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Author Topic: Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.  (Read 3704 times)

Offline Watchdog
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #45 on: December 11, 2001, 01:08:31 PM »
I wasn\'t implicating anyone in particular with my last comments.  The people who are guilty of it are known to themselves and to everyone else.

Ryu, if you hate Tekken and SC, then I can see why you do not like DOA3.  You also say they are all button mashers--that too I can not argue with.  But I do not consider them button mashers--that\'s fine, we have different definitions of the term.  That\'s fair.

I would argue with your comment about DOA3 being the worst of them all.  It\'s just not true.  The skill involved is no less than any of those other games.

So is SF the apex of fighters then?  Judging from your comments and your name I would assume so (I think so anyway).  Again, that\'s fine, you dislike 3d fighters (with the possible exception of VF?).  Who can argue with that?
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Offline rastalant
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2001, 02:01:36 PM »
Uhhhhhhhh.........ryu then what figthing games do you like?  Street fighter?  Back to the topic I consider doa3 a amazing game and as for ssb:m I consider that overated.  Tekken 4 is another one of my fav. fighting games to date.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2001, 04:36:35 PM »
You guys are being way too anti-Nintendo here.

Point is, SUPER SMASH BROS. MELEE, DOES NOT SUCK. I\'m sorry but when I was in my glory days with my 64, and party every weekend, we played this game until the cartridge began to melt. If anything, SSBM was the only reason I was considering getting the Cube, but MGS2 and FFX hypnotized me too bad. I just came back from my friend\'s house and I miss the game so much. The GC version is just as fun, if not better. This game kicks ass, and is one of the best fighters out there. I hate people that think all fighters have to have blood, swords, and hot women. That\'s BS. Fighters should be based on gameplay.

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« Reply #48 on: December 11, 2001, 06:48:58 PM »
Those that are calling SSMB:M overated, have you guys actually played it extensively with with 3 friends? If you\'re gonna call something overated, at least play it in multiplayer, and if you didn\'t have fun, then call it whatever you want. Don\'t write it off just because the characters are Nintendo mascots and the moves are easy to do.

Originally posted by Rastalant

DOA3 is one of the best if not the best 3d fighters imo. Plus all the rating were very high for it. All reviewers said it was good so not everyone can be wrong.

By your logic, SSMB:M got very good reviews everywhere, so not everyone can be wrong. ;)

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #49 on: December 11, 2001, 06:53:30 PM »
Ryu, if you hate Tekken and SC, then I can see why you do not like DOA3. You also say they are all button mashers--that too I can not argue with. But I do not consider them button mashers--that\'s fine, we have different definitions of the term. That\'s fair.

You miunderstand.  I don\'t hate SC at all.  I actually never played that game enough with friends to see how you could button mash in it simply because all of my friends hate the Dreamcast controller with a passion.  However, Tekken, bleh... nuff said.

I would argue with your comment about DOA3 being the worst of them all. It\'s just not true. The skill involved is no less than any of those other games.

Well, then we agree to disagree. :)

So is SF the apex of fighters then? Judging from your comments and your name I would assume so (I think so anyway). Again, that\'s fine, you dislike 3d fighters (with the possible exception of VF?). Who can argue with that?

In 3D, no game matches VF.  In 2D, no game matches Street Fighter (and I do mean SF3 since I think that game takes the most skill out of them all to master and play).  I don\'t dislike all 3D fighters, I just think most of them are lacking in some way.  Take DOA3\'s utterly incredible visuals and background interactivity and match it with VF\'s tactical combat and you\'d have yourself one of the best fighters ever.  However, we don\'t have that at all and I think they are all lacking in some way.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2001, 07:27:21 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog

I would argue with your comment about DOA3 being the worst of them all.  It\'s just not true.  The skill involved is no less than any of those other games.

Looks like someone has a problem with the definition of OPINION

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2001, 07:42:49 PM »
Looks like someone has a problem with the language ENGLISH.

Just because I don\'t say IMO after every statement I make doesn\'t mean I completely invalidate his opinion.  I don\'t think it\'s true that DOA3 is the worst of all.  You are being obtuse and petty.  Take some courses in English and they\'ll tell you not to use phrases like: IMO, it seems like and probably because it waters down your prose and is less effective.

I guess we  agree to disagree then Ryu.

Another argument for you:  I\'d say Alpha3 is more complex and requires more skill than SF3--the counters are just too easy to pull off.  In SFA3 it was an artform, in SF3, it\'s far too easy for even an average player.  Anyway...

I don\'t consider Melee a great game because it is only fun with other people.  With people it is fun, but without it\'s pretty dull.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2001, 08:13:13 PM »
Another argument for you: I\'d say Alpha3 is more complex and requires more skill than SF3--the counters are just too easy to pull off. In SFA3 it was an artform, in SF3, it\'s far too easy for even an average player.

Yay, arguing Street Fighter semantics rules. ;)  Anyways, I think Alpha 3 gives the player too much freedom with the counters.  Alpha counters, air blocking, all the tremondous super differences (including the butchering of V-ism from Alpha 2).  it just gives the player too many counter advantages, but I will give heavy props to the A-ism style seeing as how it was so much like the Street Fighter of old without airblocking and tremendously powerful characters and super moves.  Of course, when you customized your character and leveled them up, a large amount of depth was added to the game, but that was only for the home version, sadly.

Street Fighter III, and I am referring to the first edition, not 2nd impact or third strike, was by far the greatest tactical fighter of them all.  No air blocking and very few counter moves.  The Ken and Ryu balance was most apparent here with Ryu having the tremendous strength advantage and Ken having the large speed advantage.  A lot of people claimed Ryu had the upper hand from everyone because he was way too powerful, but he\'s been in the game for years so giving him that strength only seemed logical.  Parrying attacks was not as easy as a quarter circle reversed either.  Countering something with a parry is a vastly risky manuever requiring timing, speed, and heavy thought into your opponents next move.  With two skilled players, Matches could last right down to the last seconds on the timer as they countered back and forth with blocks, parrys, and super moves.  A true 2D chess game if I ever saw one.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2001, 08:13:13 PM »
Well when you said "Its just not true", that makes it look like your stating it as a FACT to me, but of course I have a problem with English

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #54 on: December 11, 2001, 09:01:49 PM »
Actually, I got fouled with the numbers--I\'ve never played SFA3 (skipped that one--a bad time for me), I meant to say SFA2.  If you want to get really deep, one could even argue good ole SFCE was where it was at.

I thought SF3 was too defensive--aggression was too severely taxxed--it was usually not worth the risk.  And the 1/4 circle counter requires everything the tapping parry does, but it is a tougher manuever to pull off in the heat of battle, on an instant\'s notice.
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2001, 09:02:10 PM »
Hm.... we\'ve strayed off topic.

Who do you guys use in Smash Brothers...


Yeah he\'s a gay pokefag but he kicks some serious a$$ in that game.


Offline rastalant
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2001, 09:10:53 PM »
Well thats mine opinion I prefer all those other fighting games over ssb.  End of story.  Yes it is overated too me.......
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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2001, 09:15:24 PM »
(Pika-Bolts rastalant)





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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2001, 09:19:47 PM »
The main thing I like out SSB is collecting trophies.  Having hidden guys to unlock is cool, too (but with Pikmin I don\'t give it enough time to get any).

One thing I thought was neat was that they gave Kirby the E. Honda hundred hand slap from SF2.

I think the adventure mode is a lot worse than it should have been.  It should have been great and spilling with a feeling of nostalgia, but it is neither.

I agree that it is way overhyped, but I also know there are people who can\'t live without it, too.

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Super Smash Bros Melee is Overhyped Garbage.
« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2001, 09:22:09 PM »
And dang it Link sux again in this SSB!

He sucked in the first one, now he sucks in this one.

Too slow.

The name of the game is speed baby.

That\'s why I got Pika Power!



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