Originally posted by seven
Oh okay, well since PS2 supports it too - can\'t wait for that feature. I mean, hell yeah lucky me! Games now don\'t support it, but well, maybe in a few years every game will have it!!
I\'d rather see that performance for HDTV support go into better graphics.
I believe Halo does make some use of the HDTV support. Also, your statement, "I\'d rather see that performance for HDTV support go into better graphics" is rather dumb considering games that take advantage of the HDTV support will graphically look better.
Originally posted by seven
Further down in your post, you said why most people (refering to the "casual gamer") won\'t buy a HDD - so why include it in the price? As I said above, you won\'t need to buy a HDD so don\'t add it. Fact is, PS2 + memory card is less expensive than a Xbox. Plain and simple.
I don\'t know what you paid for your PS2. But mine cost $300 and my XBox also cost $300. Yet my XBox came with a hard drive. So I dont quite understand your price arguments.
Originally posted by seven
Let me tell what I\'m impressed with. That a system that is in fact 2 years older can compete with a system that supposedly is 3 to 5x more powerful (Tecmo and Microsoft speak) and has graphics that are up to par. A system that not only is supposedly more powerful, but should also be a dream to program for since it uses DirectX and PC components which is already well known.
You can make an argument either way. I think it\'s rather impressive that the 1st generation XBox games are on par with the 2nd generation PS2 games.
Originally posted by seven
so you are still totally unaware of the fact that there are games out for PS2 right this moment that do infact support DTS surround 5.1 during gameplay? You really are a funny one.
First off, just because you can hook up your DD receiver to your PS2, it doesn\'t mean that the PS2 takes advantage of the DD receiver\'s capabilities. Here is a quote from an XBox release statement "The PS2 proudly trumpets the fact that it supports Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, but what it doesn\'t say is that it only supports it during DVD movies and FMV sequences - not during gameplay. Nor does the GameCube support Dolby Digital 5.1 in gameplay."
Originally posted by seven
Well I can live with out that. I also wonder how much of those advantages really are necessary and how many people will make use of them? Downloading music? Sounds good, but I can do the same with a mixer and my hifi system -> with better quality and it\'s cheaper. I\'ll give you the updates and such for games (expandable cars etc), but I wonder how many games will utilize this. We\'ll see.
I didn\'t say anything about downloading music. I said you can load your music into the games. This proves to be very neat. For instance, you can load music from your CDs into a game like Project Gotham Racing and listen to that music while driving in the game. Just one small example of a HD advantage. I am sure we can all live without it. My point wasn\'t to say that you cannot live without it. My point was to name a HD advantage. I take it you once again missed that.
Originally posted by seven
As I already tried to point out: your specs prove nothing at all. Thank gods todays game developers aren\'t that stupid. Nice try though.. have any other arguements?
First off, they aren\'t my specs. They are the consoles specs. The specs show the limits of the system. Knowledgeable developers can push a system to it\'s limits. My point is that the XBox leaves room for a little bit more pushing.
I am growing tired of this argument. You\'re obviously a hard nosed PS2 lover. I like both systems. I prefer my XBox. The whole point of every post I have made under this thread was to say why I prefer my XBox. You seem to have taken my preference for whatever reason personally. And that, my friend, is sad.