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Author Topic: Damn you Sony!  (Read 11130 times)

Offline AlteredBeast
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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #75 on: November 21, 2001, 08:59:06 PM »
something being piracy and something that allows piracy are 2 entirely different things.

JP - there is no way I could prove to you that I made you look stupid. Nobody has the freewill to allow their conscious to see something totally from the outside.

I can provide links, if you really want, but it is pretty null. When people have a stupid opinion or misconception about something, I correct it for them. After, if they choose to support their original initiative, that is there problem, they will just look like jackasses for it.

after your first remark, you never posted. Perhaps out of lack of caring. but more probable is that you know what a dumbass statement that was. You know you never got passed the first disc, if even played the game at all. It isn\'t like we haven\'t agreed before. It seems like you spite Sega because of me. Read this thread below.

This is a thread where I make an ass out of mejilan.

and here I defend Nintendo. (yup, I am a Sega fanboy! :rolleyes:) And I hate Nintendo worse than mm because they are the number one reason that the glorious 8-bit wonder, SMS didn\'t win in America. Nintendo used monopolistic measures to gain all third party support. I have also defended Soy numerous times, as I have MS, I dont think I need to pull up links to these, since I already know I am not a fanboy. I know more about games than nearly everyone on this forum, as comes with owning tons of games, systems, etc, over the many years I have played. I have played and determined over the years that nobody can make a game like Sega can. People bash them, so I defend them, it is really simple. If people don\'t bash their works of art, I wouldn\'t have to bring them up. My judgement is no more clouded than yours is. The only difference is I have NEVER spammed, also I know when a topic needs to be closed, moved, or deleted. There would be two topics in the main forum in here and I would get to the MGS2/GTA3/etc. in there respective forums faster because I am on these boards probably more than anyone, usually up until 2 or 3 am.

Making people look like jackasses is half the fun of proving your point.

/end rant

I still don\'t grasp how you guys are happy that Sony\'s lawyers (essentially) shut down a company that was making money for them. Just like Abe Lincoln said...

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline IronFist
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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #76 on: November 22, 2001, 01:56:22 AM »
Gather \'round you overgrown children.  It\'s time for a story about Bleem: The little engine that could not, and Sony: The really fat guy in the caboose. (he he he, I\'m so funny)

Once upon a time (1998), in a land far away (California), two people came up with an idea that would change the way PSX games were looked at forever.  Randy Linden and David Herpolsheimer programmed a thing called "Bleem!" that could not only play PSX games on the PC, but could also play them using the graphical capabilities of the next gen graphics cards.  When the first beta release was exposed to the public, PC fans rejoiced.  No PSX emulator was as stable, easy to install, or gave nearly as much of a graphical enhancement as Bleem did.  Of course, with all this excitement on emulated PSX games on the PC, Sony\'s brow was raised.

How big and successful could this "Bleem!" program get?  What effect could this have on the PSX and its software?  Out of probably fear alone, Sony took action.  Not unlike Microsoft, Sony wanted to eliminate the threat before it got too big.  But unlike Microsoft, Sony took the "suing" rout instead of the "buying out" rout.  Sony quickly found out though that Suing Bleem wouldn\'t be as easy as they initially planned.

In February, 1999, a few days after Sony lost a court battle with Connectix, the makers of a Macintosh PSX emulator called "Virtual Game Station," Bleem launched their software.  "If Sony wants to get litigious with us, it\'ll be very tough," said David Herpolsheimer.  "They have a very, very big stick, and they could bludgeon us to death with lawyers if they want to."  And bludgeon Sony did.  

Court battle after court battle lead to Sony losing again and again.  They tried everything from copyright infringements to trade violations, but it was all in vain.  Because of the way Bleem was made, Sony could not lay a hand on the tiny company.  Bleem was completely reverse engineered from the software down to the hardware, making any argument from Sony worthless.  Because all of Bleem\'s code was 100% original, Sony could not successfully sue them.  "There\'s not a bit of code in there that Sony can say is theirs," he said. "Legally, they don\'t have a leg to stand on," Herpolsheimer said.

Bleem really didn\'t find anything wrong with emulating PSX games on the PC.  They figured it could only help Sony.  "It\'s absolutely the end of this hardware\'s life cycle," Herpolsheimer said. "It\'s a dead platform, it\'s over."  Bleem actually wanted to come to an agreement with Sony:  Because hardware sales were way down, Sony should support emulators and continue making money from licensed games and software development tools.

This went on for more than a year, followed by one big blow from Bleem.  I guess after Sony gave Bleem such a hard time for so long, they wanted to get back at them.  Word got out that a Dreamcast version of Bleem was on the way called "Bleemcast!"  Bleemcast would more than quadruple the Dreamcast\'s library, give most PSX games double their original resolution as well as full-screen anti-aliasing and bi-linear filtering, and would only cost $20 for a pack of 100!  Bleemcast did to PSX games what the PS2 only dreamed of doing, as MM already showed in a picture.  Bleemcast also had some adapters to use Sony controllers on the Dreamcast:

Oh, and what the heck.  Here are two pics comparing a PSX game on the PSX to a Bleemcasted game.  This should give your eyes a rest from reading all that text. :)
PSX: (obviously blown up so the resolution was the same as the Bleemcast pic)


A quote from wired.com:
Herpolsheimer expects the new line to push many "fence sitters" toward the Dreamcast console. "There\'s really no excuse to not own a Dreamcast now.  With top-selling PlayStation games selling for around $20 and Sega\'s new "free Dreamcast" program, you can walk out of the store with a new Dreamcast, plus bleem!, and four best-selling PlayStation games for less than the cost of a new PlayStation."

OUCH!  With the Bleemcast, Bleem delivered an arguably well-deserved blow to Sony.  It hurt PSX sales (slightly), and even more importantly, it made the PS2 look less intriguing.  Not like it mattered though.  The PS2s sales were so strong that even Bleemcast couldn\'t keep PS2s on the shelves.

Delay after delay, reduction after reduction in what Bleemcast had to offer (because of Sony), and Bleemcast was finally released.  Unfortunately, it was really too little too late.  Sony had won in the end.  The small programming team from California was no more.  They went back into their basements and began to think of their next big project.  What diabolical scheme will they come up with next?  We will soon find out...  DUN DUN DUN!

The End

After reading article after article of what Bleem was, and about all the court cases Sony had against them, even a Sony fanboy like me can\'t help but feel sorry for them.  My opinion of Bleem has changed.  If Sony worked with Bleem instead of against them, both companies could be so much more than they are today.  Bleem really could have been beneficial to both companies.  I don\'t blame Sony for what they did, because really, they didn\'t know that this whole thing would turn out like this.  And I still think even Sega would have done the same thing if they were in that position.
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Offline JP
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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #77 on: November 22, 2001, 02:58:20 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
something being piracy and something that allows piracy are 2 entirely different things.

JP - there is no way I could prove to you that I made you look stupid. Nobody has the freewill to allow their conscious to see something totally from the outside.

I can provide links, if you really want, but it is pretty null. When people have a stupid opinion or misconception about something, I correct it for them. After, if they choose to support their original initiative, that is there problem, they will just look like jackasses for it.

after your first remark, you never posted. Perhaps out of lack of caring. but more probable is that you know what a dumbass statement that was. You know you never got passed the first disc, if even played the game at all. It isn\'t like we haven\'t agreed before. It seems like you spite Sega because of me. Read this thread below.

This is a thread where I make an ass out of mejilan.

and here I defend Nintendo. (yup, I am a Sega fanboy! :rolleyes:) And I hate Nintendo worse than mm because they are the number one reason that the glorious 8-bit wonder, SMS didn\'t win in America. Nintendo used monopolistic measures to gain all third party support. I have also defended Soy numerous times, as I have MS, I dont think I need to pull up links to these, since I already know I am not a fanboy. I know more about games than nearly everyone on this forum, as comes with owning tons of games, systems, etc, over the many years I have played. I have played and determined over the years that nobody can make a game like Sega can. People bash them, so I defend them, it is really simple. If people don\'t bash their works of art, I wouldn\'t have to bring them up. My judgement is no more clouded than yours is. The only difference is I have NEVER spammed, also I know when a topic needs to be closed, moved, or deleted. There would be two topics in the main forum in here and I would get to the MGS2/GTA3/etc. in there respective forums faster because I am on these boards probably more than anyone, usually up until 2 or 3 am.

Making people look like jackasses is half the fun of proving your point.

/end rant

I still don\'t grasp how you guys are happy that Sony\'s lawyers (essentially) shut down a company that was making money for them. Just like Abe Lincoln said...

Eric Jacob

Where in that thread did you make me look like a dumbass?
I stated my own personal opinion where I said it was the most overrated game ever. And then you reply with a childish response where you assume I never got past the first disc. I completed it, I\'d never comment like that on a game I\'ve never completed. That would just look stupid. It\'s like this, I have an opinion and when it doesn\'t suit your taste I\'m a dumbass? Yeah right there is one ****ing good reason why you SHOULD NOT be a mod. I never replied coz I simply forgot.

And I do admire some of the details of Shenmue and the effort put in, too bad it\'s lacking seriously in the gameplay department.
And let me use one of your own quotes to describe Shenmue:
"Have fun playing those cut scenes" from a MGS2 thread.
Hypocrite. Shenmue may have a better story and may be more detailed but it\'s still a lesser game than MGS.
I liked Shenmue but it\'s the most overrated game ever IMO.

And one last thing, I love Sega, always loved Sega and never have liked Nintendo all that much.

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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #78 on: November 22, 2001, 04:50:45 AM »
so, we\'re all in agreement

sega = good
nintendo = bad

sums it up nicely
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Offline AlteredBeast
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« Reply #79 on: November 22, 2001, 04:17:45 PM »
"And let me use one of your own quotes to describe Shenmue:
"Have fun playing those cut scenes" from a MGS2 thread.
Hypocrite. Shenmue may have a better story and may be more detailed but it\'s still a lesser game than MGS.
I liked Shenmue but it\'s the most overrated game ever IMO. "

Please quote me on that...please do. Find a link.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline Bozco
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« Reply #80 on: November 22, 2001, 06:30:37 PM »
Well I don\'t think you should be a mod Altered, but you don\'t ever make me look like a jackass, and don\'t try to use this thread as an example because you went off of total assumptions

Offline Ashford
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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #81 on: November 22, 2001, 06:39:01 PM »
I swear...people in here have some kinda reading disability or something.


Did you even read my post where I said I wasn\'t on either side? Yet, you still lump me in the same category as Altered and mm.
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline AlteredBeast
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« Reply #82 on: November 22, 2001, 06:47:37 PM »
Bozco, I have made you look stupid numerous times, this thread only adds to it. What you meant to say and what you SAID were totally different then, because I replied accurately based on what you said. Exactly what you said.

Your opinions always seem so far out of whack it is just funny to hear them and reply to them.

Ashford - talk about it, I have been labeled on this board at various different times a: Nintendo fanboy, XBox fanboy, Sega fanboy, and Sony fanboy. Just because some idiot comes in and I have to dfend some console or another, they choose to believe that if you are for one idea, you MUST be totally against a different side.

Even IronFist has come around slightly after reading the story of bleem! Sony used their money to slowly squeeze the life out of an already tiny company. I just hope that Connectix doesnt have the same thing happen to them.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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« Reply #83 on: November 22, 2001, 06:50:31 PM »
Altered, you make stupid assumptions and take them as fact, thats funny

Offline IronFist
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« Reply #84 on: November 22, 2001, 10:24:01 PM »
Originally posted by Ashford
I swear...people in here have some kinda reading disability or something.


Did you even read my post where I said I wasn\'t on either side? Yet, you still lump me in the same category as Altered and mm.

I still lump you in the same category?  When did I lump you in the category after you posted that you were a multi console gamer?  Don\'t accuse me of having a reading disability, because you are the one seeing things that aren\'t there.

I just reread through my posts, and the closest thing I could find to what you are claiming is this:
I don\'t like Bleem because it hurts Sony, whether Altered/MM/Ashford are willing to accept that or not.

Is this what you interpreted as me calling you a Sega fanboy?  Hmmm...

BTW, Altered and MM are not nearly big enough zealots to be considered Sega fanboys.  I was saying that they were bigger fanboys than most of us here, but they still play other systems, so are not technically fanboys.

Anyways, this thread is dead.

*IronFist starts counting the seconds until this thread gets closed*
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« Reply #85 on: November 23, 2001, 09:22:56 AM »

now i know you said you were "joking" but I don\'t believe you coz I can remember you saying the same about MGS that it lacked gameplay and too many cutscenes and that time you didn\'t say you were joking.

I\'m through with this discussion.

And one other thing I remember reading in the console debate forum where you quoted a discussion you had with a customer and eventually talked him out of buying something.
I dislike that you go around where you work saying MGSX will be coming to the X-Box and make people lose interest in the PS2 when the game has not been confirmed for the XBox yet.
Talk about having major problems with the brand Sony.
If I was your manager I\'d fire your ass for talking a customer out of buying something.

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« Reply #86 on: November 23, 2001, 07:04:07 PM »
With the Bleemcast it only proves that it could potentially take sales away not only from the PSX consoles, but also the PS2.

So, Sony made the right decision to sue them to bankruptcy.

Now....what if Sony was a small company? Then what?

Anyway, back when Bleem was being sued by Sony, I knew that they\'d lose. But I also knew they wouldn\'t stop suing.

They made the right decision in shutting down Bleem. It would have hurt Sony in the long run if commericalized emulators could be sold so that you could play Sony\'s software on other consoles or PC. I\'m quite sure MS would do the same thing.

Sega certainly benefitted from all this. You kids keep saying that software makes more money.....but it\'s not only about money, as I explained earlier. Long term investment would be uncertain if commercialized emulators were to keep people from buying consoles from Sony. Then developers would just say - "heck, we don\'t need Sony!"

Dreamcast is dead. Suck it up.

And as for Alteredbeast becoming a mod? Puhleez....he insults people too often and makes too many assumptions. You may not notice it, but I do.
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« Reply #87 on: November 23, 2001, 08:14:58 PM »
Dreamcast is dead. Suck it up

dying and dead are two different things
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Offline kangu-G^Ltt^s
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Damn you Sony!
« Reply #88 on: November 23, 2001, 08:37:55 PM »
It\'s kind of amusing that we hadn\'t managed to have a significantly long thread for several weeks now, but a soon as sombody writes \'Damn you Sony!\' in a thread title people are all over it.

A little defensive aren\'t we?
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Offline IronFist
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« Reply #89 on: November 23, 2001, 11:46:38 PM »
Originally posted by kangu-G^Ltt^s
It\'s kind of amusing that we hadn\'t managed to have a significantly long thread for several weeks now, but a soon as sombody writes \'Damn you Sony!\' in a thread title people are all over it.

A little defensive aren\'t we?

Obviously.  Most of us love Sony and our PS2s.  Just like some of us love our Dreamcasts and Sega.  What\'s wrong with that?

If someone bashes your favorite basketball/football/baseball team, are you going to stand up for it?  If someone starts talking trash about your favorite car, are you going to stand up for it?  If someone starts trash talking your mamma, are you going to stand up for her?
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