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Author Topic: New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?  (Read 3503 times)

Offline fastson
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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2002, 11:49:29 AM »
Oh he has support all right..

But I dont feel like arguing with no-lifes right now.
I got more important things to do.

Maybe later.
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline BizioEE

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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2002, 12:08:03 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu

You were off to a good start until you said that.  One thing (development) has nothing to do with the other (game length).  Since when did games have to be over 25 hours?  Think about the games you mentioned and the way they are played.  Just how different can platform games be done?  I guess we\'ll see when the more powerful system actually gets some good ones right?  Not only that, but imagine playing those games you mentioned for 25 hours... DMC?  25 hours long?  That would never get boring for you?  Ico being 25 hours would never be too long for you?  Let\'s not forget sequals are games that add on to the original, not redefine the genre as well...

well,development on a hypothetical hardware affect the game itself,game-play(new and fresh elements),longevity,its lenght...and how? people\'re wondering...
Developers have a certain budget and a deadline,and if you "waste" money and time only to understand how to push polys,how to do good textures,how to implement,for example,a bump mapping engine,you have less money and time for more important things=innovative game-play,longevity,lenght...it\'s my point...
You said..."imagine playing those games you mentioned for 25 hours..."...I have not to finish them in a single day:)...I finished J&D in 3 days...I\'ve been waiting for it almost 2 years...I think you may understand my disappointment...


However, since you see these games as downfalls of the hardware, name me the Xbox games that are super long and are not tired and old gameplay wise.  The top three selling games on the system (Halo, DOA3, and Project Gotham) have all been done before in some way.  An FPS is still an FPS, DOA2 is still very similar to DOA3, and peoject gotham shares plenty of similarities with it\'s early Sega counterpart.

Ryu...I don\'t bash a console for what I see in the first 3-4 months...I give a console the time it needs...at least 2 years...
...Halo is great,but not "revolutionary",you\'re right...but it\'s a launch game,and I\'m impressed...I\'ll wait for Doom3,Project Ego,Brute Force,Ninja Gaiden,etc etc before delivering a substantial judgement on the XBox...I\'ll give this console and even GC the time they need...and then,in case,I\'ll "bash" them!


  You blame developers for making those "unsatisfactory" games for the PS2 and yet no one has done any better on the Xbox even after you herald it as the greatest system of all.

I\'ve just answered you...great games need great dev and a lot of time...they\'re not self-programmed!


It\'s just funny people complain about game length and yet never did back in the days of SNES and NES.  If you played those games nowadays, you\'d zip through them as fast as you do PS2 games.  It\'s like all because gaming is mainstream, the games should be 40+ hours with more extras then even I can count, but that isn\'t how it\'s been done and it\'s never been done that way before.  As for original gameplay, well, when was the last time we saw original gameplay ideas?  I think it was around the Dreamcast\'s launch...

...about the DC,it\'s the only one console which has lived up to my expectations...and now are Microsoft and Nintendo on duty!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2002, 12:46:00 PM by BizioEE »
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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2002, 02:48:00 PM »
Developers have a certain budget and a deadline,and if you "waste" money and time only to understand how to push polys,how to do good textures,how to implement,for example,a bump mapping engine,you have less money and time for more important things=innovative game-play,longevity,lenght...it\'s my point...

You made such a well thought out post the first time around and now it sounds a lot like broken English.  Can you please put effort into all of your posts in the future so they are easier to understand?  Thank you.

As for what you said in relation to what I said, different TYPES of games do not need to be longer.  The games you mentioned are big examples of this.  There needs to be a balance of just how long a game is and just how much you can actually take of it.  Devil May Cry is but one example of a fine game, but imagine doing that same hack and slash routine not for a mere 7 hours of gameplay, but instead for 25.  25 hours of the same attacks over and over and over again.  There are many people out there who absolutely hate shooters because of the simple fact that it is the same crap over and over.  Beat-em ups suffer from this as well as certain action games.  You want longer games yet you do not stop to think just how boring those games would be if they were any longer.  There is another solution to this however...

Maybe you just spend too much time playing games.  You admitted to beating all those games in a day and that\'s what, 10, 12 hours of straight gaming?  Then you complain that it wasn\'t long enough?  People I know beat FFX in three days and complained it was too short even though their timers clocked in at 50 hours.  Maybe you should just pace yourself and enjoy it rather then dive in head first and expect it to last for three months.

The only game in recent memory that served the whole longevity and replayabilty category you are looking for is Grand Theft Auto 3 and that was a PS2 game.  Oh well, to each their own.

Ryu...I don\'t bash a console for what I see in the first 3-4 months...I give a console the time it needs...at least 2 years...
...Halo is great,but not "revolutionary",you\'re right...but it\'s a launch game,and I\'m impressed...I\'ll wait for Doom3,Project Ego,Brute Force,Ninja Gaiden,etc etc before delivering a substantial judgement on the XBox...I\'ll give this console and even GC the time they need...and then,in case,I\'ll "bash" them!

"Bash"?  I never said anthing about bashing anything.  I never even bashed the Xbox.  No need to be so defensive, it\'s unwaranted here.  I merely pointed out that the things you crave with the PS2 are also lacking with the Xbox even though you seem to think that it is the end all be all of consoles.  You want longevity and ingenuity with gaming, the most technically impressive console does not guarantee that and you should understand that point.  Hardware encourages new things, but money encourages motiviation and the most money is made with the most userbase.

As for the games you mentioned, we don\'t know anything about them to judge a console by them.  You claim so much about the Xbox, but the games you use to say how great it is aren\'t even out yet.  Reminds me of the big-ass Sony fanboys who posted here when the PS2 first launched.

This is getting a bit off-topic though, Sony being a monopoly really has nothing to do with the Xbox, I fail to see why it was brought up in the first place.  You\'re just barking up the wrong tree here.

I\'ve just answered you...great games need great dev and a lot of time...they\'re not self-programmed!

You still give the Xbox the benefit of the doubt regardless, enough to where you proclaim the PS2 to be a gaming failure and the Xbox to be some type of gaming messiah.  It\'s weird and uncanny.

...about the DC,it\'s the only one console which has lived up to my expectations...and now are Microsoft and Nintendo on duty!

"And now are Microsoft and Nintendo on du..." WTF are you talking about?
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Offline BizioEE

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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #63 on: April 11, 2002, 12:17:25 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu

You still give the Xbox the benefit of the doubt regardless, enough to where you proclaim the PS2 to be a gaming failure and the Xbox to be some type of gaming messiah. It\'s weird and uncanny.

I still give the XBox the benefit of the doubt??...are you joking?:) still?? XBox is a new hardware,a new console and it needs time as every other console...is it too difficult to understand? I said XBox has a greater potential than PS2,not that XBox is some type of gaming messiah!
...and who said PS2 is a gaming failure? I said I\'m disappointed from what I\'ve seen in 2 years...I was expecting a lot more...and it\'s a very different story...it\'s only my opinion...


As for what you said in relation to what I said, different TYPES of games do not need to be longer. The games you mentioned are big examples of this. There needs to be a balance of just how long a game is and just how much you can actually take of it. Devil May Cry is but one example of a fine game, but imagine doing that same hack and slash routine not for a mere 7 hours of gameplay, but instead for 25. 25 hours of the same attacks over and over and over again.

I see you don\'t understand me(maybe my english...if only I could speak italian here:D )...
...I complain about the lack of originality,fresh and unique elements in game-play first,and then about the fact most of games are too easy and short! Take J&D for example and you may easy realize that it\'s nothing more than Mario 64 with bigger environments with "crash style" and some other things taken from Zelda...where\'s the "Next Gen Game"? where\'s the unique game ND promised? It plays like Mario64...and ND spent 2 years on the next gen Machine!! are you happy? me not happy!!

I\'m not complaining only because most of game are short in terms of number of levels or the time you need to finish them! ...if you add,for example,some new and fresh elements to J&D and you make it more challenging...well...it could be more interesting...don\'t you agree?

and you said""Devil May Cry is but one example of a fine game, but imagine doing that same hack and slash routine not for a mere 7 hours of gameplay, but instead for 25. 25 hours of the same attacks over and over and over again""

naah...I don\'t want the same attacks over and over again for 25,50 hours of game-play...I want a deeper and more challenging experience,not the same game-play protracted for 50 hours! I thought it were clear...


Maybe you just spend too much time playing games. You admitted to beating all those games in a day and that\'s what, 10, 12 hours of straight gaming? Then you complain that it wasn\'t long enough? People I know beat FFX in three days and complained it was too short even though their timers clocked in at 50 hours. Maybe you should just pace yourself and enjoy it rather then dive in head first and expect it to last for three months.

I spend time playing videogames,but not that much...maybe my expectations are to high...

"And now are Microsoft and Nintendo on du..." WTF are you talking about?

1)PS2,in two years,didn\'t even show me half the potential I was expecting!

2)DC showed me the potential I was expecting!

3)I\'ll wait to see if both XBox and GC will show me the potential I expect from them!

= DC lived up to my expectations,PS2 NO!  XBox and GC? who knows? I\'ll give them the time they need!

is it enough clear now?:)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2002, 11:48:07 PM by BizioEE »
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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #64 on: April 11, 2002, 12:31:30 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

ps: ooseven,don\'t cry at mm like a little girl...stop to be a pimp(the reason why you\'re a """mod""")...and start to act like a real mod...please...


Taken from the Newbies FAQ thread in the main forum

No swearing.

No complaining about the rules. They are the way there are for a reason. To Control the boards and make them fun. Not dirty and full of garbage no one wants to read.

If you have a problem with someone or something said. Please report it too a mod or admin. Do NOT flame back.
In normal english, don\'t attack back. For any reason.



please read them as well as RYU\'s words of wisdom on forum protacol  """Bozzo""")...

and if you still have a problem with it then here is a link for you

Click here
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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2002, 12:37:46 AM »
I see you didn\'t take mm\'s advice!:)

now I\'m doing nice...do the same!
He has the power of both worlds
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Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2002, 12:42:14 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE
I see you didn\'t take mm\'s advice!:)

now I\'m doing nice...do the same!

cool :)

we are cool

now lets kiss and make up !

or we could just both friendly spam the off topic as a piece offering


now come over here you Italian STUD you !

*kissy* *kissy*

Little note to all of you

Could you please make your long replys a wee bit easyer to read..

this thread is killing me :( :crying:
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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #67 on: April 11, 2002, 12:47:50 AM »
:) ...we cool... :)
He has the power of both worlds
Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2002, 12:49:18 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE
:) ...we cool... :)


This is NOT spam !

//me gets B£tch slaped by Ryu for spamming in console debating !
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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2002, 01:44:29 AM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

(Aradin=Bossieman)...when speaking about the arguments"PS2 and XBox almost on par" and "the freedom? of development"...

LMFAO, What???? PS2 and x-box on par?? Are you drunk?? Have I said that??? Freedom of development?????

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New topic! Is Sony too much of a monopoly on the gaming industry?
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2002, 05:07:34 PM »
Who deleted my post???


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