Originally posted by AlteredBeast
people that wouldn\'t like me as a mod are the ones who I usually make jackasses out of, why would that be...hmmm?
go look up the definition of piracy anywhere on the net and you guys will see that bleem! doesn\'t qualify as any of it. I doubt you will find any site\'s definition that agrees with you guys.
Eric wins again!
Eric Jacob
You\'re such a geek it\'s unbelievable.
You made us look like jackasses? Show me a thread please, it\'ll be interesting. You on the other hand make a jackass out of yourself, which I find very impressive.
You can\'t be a mod coz you\'re one of the most biased persons on this board now that Jumpman isn\'t around anymore. But of course you wouldn\'t admit that.
You obviously have no idea about piracy...
Bleem allows copied games to be played, that\'s a fact. And that will lead to piracy. It doesn\'t mean Bleem! is illegal that is correct coz you\'re allowed to own backups of your original games but it will lead to piracy. You have to be pretty naive to think otherwise.
If Sony would just say go ahead, we don\'t care if people pirate software and use bleem! to run it on a rival system, that would send out the wrong signal.
I liked Bleem, it wasn\'t a good emulator, at least not for the PC, but I\'m not gonna sit down and actually be mad at Sony for doing what every company who\'s in it for the money would\'ve done. Protecting their copyrighted material and trademarks by saying we don\'t tolerate software that can lead to piracy of our copyrighted material.