and they have had "how long" to get these games in preperation? no excuse!
ok, to kill any insults you xbox sheep have inside yer mind
[size=36]I AM BUYING AN XBOX![/size]
like hell, ill pay micro$oft full price for it, but how else can i continue my favorite game of all time Shenmue?
ill just wait till some dumb parent buys it for thier dumber kid, cause he\'s whining he wants the xbox cause he saw this "kewl" commercial for it, that didnt show ANY gameplay or screenshots. but then he realized he wanted a kiddie cube instead, so the "dumb" parent will be forced to make a trip to funcoland [ie. videogameland of ignorant bliss]. so all in all, my friend that works there [for the discount, and to mock [dumb] parents] will call me and sell me my xbox at a HUGE discount. phew!
so, flame all ya want xbox zealots
ya got no fuel, kids