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Author Topic: Graphics.. worth discussing?  (Read 3813 times)

Offline Bossieman
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Graphics.. worth discussing?
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2002, 09:30:16 AM »
This is my comment:

Sweden sucks in HOCKEY!!! I hate Tommy Salo!!!

nuff said :sleepy:

Offline Ashford
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« Reply #46 on: February 21, 2002, 10:00:35 AM »
Originally posted by Paul

What has hating Shenmue for not living up to it\'s hype and didn\'t help the DC to survive has got to do with thrashing PS2 or Xbox or Gamecube for that matter???

R u on drugs???


No, I\'m not on drugs. Thanks for your concern.

If you hate Shenmue for the sole reason that it didn\'t live up to the hype, then you\'d better hate the PS2. Sony also failed to deliver on their hype.

If you dislike Shenmue for its boring gameplay, then we\'ll just end this debate: You dislike Shenmue, I love it.

Good day.
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #47 on: February 21, 2002, 11:07:08 AM »
I feel really sorry for Sundin--far and away the best player in the tournament--it\'s a shame.  Oh well, Go Leafs Go.  Go Canada!
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Offline Lord Nicon
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« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2002, 07:11:43 PM »
Originally posted by Ashford

No, I\'m not on drugs. Thanks for your concern.

If you hate Shenmue for the sole reason that it didn\'t live up to the hype, then you\'d better hate the PS2. Sony also failed to deliver on their hype.

If you dislike Shenmue for its boring gameplay, then we\'ll just end this debate: You dislike Shenmue, I love it.

Good day.

well just because your a sega person and dont happen to like ps2, doesnt mean you have to make such comments.:p . And even if ps2 didnt deliver its still all in the eye of the beholder. Ps2 easily has the room to get better, and in a shorter time then shenmue ever will. capiche:)
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
Debra Lafave Is My Hero ;) lol

Offline Paul
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« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2002, 11:10:38 PM »
Ashford: How old r u? R u a Nazi? Fine if you love and sleep with ShenMue for all I care. but u ain\'t got no bleeding rights to tell me what to hate or like.

You obviously lack the capacity to debate or even explain why love ShenMue so much(other than the fact you\'re a fanboy) or you just want to beat off on it.

I don\'t give a damn.

The End of conversation.

Offline Paul
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« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2002, 11:18:38 PM »
Ashford: How old r u? R u a Nazi? Fine if you love and sleep with ShenMue for all I care. but u ain\'t got no bleeding rights to tell me what to hate or like.

You obviously lack the capacity to debate or even explain why love ShenMue so much(other than the fact you\'re a fanboy) or you just want to beat off on it.

I don\'t give a damn.

The End of conversation.

Offline Ashford
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« Reply #51 on: February 22, 2002, 10:30:55 AM »
Paul, you\'re a dumba$$...

Go re-read what I said, moron.

And yes, thank you, I will go and sleep with my copy of Shenmue. Tell me, how is it with the Dual Shock shoved all the way up your a$$? Love that vibrating function, don\'t we?

Lord Nicon, don\'t be an idiot. I love Shenmue, ergo, I\'m a "Sega person"? Where\'s the friggin\' logic in that? And we\'re not debating PS2 vs Shenmue so don\'t bother posting retarded comments like "Ps2 easily has the room to get better, and in a shorter time then shenmue ever will. "
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Clyde
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Graphics.. worth discussing?
« Reply #52 on: February 22, 2002, 10:39:40 AM »
you humans better start being nicer to each other or im gonna kick all yer arses

brother, can u spare a nanner?

Offline Bozco
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« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2002, 10:44:59 AM »
Now ashford, if shenmue was on the PS2 and not DC don\'t even try to tell me you would like it just as much

Offline Paul
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« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2002, 01:36:38 AM »
And we\'re not debating PS2 vs Shenmue

Ha! Ha! Look who\'s talking?? Who\'s the dork who brought the PS2 into the picture??

Don\'t waste breath with him guys.

He\'s turning it into a

Fanboy vs Rest of the civilized gamers

Yawn. ZZZZZZZZZzzz.  Good nite.

Offline Lord Nicon
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« Reply #55 on: February 23, 2002, 09:46:44 AM »
True true. I was trying to have a healty debate of points of views but this guys just goes anal. sheeesh. and yes ashford you are a sega person. Is there anything wrong with that? No, so stop complaining.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
Debra Lafave Is My Hero ;) lol

Offline SonyFan
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« Reply #56 on: February 23, 2002, 11:23:55 AM »
Ok.. first off.. I wanna toss my 2 kopecks in about Shenmue.. because I think BOTH of you two are in the wrong.

1. Shenmue is a crappy adventure. I don\'t think many people who are into the adventure scene will refute that point. This genre has always been somewhat "lost" on the console gaming croud because of the consoles heritage of fast & furious gameplay. Many console gamers aren\'t used to the story driven latteral thinking that\'s necessary to complete your typical adventure. So Sega had to "dumb down" Shenmue for the console market. What happened was that they created a game which failed to strike a chord with their target audience, and was too tame for hardcore adventure fans. For what the game was designed to do.. it succeeds wonderfully. Bridging a gap, and giving console gamers access to a genre they might not have tried before. About the humor.. there\'s a reason why Shenmue lacks it... and that\'s because it\'s a drama - NOT a comedy -. Adventures are associated with whitty humor simply because of the attitudes of the two companies who usherd in the modern adventure game.. Sierra and LucasArts. Mist is a good example of an adventure game which lacks humor.

2. FREE is pure hype. I\'m surprised more people didn\'t use their heads and figure this out before. I mean, do any of you have even the slightest clue just HOW much code and programming goes into making every single little minute facet of a game interactive? The Dreamcast is good.. but not that good. If you want that kind of interactiveness in a game in this generation.. then you\'d better start praying to god because it would take a miracle for that to happen. And not only with pure console power comes the problem of time and manpower. To make a game of Shenmue\'s size with the kind of interactivity promised would take even a large development team years up on years to complete. There\'s just no way to do it and turn a profit. Not to mention that the control pad is a piss poor portal for the gamer to flex his will. The text parser was (and still is) the best for this because you can input fully formed thoughts into a game engine.. even if it\'s not practical these days. This is why I have severe doubts about just how well Project Ego will live up to it\'s hype. Shenmue does succeed in shifing focus towards interactivity instead of just pretty graphics. Just because it didn\'t live up to the hype, dosen\'t mean that it didn\'t reach an amazing level of interactivity that no other game on the market can even come close to matching. There will come a day when the graphical greatness of games is not measured in polygons or effects.. but in interactivity. You can\'t get much better than photo-realistic.. so game companies will naturally improve upon this area because of it\'s untapped potental.

3. Paul.. pulling Shenmue in lue of a "Final Fantasy Killer" wouldn\'t have helped Sega one bit. They simply didn\'t have the momentum or userbase to make the Dreamcast a success. How are you going to sell a "Final Fantasy Killer", if noone will even so much as buy your system? What Sega COULD have done to revive their buisness was to play on the nostalgia of old Sega gamers by reviving games that were assiociated with their last massively successful console. Even then, they\'d have to sustain an aggressive advertisement campaign for these titles and the console itself so as to force the attention of people who aren\'t even looking at Sega as an option. Sorry, but 20 Million (what Shenmue cost to produce) or even 100 million wouldn\'t have done the job.

4. Shenmue\'s fighting system was only "Fighting Force"-esqe if you didn\'t know how to use the buttons. If you learned how to preform the moves quickly and appropriately.. you\'d notice that it\'s fighting system can be very deep considering that\'s just a side feature. This is most appearant in the 70 man battle. (Although I do wish it took more than 1 or 2 hits to drop your "average" enemines)

5. The voice acting sucked ass. I know no-one brought it up.. but I just had to say it seein as how it was so goofy at points that I was almost ashamed to play it in front of friends.

6. There is no point six yet. I jus wanna close out by saying that Shenmue far exceeds the boundries of traditional console games with an excellent epic story, great gameplay elements, a high level of interactivity & complexity, and graphics that put many PS2 (and even a few Xbox) games to shame. It simply fails to find it\'s clique. Too adventureish for action gamers... too simple for Adventure gamers. It\'s not a game for everybody, but for those it does strike a chord with... it\'s resonance will be heard for a LONG.. long time to come.

Now... pstwo. I don\'t wanna fight with ya because most of the time your posts are reasonable and non-flamitory. If you think that gaming is 80% graphics though, then I think you\'ve chosen the wrong hobby. You\'d probably be happier doing something else with your free time. If that the way you feel though, then fine.. just don\'t expect anyone here to agree with you or even comprehend your point of view.

As for graphics meaning anything to me? I spent four hours last night playing the hell out of this game...

And I have a litteral ton more like it on my computer. So no.. graphics don\'t mean sh*t to me when it all comes down it. I expect a certain level of graphical improvement with each successive generation because that shows growth. There\'s nothing wrong with drooling over the latest graphical advancements. They\'re just icing on the cake.. not the main course. I guess that\'s kind of a good analogy too. Some people like to gourge on frosting for the instant and fleeting gratification. Anyone who really enjoys cakes for what they are, knows the frosting is just an enhancement... and the real treat and appreceation comes from the subtleties and nuances of what\'s benieth the frosting.
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Offline Paul
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« Reply #57 on: February 23, 2002, 05:31:42 PM »
Hey Sonyfan, you\'ve some really good points there. Here\'s my thoughts on it.
Point 1: Exactly my thoughts. You\'ve said it all. :)

Point 2:
FREE is pure hype. I\'m surprised more people didn\'t use heir heads and figure this out before.

I think most clear headed people has figured this out already...except certain fanboys who refused to believe it. :D

The text parser was (and still is) the best for this because you can input fully formed thoughts into a game engine..

Wow! You still remember the text parser?? But I can\'t quite agree with u on this. I used to love text-parser but one day I replayed some of those games on my PC and I found text-parser is a chaotic chore of trying to speak in the language the game understand..many frustrating hours was spent just trying to guess what the parser knows and doesn\'t!!

You can\'t get much better than photo-realistic.. so game companies will naturally improve upon this area because of it\'s untapped potental.

I stil think we won\'t see photo-realistic graphics in a game...maybe ever..the reason is not technology, but the cost to produce that kind of graphics needs huge amount of money for many artist to produce it. Case in point would be FF the spirit within, it cost over 100million bucks to produce a 2 hourCGI movie.

Heck, I don\'t wanna pay 100 bucks for a game!! Of course, I could be proven wrong if the video games console can really reach critical mass as in a console in every home, then it might be possible for a photo-realistic game can be priced at a reasonable consumer level.

Point 3.
Paul.. pulling Shenmue in lue of a "Final Fantasy Killer" wouldn\'t have helped Sega one bit.

Sorry dude, I can\'t agree with ya on that. DC never have a FF killer, so we really couldn\'t say for sure. Maybe put it in one of those "What if" Marvel comics. :)

They simply didn\'t have the momentum or userbase to make the Dreamcast a success.

yeah, it did pretty bad in Japan, but in the US, it has something like 5 million plus userbase. I believe if they can still continue with the US market if they wanted to but failure in Japan doesn\'t encourage 3rd party developer to pulblish game for it.

How are you going to sell a "Final Fantasy Killer", if noone will even so much as buy your system? What Sega COULD have done to revive their buisness was to play on the nostalgia of old Sega gamers by reviving games that were assiociated with their last massively successful console.

Potential FF killer: Panzer Dragoon Saga 2!!! This was was simply brilliant. A masterpiece in terms of graphics, gameplay and design. But now I guess I\'ll have to play it on the X-box.

Point 4.
Shenmue\'s fighting system was only "Fighting Force"-esqe if you didn\'t know how to use the buttons.

Aww cmon, ShenMue fighting system is just a button smashing romp. I\'ve never bother to perfect all those moves in the dojo and still win with my eye closed.

Point 5.
The voice acting sucked ass. I know no-one brought it up.. but I just had to say it seein as how it was so goofy at points that I was almost ashamed to play it in front of friends.


Point 6.
games with an excellent epic story, great gameplay elements, a high level of interactivity & complexity, and graphics that put many PS2 (and even a few Xbox) games to shame. It simply fails to find it\'s clique. Too adventureish for action gamers... too simple for Adventure gamers. It\'s not a game for everybody, but for those it does strike a chord with... it\'s resonance will be heard for a LONG.. long time to come.

I can agreed with you on great story and graphics but not on gameplay element or level of interactivity. The interactivity in the game is no better than most other adventure game or RPG. NPC repeat themselves after a few conversation and only a few iobjects are interactable. And knocking doors with 95% people not at home is not what I would like to call interaction.

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« Reply #58 on: February 23, 2002, 07:14:57 PM »

Wow! You still remember the text parser?? But I can\'t quite agree with u on this. I used to love text-parser but one day I replayed some of those games on my PC and I found text-parser is a chaotic chore of trying to speak in the language the game understand..many frustrating hours was spent just trying to guess what the parser knows and doesn\'t!!

Oh yeah, I remember it. Most of my favorite games today are still the ones that use the Text Parser. What I\'m getting at though, is that since you can input a fully formulated thought into a game engine, you\'re actually using your brain more. You\'re figuring the puzzles out on your own, which is the whole point. Any moron can use the icon driven interface to go "Pixel hunting" by randomly click through objects and scenery in hopes of finding something that works. You can\'t do that with the text parser because the possiblities of just what you can put INTO that text parser are almost limitless. The interface itself is solid and very well adapted to adventure games. If the technology had advanced to include things like realtime spell checkers, "smart" interpretation, and things of that nature.. then it quite simply would be the most powerful and robust interface known to gaming IMO. Most gaming companies would make things easier on the user by using a similar language in each and every one of the their games. It\'s just a matter of becoming accustomed to that company\'s script writing style. It also helps to cut out any unnecessary words or actions. Instead of typing.. "Open the door and walk through", simply type "Open door"... and then "Enter Door" if it didn\'t take you automatically into the other room.

I stil think we won\'t see photo-realistic graphics in a game...maybe ever..the reason is not technology, but the cost to produce that kind of graphics needs huge amount of money for many artist to produce it. Case in point would be FF the spirit within, it cost over 100million bucks to produce a 2 hourCGI movie.

It all depends on the advances made with programming tools. More powerful and robust tools can cut development time and costs drastically. Hopefully they can advance as fast as graphical hardware does. Remember, when the PSX was first comming to market.. the idea of making a game which looks as good as DOA3 or the GameCube Resident Evil was ludicis. The production costs to undertake such a project at that time with the tools available to them would have been staggering. Today, it\'s not nearly so big a deal.

Aww cmon, ShenMue fighting system is just a button smashing romp. I\'ve never bother to perfect all those moves in the dojo and still win with my eye closed.

No.. for the type of game Shenmue was it\'s fighting system was very solid. The fact that you could just button mash your way through is more the fault of weak enemies and poor AI. The moves and their executions themselves were very nicely done. Not too difficult, not too easy, lots of variety, and well balanced damage ratios. But as I said before.. "I do wish it took more than 1 or 2 hits to drop your average enemines."

I can agreed with you on great story and graphics but not on gameplay element or level of interactivity. The interactivity in the game is no better than most other adventure game or RPG.

I can kind of agree with you on the adventure part.. but not RPG\'s. Most RPG\'s I\'ve played are VERY linear and offer very minimal interaction with your surrounding enviroment. I\'ve been playing adventure games all my life, and I think the level of interactivity is on par with, or exceeds some of the top games in the field. Sure it didn\'t live up to the hype.. but delivered so much more than what it could have gotten away with. The costs of making a game as interactive as what you\'re expecting just isn\'t practical right now. Why bother making a game if you\'re not going to make money on it? You also have to consider that Sega wasn\'t speaking to adventure fans when they hyped Shenmue.. they were talking to console gamers who have rarely, if ever, experienced this type of game. For this audience it was a first taste of something far grander than level based platformers or even the watered down adventures we call "Survival Horror".
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
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Offline Paul
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« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2002, 05:36:44 AM »

. The costs of making a game as interactive as what you\'re expecting just isn\'t practical right now. Why bother making a game if you\'re not going to make money on it? You also have to consider that Sega wasn\'t speaking to adventure fans when they hyped Shenmue.. they were talking to console gamers who have rarely, if ever, experienced this type of game.

Yeah, that\'s because SEGA is stoopid??!!!
After all, they\'re coming back from a lost war and every cents they invest should have the projected return a the highest priority. Betting their last card on a risky endeavour such as ShenMue shows the management have no brains basically(or balls too big for their own good!!).  I\'m pretty sure if Square has bet their last game on  a similar game as Shenmue(instead of FF) then, there qould be no more square today. For those who doesn\'t know FF was Square last bet and they were prepared to fold after releasing FF but it turn out to be a mega success and brings Square to where it is today.

Your vision of the parser is very interesting, but it seems like it would require AI the level of Data of Star Trek fame to execute it.

Yes pixel hunting was a problem when the adventure games have just turned to graphic but I think the current generation of adventure games has already pass that level. The mini-games and puzzle are much way better executed.

In the end, I still think a picture is worth a thousand words. I don\'t see we\'ll ever get back to the text adventure of yonder years.


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