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Author Topic: Damn you Sony!  (Read 10562 times)

Offline GmanJoe

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« Reply #105 on: November 24, 2001, 09:13:13 PM »
The only thing I liked about Shenmue was playing the old Sega games in the arcade. The rest was pretty boring. Go to work, ask question, come back later, go to work.....crikey. I don\'t know what there was to enjoy about that game. It had so much potential.....but the execution was a snore fest.

At least in MGS2, there was the sniping to protect Emma, laying of claymores for good old pranks, taking dog tags, luring guards, good old strategy.

Shenmue had no strategy at all. All graphics and not much play.
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« Reply #106 on: November 24, 2001, 09:59:48 PM »
Shenmue has far more gameplay and is far longer of a game.

Well, I guess this will turn into a MGS vs Shenmue thread.

MGS takes about 12-15 hrs to beat. Same for Shenmue, so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. And Shenmue is repetitve as hell, \'Have you seen the black dog\' .. \'About the woman with no eye..\' blah blah. Repeat that a hundred times just so the game can progress. Scene opens up, press \'X\' ,.. press Right, press \'Y\' .. So Beasty, no offense man, but you are talking out of your @$$. Shenmue is great and I f\'cking love it, but don\'t take away from MGS when Shenmue is loaded with problems. And don\'t give me that crap that the 3rd disc is great, yeah it is, but it shouldn\'t take 2 discs of repetitiveness to get there.

You don\'t like MGS, that\'s fine. But don\'t pretend that Shenmue is perfect, when it\'s far from it.

/ dm /

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« Reply #107 on: November 24, 2001, 10:04:11 PM »
MGS2 - I completed it in way under 15 hours. I can\'t remember off the top of my head, but I know that I played Shenmue longer than that! Damn those arcade games!

more gameplay, as in actually playing time. MGS2 has many more cutscenes and much more length in the cutscenes. In Shenmue I found myself wanting to skip only one, yet about everytime a cutscene would come on in MGS2 it went on for what seemed like hours.

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #108 on: November 24, 2001, 10:33:48 PM »

Fair enough. But how much time was spent in Shenmue running from person to person asking the same exact question?

Or the time with your job, the same damn race every morning, and the same pick up crate, place crate. It was fun @ first, but it did get tiring.

Now spending time @ the arcade was an extra. :) That doesn\'t equate into actual gametime, IMO. Anyhow, it\'s like beating a dead horse, you don\'t think MGS is a great game, and it\'s not my job to convince you otherwise. The point is, Shenmue has problems, and there are plenty of reasons why someone wouldn\'t like it.

/ dm /

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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #109 on: November 24, 2001, 11:52:09 PM »
This is a total vent about both games that I really need to get off my chest on this one so bear with me, there just may be a point after all this... and maybe not. ;)

I\'ll start with MGS2 though since that seems to be the much larger game in terms of scope and the scheme of things, but don\'t forget I am a pure MGS whore so I may just miss a few issues.


The Codec

I think we can all agree that the Codec was probably the worst part of MGS2 substituting heavy amounts of dialogue that would have been much more interesting as a cut-scene then anything else.  Looking at a face discuss issues and theories doesn\'t inspire me to delve deeper into the game.  Where are the interesting plot driven and intense scenes present in the first MGS?  Just how many scenes got your blood pumping like when the Ninja first appeared and cut the ARMSTECH president loose from the C4 or when Wolf put Meryl down in the first half of the game or when Mantis manipulated the dual shock and made you think he had true psychokinetic powers?  Sure, the Fission Mailed scene was funny, but Emma Emmerich was in the game for about 30 minutes before getting whiped out and I could care less for her safety after that, especially since I got to know her through stupid nanomachines.

The Ending

After hearing about the Patriots objective with the S3 plan and Arsenal Gear, I could care less about anything else.  Now I have to fight Solidus to save some child that can be used against me later?  What for?  Oh, and don\'t forget that dramatic plot twist that happened at the last second about Jack\'s parents being killed by Solidus... Could we have taken any longer to show that event?

You\'re all probably wondering why I didn\'t mention the Solid Snake to Raiden transition for 75% of the game, but the truth is, that didn\'t bother me at all.  I had fun with Snake in MG, MG2, MGS, and a section of MGS2, I don\'t need him anymore, especially since the game plays off the fact that he really is getting old.  It felt more real to me to be playing as someone new rather than the same old guy and I enjoyed the transition.

Now for Shenmue...

Mini Games

No matter how fun Hang-On, Space Harrier, or Darts can be, I will get bored after playing on them moreso than the actual game waiting for stores to open, people to be available, or before I go to work.  Sometimes, gameplay can be had in a realm that is trying to present the player with reality.  Take MGS for example... a game that plays off of heavy real-world events and themes, yet maintains a strong sense of gameplay within.  "Turn the game console off right now!"  No matter how real it is, it\'s still just a game and when people get bored of waiting for everyone else, they\'re going to want a few more options then a mini arcade.

The Lack of Gameplay

QTE... fights... explore... anything else?  QTEs are incredibly fast and fights are even faster including the final battle which takes about three minutes or so to complete and this coupled with heavy spacing in between then just doesn\'t keep me interested.  Exploring a real-world is great and all, but once I talk to lady A about thing B and visit place C, I feel like I\'m running errands rather than actually playing a game.  The game is immersive, no doubt about that, but in my opinion, gameplay wise, I just find it hard to have a ton of fun playing something when most of the time is spent waiting for a shop to open, the sun to go down, or a random event.  It just doesn\'t hook me, sadly.

Even though I am greatly anticipating Shenmue 2 and the scene where you and what appears to be a gang-member are handcuffed together, I still fear that it will be like the original Shenmue and lack the qualities that I desire for a game to truly be great.

What\'s the point after all that?  Both games have faults.  They both appear to improve on their predecessors greatly, but in no way are they absolutely perfect.  I have gripes about them both and to say either is the best game ever is just ludicrous in my opinion.  They\'re both great in their own way and that\'s all the point I am trying to make.  I greatly respect Altered and LiC\'s opinion on MGS (that the series is overrated) but I don\'t think Shenmue is much better after having to hear you say that.  Just being honest.
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« Reply #110 on: November 25, 2001, 12:27:32 AM »
I think the only difference I had in playing both games is in Shenmue, I WANTED to see the next cutscene or talk to the next guy. In MGS2, I wanted to actually play. I wanted to snipe, sneek, and shoot, but the game wouldn\'t let me, because otherwise I would miss the preachy story that lies within. I could only bear being interrupted so many times, after that, it just got silly.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline GmanJoe

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« Reply #111 on: November 25, 2001, 06:33:50 AM »
Not much replay value for Shenmue. Though I liked the game (to a point), I honestly couldn\'t play it again. As for MGS2, oh man...the second time through, press the square button and it will skip the entire codec dialogue! :D

And with Emma bent over like that, I couldn\'t resist but to have Raiden stand directly in front of her....or behind. :p HA!
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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« Reply #112 on: November 25, 2001, 07:03:14 PM »
All good things must come to an end and then there\'s this thread.

Well anyway, I don\'t like it that Sony went after Bleem! or Napster.  In fact, going after Napster pissed me off largely.  And I don\'t give a rat\'s ass if you call me a pirate or not (just not an ass-pirate).

That\'s 2 things Sony did that I don\'t like, and add to that jerking me around on their 1-800 #.  But at least that story had a happy ending.

So if you ask me if I like Sony my answer is, "I like my PS2".
And if you ask me if I like Microsoft my answer is, "Maybe the X-box"
And if you ask me if I sexually harass my female coworkers my answer is, "Am I on tape?"
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #113 on: November 26, 2001, 02:30:09 AM »
just not an ass-pirate


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« Reply #114 on: November 26, 2001, 05:03:11 AM »
i am a wee bit scared i mean i just found this on penny arcade and i am filled with dread that it could happen here too.

Taken from well over a year ago BTW ;)
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« Reply #115 on: November 26, 2001, 06:07:55 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast

http://www.konami.co.jp/cs/new/pngsdw/ns-xb.html (hope you have japanese text turned on)


Eric Jacob

Yes, gamespot.. Old news, I read that. But I also remember that Gamespot was one of the only one to say that it\'s "official". All the others at the time still said that it\'s something between part 1 and 2... so MGS 1.5 perhaps.

Do you have anything else that is OFFICIAL? Like perhaps something from a Konami press release? This proves nothing I\'m affraid. Get me that official info first, then I\'ll believe it.

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« Reply #116 on: November 26, 2001, 06:27:49 AM »

That\'s the official BBS.  Here are two posts and two replys that are interesting...

Hallo. I have a question about Metal gear Solid 2. Will Metal Gear Solid 2 com on the X-Box. Thanks for you time.

Hideo Kojima  
Yes, the announcement was made.

I am the webmaster for MetalGear.Net and many of my readers have expressed their concerns of rumors about MGS2:SOL going on different platforms such as the Nintendo Game Cube, X-Box (naturally), not just the PS2. Is there any truth to this? If so, which system have you decided on, and if not which systems are you looking at for this possibility.Thank you for your time.

Hideo Kojima  
MGS2 Sons of Liberty is for PS2. The program is so "tricky" that the game cannot be ported to a different console.
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« Reply #117 on: November 26, 2001, 08:31:46 AM »
Perhaps it is a totally new build of the game then? Or a whole new game together?

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #118 on: November 26, 2001, 11:21:50 AM »
I couldn\'t type what I thought it meant this morning because I was in such a rush to get out of the house, but, I can say why now. :)

I believe a port refers to a game being altered only slightly in order to play properly on a different console.  However, since the PS2, the GCN, and the X-Box have architectures that differ greatly, simply porting the game would be impossible.  They need to create a whole new graphical engine in order to make it work on the X-Box.  I\'m sure it will have much higher res textures, FSAA, and whatever other added extras Konami is planning to make the game seem like a worthwhile purchase.  The only concern I have is with the X-Box controller.  There are only two pressure sensitive buttons on that thing while the PS2 controller has 8 and at least 4 of those are used to some degree in the final build.  Perhaps an all new controller for the game?  I highly doubt it, but there\'s a chance or they will jsut have to make sacrifices.

Anyways, to settle the debate, the X-Box is getting a version of Metal Gear Solid 2 that will have plenty of extras that I will be first in line to buy even though I have played the PS2 version to death now.  Hey, what do you expect from an MGS whore? ;)
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« Reply #119 on: November 26, 2001, 11:55:31 AM »
thanks Ryu. it makes more sense now. Guess we all will just have to wait and see how MGSX shapes up to be. I for one am quite interested, although I won\'t (never) purchase a Xbox.


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