I really havent put much thought into it, i typed it up in 10 mins, and my thoughts were all over the place so i left some points out and had many of them out of order
Plus this part of the forum is really slow tonight..
I thought of this topic after a discussion with an unnamed board member here who claimed it was "sad" to be arguing about which game has the superior graphics, game on Console X, or game on Console Y.
So my question; is it "sad" to discuss/debate over which games on which console has the better graphics?
I say its a great discussion point, and of an interest to people who like to think that game A has better graphics than game B. Or maybe it goes deeper than that, Console X promised this, but Console Y does it better, Console X is doing this, Console Y isnt, but still looks just as good.
Graphics important to the overall impact of the game? Yes. Why do we get better graphics cards for out PC when the game works at 15 fps with no detail? Graphics do infact include framerate and colour depth and more. These things can play a factor in the game. While playing GT3 i found points where a turn was not recognisable enough to even recognize it in time, why is TimeSplitters 2 going to lengths to be a great FPS at 60fps when Halo is proclaimed the best console FPS (generally) at a mere 30 fps? Because these things matter. They are important to some people. Even if it is only of slight importance, it is very intriguing to discuss such things, as far as i am concerned.
Even something as artistic design is interesting to discuss. Or perhaps the different techniques developers are using to achieve optimum effects.
Then again, why is the GBC or GBA or any hand held popular? Why am i currently hooked on Final Fantasy 5 and 6 and eagily awaiting for my local EB to re-stock in Golden Sun. Why was Vib Ribbin so popular and critically aclaimed (in some circles) Why is retro gaming so lucritive?
While its not important to the quality of a game on a grand scale, it is important enough to put a lot of effort into it, graphics alone can sell some games. So i believe that alone makes it enough of a reason to actually put discussion and even \'debate\' into the graphics of a game.
Anyone else have any thoughts?