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Author Topic: More new Atari console rumors!!  (Read 4803 times)

Offline Watchdog
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More new Atari console rumors!!
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2002, 10:27:30 PM »
I\'ve lost all respect for you mm.  I never thought you were a troll the likes ign.ps2 have never known.
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Offline Eiksirf
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« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2002, 11:03:21 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
I\'ve lost all respect for you mm.  I never thought you were a troll the likes ign.ps2 have never known.

So mm bashes the hell out of Nintendo for years and no one cares.  Then he talks bad about Microsoft for a day or two and people start freaking out.

Who\'s the one who gives out double-standard awards?

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

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« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2002, 11:57:15 PM »
I really disliked the N64, thought it was a terrible console.  I haven\'t been that impressed with the GC.  I see no reason to defend it.  People like the GC and Nintendo\'s style and that is fine, but it\'s not for me.

You will notice, however,  that I\'ve never said anything deragatory about GC--I\'ve even defended it on a few occasions, but all and all it\'s not for me.
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Offline Docwiz
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« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2002, 12:34:33 AM »
Originally posted by mm
jm = old school

he know exactly how things run.  no matter how much defending the xbox gets, it will NEVER, EVER surpass the PS2.  

now that i own one, i can go as far as to say the xbox is a  hype FAILURE!  out a year after the PS2, more powerfull, and even adding the sales of GC\'s, the PS2 is still selling more.

after beating halo, i havent touched my xbox.  where\'s the A+ titles?

/me does a litttle dance as the xbox zealouts rage

   Who cares what you think MM, you are just a giant brain fart that doesn\'t know anything but Bias.

   Its 15 months later after PS2 launch, and only six months ago did it get some great games.   The Xbox has great games out of the gate and more coming like wreckless, Brute Force, The Unseen, Jet Set Radio Future, Gunvalkyre, GT 2002 and tons of other games that are coming but not shown yet and then there is the online factor.

   Its not like anyone cares if you are happy and that you are an idiot.  I really don\'t care about simple minded people.  I care for people that are worth caring about and that doesn\'t include you.

   I don\'t mean to sound cynical, but honestly, if you died tomorrow, I wouldn\'t even notice.  You are just another simple minded person and we have enough of those kind of people on our planet as many have witnessed after Sept 11th.

Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2002, 01:46:05 AM »
Originally posted by Eiksirf

So mm bashes the hell out of Nintendo for years and no one cares.  Then he talks bad about Microsoft for a day or two and people start freaking out.

Who\'s the one who gives out double-standard awards?


How could someone care ? ...when he simply posted a "Die Nintendo Die" at the end of each post...or...GC is a console for 4 years old children...

...explain to me...what to debate? ...we took that like a joke...

...but now he\'s complaining about XBox launch games when PS2 needed months and months to get good and great games!
...so please Eiksirf ...try to be a bit more coherent;)
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« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2002, 02:53:18 AM »
Originally posted by Docwiz

   Who cares what you think MM, you are just a giant brain fart that doesn\'t know anything but Bias.

   Its 15 months later after PS2 launch, and only six months ago did it get some great games.   The Xbox has great games out of the gate and more coming like wreckless, Brute Force, The Unseen, Jet Set Radio Future, Gunvalkyre, GT 2002 and tons of other games that are coming but not shown yet and then there is the online factor.

   Its not like anyone cares if you are happy and that you are an idiot.  I really don\'t care about simple minded people.  I care for people that are worth caring about and that doesn\'t include you.

   I don\'t mean to sound cynical, but honestly, if you died tomorrow, I wouldn\'t even notice.  You are just another simple minded person and we have enough of those kind of people on our planet as many have witnessed after Sept 11th.

Oh please shut up docwiz, who are you to talk about bias and others being simple minded. You\'re one of the biggest fanboys on these forums. Hypocrite.

Offline Ethan_Hunt
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More new Atari console rumors!!
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2002, 03:03:19 AM »
Yeah back to the Atari part THAT WAS WHAT THIS THREAD WAS ABOUT!!!
I don\'t know if this has already been said, but in the last edge magazine, on the back inside cover it had a big atari sign, and said something like  return of a legend, or some crap like that.1

I get the feeling that mm doesn\'t like the Xbox or Microsoft very much, i don\'t know why i keep getting that feeling from mm!!:D
Hey maybe this thread should be called:

"mm offical bashing thread for xbox and microsoft, only ps2 fanboys allowed:D"

only joking mate, it doesn\'t bother me if you don\'t like it, if everyone had the same opinions, then the world would go around!!
But i have to say i have had a great time with my xbox.
Also my ps2 and xbox sit next to each other, and i think they fancy each other, i see them when they think i am not looking, flashing there little lights at each other, they get on really well, it is great. :D

Anyway GAME ON!!!!

play nice now people, no pinching,biting or scratching:laughing:
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!

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« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2002, 03:28:02 AM »
ehhe, you dont like me, :rolleyes:

i love when people get offended when i insult a small box of plastic and silicone

i own an xbox so im allowed to say whatever i want about it.  do u see me trashing the GC?  not yet at least

here\'s the problem.  75% of you guys are way too young to remember the roots of gaming.  after almost 30 years, we should expect more.  we shouldnt make excuses like "30 fps aint so bad", or "3 launch titles is nice", or even "the controller isnt so cumbersome"

im an elitest.  anyone who knows me, agrees.  after 23 years of gaming, im entitled to this.  companies are self-serving today.  even the once great nintendo is a shadow of its former self.  they make "disposable games".  you buy them, beat them in one sitting, never play them again.  whats worse?  you tolerate this?  not me.  i cant change the downward spiral of video gaming, but i can resist.  if one person says, \'you know what?  that mm guy and his chimp cant take a hike, but he\'s got a point!", than im happy.  we shouldnt have to make excuses anymore.

it may sound harsh, but thats life.  i like who i like, and it takes a great deal to change that.  i feel im pretty respectfull and nice to most [except dumb ass newbs], and i tolerate a great deal of ignorance.

in conclusion, *cough*, we can argue all day, every day about my dissapointment in the xbox as a whole [not just lauch titles, controller girth, lack of A+ titles], but all its doing is using bandwidth and increasing post counts.  noone can change my mind, no excuse can persuade me to think more of my dust collector, errrr my xbox

oops, im rambling!  

noone  cares anyways

and if yer gonna pay attention to ANYTHING i say, re-read the italic part.  call it a mission statement.  its rare when i post more then 8-10 lines, so enjoy
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« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2002, 07:17:35 AM »
Hey mm what do you do for a living? are you a games tester or something like that?

It is cool that you have been gaming for that long, i have been gaming for about 14 years, it really shocked me when i was thinking how long i have been playing.
But i guess when i look at it like you do, games back then were better, it was all about fun back then really, and alot have changed and alot of crap has been released, but i guess life changes.
And you pretty much summed up how i feel about games nower days in your few italic lines, i mean look at the DC that was or still is, one of the best consoles i have owned, i loved it to pieces the game were great, but it got beat bad by some commercial console that didn\' t really care about the software most of the time, it was all just about the money and being able to say we have 300 games out for the system now, which to me takes away alot of the fun that is gaming.
But hey that is the way i just feel, maybe that is why i didn\'t play my PS1 much.:D
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!

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« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2002, 07:23:20 AM »
knowing too much and being "caught up" in the industry takes a big chunk of the fun factor out of gaming...at least that\'s what I think...

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« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2002, 07:28:35 AM »
it does indeed.  i often feel repressed.

i dont find myself enjoying games as much as i used to, knowing full well that todays games are no match for yesteryears


thats why im so disgruntled
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« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2002, 07:28:59 AM »
If I recall correctly, he works at Blockbuster as a store manager and has long hours. Maybe his hours or job doesn\'t exist anymore now that he has classes.
You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

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« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2002, 07:32:03 AM »
yes, i still employed at BBV as a store manager, and have access to all games we carry

once school started, i limited myself to 45 hours a week, but i take class from 8am to noon monday thru friday
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

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« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2002, 07:41:41 AM »
Well mm if that\'s how you feel then you should equally bash the PS2 because it\'s as big an offender as the xbox is.  I too started gaming at the beginning and it\'s not that Atari games were deeper or took longer to complete, but we, as gamers weren\'t as sophisticated.  I have every Atari game emulated on my computer and as a kid growing up in a competitive family, we kept records of all our high scores.  I beat every one of them during my first and second game (a few years back.)  Most games of the NES and 16 bit era depended on patterns and memory not game smarts.

PSX was sort of new because it introduced the 3rd perspective.  But really the past wasn\'t that grand, it was different, but all things equal I prefer the games of today just for the AI.
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« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2002, 08:03:32 AM »
i do bash the PS2, just not recently

if the xbox had more A+ titles like we were promised, than i wouldnt be so noticable

and please dont start the "its only been out a few months" deal
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza


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