Saw this at gaming age........btw this is from igninsider.....
Fantastic intro movies, excellent camera angles. Ending movies are cool, but they don\'t make too much sense... worthy seen though (especially Helena\'s... WOOF). 9.3
There are not enough words to praise the visual glory. Apart from some very minor glitches here and there, only Halo rivals the graphic quality of DOA3. 9.9
I don\'t dig Aerosmith too much, but the in-game fighting music is pretty good. Excellent sound effects whether it\'s stone breaking apart, or your spine breaking apart. 9.0
Less memorization, more tactical gameplay. Innovative use of 3D environments and a tag team mode feature that is extremely addictive. 9.5
Lasting Appeal
If the game suffers anywhere, it\'s here. The extra modes are okay and while you need to work hard, there\'s stuff to unlock. But with the intuitive controls, grab three buddies and tag team owns you. 8.9
OVERALL SCORE (not an average)
From the IGN review...
"For the last few years, the Dead Or Alive series has been the third-stringer in the 3D fighting game world as Tekken and Virtua Fighter battled it out. Even now, there\'s a pretty sizeable percentage of gamers that prejudge Dead Or Alive 3 as a cheap thrill featuring big-breasted ladies as the main draw, calling it a turbo charged Virtua Fighter 2, or a less flashy Tekken 3. To those gamers, it\'s time to eat those words and welcome, not only a competitor that looks to be the best 3D fighting game, but also the new standard of video gaming. It\'s time to realize that Dead Or Alive 3 is nothing like Virtua Fighter or Tekken but a unique 3D fighting game that will definitely change both the way we see the next generation of 3D fighting games, but sets the standard for quality on the Xbox. Welcome to the next level."
Sweet it got a 9.4!!!!! I must have this game.
:thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp: