Sure if you like to post in ignorance go ahead.
The fact that MS is losing money on every console shouldn\'t be noteworthy (it has always been that way with consoles), shouldn\'t be a cause for concern, shouldn\'t need to be printed in all caps, and definitely shouldn\'t be in red type (and "sence" shouldn\'t be written like that).
M$ thought they could do just as well if not better because they make Winblows, but they aren\'t. And from what people (such as mm) have stated, they are loosing money on EACH CONSOLE THEY SELL. It\'s in plain english and common sence. How can they market something that has nVidia\'s GF3, 64MB of DDR memory, 8GB HDD, motherboard, and an Intel PIII 733Mhz processor at $299? It ain\'t possible. That\'s why it\'s going to take years before they start seeing pennies in their bank account.
You obviously don\'t know how the industry works or you wouldn\'t have made a post like this. It takes every console maker years to make money.
And I don\'t need to read up on Atari\'s history, my comment wasn\'t in favour of a comeback, I was just setting you straight.