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Author Topic: Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.  (Read 3702 times)

Offline Ethan_Hunt
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2001, 12:57:02 PM »
You guys need to stop all this crap, and just start playing games for fun agian, i haven\'t been on the net for a while and i have been playing HALO and MGS2 and GC Star wars and have been having some much fun, and i think it is because i am not reading all you people keep putting every game down.

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2001, 05:47:45 PM »
Bring it on woman!

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2001, 03:42:55 AM »
Originally posted by IronFist

I agree with Ryu on this one.  DOA3 is hyped by the developers to be the ultimate 3D fighting game -- trying to outclass other 3D fighters in every way but failing miserably.  SSBM on the other hand is 100% original, not trying to be something it\'s not.  It is actually meant to be a button smasher because that is the type of game it is.  What\'s DOA3\'s excuse?

Don\'t go bashing doa3. Because your precious tekken has been nothing but the exact same game for the past 3 installments of the series. And tekken is as cheesy as doa3. They both are button smashers.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2001, 03:47:40 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu

You don\'t understand what I\'m trying to say.  Ironfist pretty much nailed it on the head with his post in response to you, but I\'ll bring the facts home again.  DOA3 tries to be everything good that Tekken, VF, and SC is, but it fails in every possible way.  It\'s not the world\'s greatest 3D fighter and it\'s not even a good fighter in my opinion.  The difference between SSB:M and DOA3 though, which is what you seem to be misunderstanding, is that SSB:M is not trying to be everything, it\'s not trying to be the world\'s greatest fighter, and it definitely doesn\'t one-up any other 3D next-gen fighter today.  The purpose of the game is so people can quickly hop into 4-player battles and be able to master the game almost as soon as they learn the basics simply because it\'s just a mindless button masher.  It doesn\'t have any serious depth or any serious overtones.

It\'s an incredibly basic fighter that anyone can jump into quickly and start wailing away.  That\'s what it tries to be and that\'s what it pulls off nicely.  It\'s in a class all its own.  Still though, your main gripe is that it\'s "kiddy" so reasoning with you about something like this is like reasoning with Docwiz about anything.

Ok cut the bull out Ryu. IF you have something against xbox or doa3 just say it. Don\'t just shout any bull out of your mouth. Don\'t sit on this forum and call Doa3 a button then say Soulcalibur and tekken are not button smashers as well. Tekken is not all that deep. Soulcalibur is not all that deep. And niether is DOA3. But don\'t come in here and shout such one sided comments.

And niehter of the games are button smashers when experiences players are playing against each other. But for the most part they ALL(NOT ONE)are button smashers.

I like all three of the games but it is very one-sided to knock on Doa3 when all 3 games have there share of button smashing.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2001, 04:05:11 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
Don\'t go bashing doa3. Because your precious tekken has been nothing but the exact same game for the past 3 installments of the series. And tekken is as cheesy as doa3. They both are button smashers.

Oh brother, not this again. :rolleyes:  I would say something to defend my precious Tekken series, but there really is no point defending it against people who don\'t know what they\'re talking about. (Saying "Soulcalibur is not deep" proves you are just bashing other fighting games to make DOA3 look better.)
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2001, 04:27:41 AM »
Originally posted by IronFist

Oh brother, not this again. :rolleyes:  I would say something to defend my precious Tekken series, but there really is no point defending it against people who don\'t know what they\'re talking about. (Saying "Soulcalibur is not deep" proves you are just bashing other fighting games to make DOA3 look better.)

First of the game is not all that deep to be putting down doa3.

Second mashing a number of buttons, and then drumming a few of combos is a easy way to win in the game. And half of the cast of characters are just mixes of other characters.

And I am not saying soulcalibur is not a great game. Because It\'s awesome. But don\'t put it on a high pedistal and derail Doa3 because the schematics of both games are very simular.
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Offline rastalant
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2001, 08:10:54 AM »
Originally posted by Bozco

I can\'t stand DOA3 and for you to call SSB:M a button smasher is funny, thats all DOA3 is, that and cheap counters, and thats all you say about nintendo is that its kiddy, so you have no hope, once you get the kiddy bull**** out of your head I\'ll be able to debate with you about this

Uhhhhhhhh........so your saying SSB:Melee is deeper than doa3??!?!?!  I don\'t think so!!!!  Thats my opinion I think doa3 as a game blows SSB:Melee its funner, deeper, and just a better game.  SSB:Melee is very overated to me.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2001, 08:15:58 AM »
Originally posted by OHMYGOD

Exactly thats what I\'ve been saying, but nintendo fans bash doa3.  Yet its better than that crappy ssb:melee,  I me the gameplay is ssssssooooooo shallow.  That crap..........
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2001, 10:02:31 AM »
DOA3 is a victim of crowd mentality.  One person says it\'s a button masher and now it\'s the thing to say.  DOA3 is every bit as deep as Tekken or Soul Caliber.  Everyone thinks SC is the greatest game ever because Fatismu gave it a perfect score.  Tekken was hailed as a great fighter because Sony supporters didn\'t have VF and thus had to elevated this series.

Now that people have their favourites, DOA3 must be religated to the button mashing category because there is so little precious space in the closed minds of gamers.

And please, someone tell me why Tekken is infinitely deeper than DOA3, because I\'d love to hear it.

All three of these fighters are merely second rate imitations of VF, so who really cares anyway.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2001, 10:06:50 AM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
DOA3 is a victim of crowd mentality.  One person says it\'s a button masher and now it\'s the thing to say.  DOA3 is every bit as deep as Tekken or Soul Caliber.  Everyone thinks SC is the greatest game ever because Fatismu gave it a perfect score.  Tekken was hailed as a great fighter because Sony supporters didn\'t have VF and thus had to elevated this series.

Now that people have their favourites, DOA3 must be religated to the button mashing category because there is so little precious space in the closed minds of gamers.

And please, someone tell me why Tekken is infinitely deeper than DOA3, because I\'d love to hear it.

All three of these fighters are merely second rate imitations of VF, so who really cares anyway.

I agree 100% with you watchdog.  I mean soul cailbur is an awesome game, but wasn\'t even noticed in the arcade, just when famstui review it and it came to dc.  I agree doa3 in my opinion is up there with the VF series, Tekken series, and SC series.  I think there all good games.  DOA3 is deep just take the time to learn it like watchdog said.  Btw, watchdog your one of the best poster here on the forum.:)
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2001, 10:21:50 AM »
Fine call SSBM a button smasher for all I care, all I know is that SSBM is way more fun than DOA3 to me, the 4 player action is sweet, oh and this is coming from a 16 year-old and three of his friends, one being 18, so go ahead and call it a kiddy game because it doesn\'t have bouncing boobies, but it really actually isn\'t, you know what it is, it\'s a fun game

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2001, 11:08:07 AM »
Thanks for the kind words Ras--it\'s good to know that there are other people who can peacefully coexist with multiple systems.

Is it me or does DOA3 not have bounce (and I\'m not talking about the fabric softner)?  Sure there is a little, dare I say realistic, shock transfer, but again, I must say if this game was called Fighting Masters produced by Square for the PS2, no one would ever comment about the combatants\' breasts--and if they did, they wouldn\'t do so to put down the game.

In fact I\'m sure many of the people here would be singing its praises--but that\'s a topic for a different thread.

I could compile a fairly lengthy list of "easy criticisms" that people use to bash the xbox (e.g. too big; bad controller; shallow, pretty games, etc) that have no real merit.  DOA3 has a whole collection all to itself (bouncy breasts is just one of them).  

This is what annoys me about many of the posts here.  People who have not played a single game for the xbox write paragraphs spouting this tired crap in the name of their chosen console.  Trolls come around with a topic that reads: "About the xbox (not a bash)".  Invaribly the first sentence reads something similar to: "I picked up an xbox at launch and I really liked it, but after a couple days...".  It\'s all too easy, and  exposes them for what they are.

We all had to endure this crap with the launch of the PS2 from the Sega boys, so why do so many of you in turn do it to the xbox?

Consider this my impassioned plea.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2001, 11:14:21 AM »
People aren\'t bashing xbox, In fact I actually like the xbox, I\'m just bashing DOA3, just because people don\'t like DOA\'s IMO ****ty gameplay doesn\'t mean they don\'t like the xbox

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2001, 12:46:11 PM »
Xbox is a great system like bozco said.  Watchdog i agree there seems to be alot of xbox bashing mostly from the people that haven\'t even played the system!!!  Which doesn\'t make sense to me.  How do you know you don\'t like something unless you tried it out?:nerd:
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2001, 12:47:20 PM »
IF you have something against xbox or doa3 just say it.

I already said I hated DOA3 in multiple threads, how many more times do I need to say it?  As for X-Box, I think Halo is just fine.  There are a lot of things about that game I would have liked done differenty (mouse\\keyboard support for one), but for what it is, it\'s just fine and dandy.  I don\'t see how my hatred for one game series constitutes console hatred though.  As I stated before, I loathe Tekken 4 as well, but that\'s not out on the PS2 for me to bash now is it?  ;)

Don\'t sit on this forum and call Doa3 a button [masher] then say Soulcalibur and tekken are not button smashers as well.

I didn\'t say they weren\'t.  I merely said that DOA3 tries to take from each of those games, including VF, and tries to be the best of them all.  Unfortunately, it fails incredibly.

Tekken is not all that deep. Soulcalibur is not all that deep. And niether is DOA3. But don\'t come in here and shout such one sided comments.

I hate the DOA franchise so my critique is one-sided, unless of course we are talking about the graphics in which case DOA3 does surpass them all.  You\'re trying to find a fault somewhere in my responses, but you are just continually restating my opinions and mincing words.  Please read what I said carefully.

And niehter of the games are button smashers when experiences players are playing against each other. But for the most part they ALL(NOT ONE)are button smashers.

I like all three of the games but it is very one-sided to knock on Doa3 when all 3 games have there share of button smashing.

I knock on DOA3 because it is the worst of them all, like people who continually knock on Superman 64 to harp on the N64 being a bad system.  DOA3 is just the biggest example of failure in my opinion that ignoring it would just be too much to ask.
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