, 01:24:56 AM »
as usual, i agree wholeheartedly withy altered_beast

i dont think he xbox will crash and burn, but it most certainly will not topple the PS2

the xbox does has some nice looking game coming out, and i will be forced to get one eventually if i wanna continue my two favorite franchises, shenmue and oddworld
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2001, 03:19:05 AM »
T-shirt speaks the truth. Sony messed uped. Whether sony drones want to admit it or not they messed uped. Ms and nintendo are in the perfect position to over throw. And I am with you on the graphic thing. That is all a lot ppl throw up on this forum is MGS2,TMB,GT3,dmc PS2 has great graphics....hahaha 4 games and the system has great graphics. I agree 200% on that note. But t-shirt on a ps2 forum you never going to get honest answers. They site lives breaths and dies ps2 you 98% of the ppl on this forum would never admit to anything sony does wrong. A lot of ppl here claim to be multi-console but I find that hard to believe. The way some ppl here love there ps2 is shocking. I have no love for no console especially when there are two other great consoles on the way. If you where honest you would have to keep a honest mind but some ppl just love sony and they would never say anything wrong about them.

But I think Ms and nintendo will have to start cranking out the games. 2002 ps2 has no big huge franchise coming out. With the rumored ffx after christmas. 2002 would be a great time for nintenod and ms to crank out the titles. And nintendo has been critisized a lot for it\'s lack on games. Nintendo will have to put the peddle to the meddle.
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2001, 03:41:56 AM »
For gods sake QuDDus!!

:laughing: :laughing:

I expected more from you. :yawn:
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2001, 04:45:34 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
I have no love for no console especially when there are two other great consoles on the way. [/B]

2 great consoles  ..... one maybe in some peoples books but not 2 it cant be next you will be telling me that they will be released within days of each other ....

Alright name them !

i don\'t beleve you that there are 2 great console comming out soon, never have i heard anything more God damn Ridiculous.


:p :clown: :p
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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2001, 07:06:55 AM »
I will point out the main reasons why I am not replying to most of you.....

I don\'t believe in senseless contentions that focus on insignificant subjective matters....

You can go on with your opinions on why the PS2 is the greatest console ever with persuasive examples supporting your argument. I can care less. To me, I am way past that. I don\'t waste my time arguing over subjective matters that cannot be dislodge. It is your opinion, and getting into any mudslinging of that sort is ludicrous, blind fanboyism that is irrefutable. It is a waste of time.

If you really want a response from me, I suggest delving deeper into the heart of the industry and using an almost intuitive form of intelligence to philophosize the outcome of it. It will be radically different from everyone\'s viewpoint because it is your own.

Currently only 1 person in here hold such merit .....Ryu.

The rest of you guys....

.......argue over some of the smallest, most minute crap that has no end and no significance. It seems like you are arguing just for the sake of argument. One guy will say this game has better graphics, the next guy will come in and cite another game.....it is really pathetic and many of you fail to realize subjective matters can never be argue because there is neither a right nor a wrong....

Why not bring it to the next level and use your intuitive intelligence to gather facts and data and come up with your own theories about the industry...

It will definitely make this forum a lot more interesting.....

Fanboys flaming each other back and forth tends to get boring y\'know....

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The PS2 will not stand a chance....(Merged)
« Reply #44 on: November 06, 2001, 07:25:14 AM »

I think you failed to realize something.

Most of us don\'t give a flying f\'ck as to what you think or have to say. You\'re as biased as they come and every single thread you have started is to trash Sony. Get over it, no one takes you seriously, and they only reply over their own boredom. Go back to your M$ lair where people might think otherwise.

/ dm /


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