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Author Topic: Could X-box be qualified as the one of the biggest dissapointments in the 21st cent..  (Read 6192 times)

Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by Ginko

Pikmin\'s cool!!!

Anyway, I don\'t think he\'s actually played JSRF...Do you remember the arugement that he said JSRF is a port of JGR?  He had no arguement...

I beleive it was just another Xbox rant to go with the whole port-box, Halo runs at 30 fps, "the PS2 killah"...

I know I wasen\'t trying to rag on pikmin thats why I went back and edited that part out of my post because I did not want it too seem as if I was taking a shot a pikim.
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by SonyFan
Right Altered.. but isn\'t that what they said 2-3 years ago? Isn\'t that what Sony was saying back before the PS2 launched.. but as it turns out it didn\'t.. throwing Sony\'s Online plans out the window and causing them start over from scratch to allow for 56k users. I mean, Sony knew they was going to take the PS2 online from the get go.. and they aren\'t just back there in japan sitting on their thumbs because they can.

But even so.. ok, say 20% of America does become broadband enabled in the next year or so. That\'s still 80% of the market that Microsoft is neglecting. 80%.. that\'s a lot of fooking people you have to admit. If they\'d have allowed for 56k but restricted them to Low Bandwith servers with all the niceties turned off.. that would have been better than where they are now.

I\'m sorry, but I just don\'t see it happening. By the time enough users sign onto Broadband to justify having a BB only option, the Xbox will be on it\'s way out with the Xbox2 comming up to replace it. The only way I see this changing, is if someone makes a breakthrough technology to allow BB users to use their normal phonelines/Power outlets. As it is now, they\'re basically rewiring the entire country.. and that takes time.. and money.  Sure many of the big citys are covered.. but there\'s a LOT of people who live in rural communites which have no access to BB other than through satellite... which, again, is useless because while incomming packet travel at amazing speed.. you\'re still using 56k to send outgoing packets.

I really don\'t think broadband is going to grow as fast as people hope.. which is also why I think the PS3 (IF they go through with what they\'re planning) is going to be in some deep f*cking sh*t come 2005.

Your *****ING about something that there is no reason to be crying about.

I am going to let in on a little secret. Umm ONLINE GAMING SUCKS ON 56K MODEM. THERE IS NO NEED TO HAVE ONLINE GAMES ON 56K IT SUCKS ASS. Unless online gaming is broadband then there is no online gaming.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Hmm... the only real time you need a lagless enviornment is when you\'re playing an FPS, otherwise, diablo 2 and many online MMORPGs don\'t need anything above 56k.
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yes, i owned [past tense] JGRF

its fluff.  they DUMBED DOWN the grafitti tagging control method from the DC version.  hows that for being shallow?

i never said PS2 didnt have creampuffs, you guys kill me
why do you take it so personally when someone insults the precious xbox , and feel obligated to insult the PS2

for example...

[anonymous gamer] - "i dont like gunvalyre cause its boring"

[xbox fan]  - kekeke, all PS2 games are boring, XBOX 0wnx0rs joo!

instead of defending the attention span that gunvalykre may require, they just impulsivey go into attack mode

/me shrugs

oh and JGRF = port

56k gaming?
hell i remember playing doom co-op over a 14.4 modem and thinking it couldnt get any better than this.  than again, im an old head, and remember 1200 baud modems, uGh

moral of story, 56k is fine for gaming
stop trying to play on servers half a world away
56k modem will get you a sub 200 ping on most servers in yer region
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Well, and with certain racers. I haven\'t played Daytona USA Online yet, but word from SegaWeb is that it\'s buttery smooth online with a 56k with very few instances of lag. And ya know, it\'s not even all shooters that need Broadband either. Sure FPS like QuakeIII and UT play much better (allthough VERY playable even with the annoyance of lag) on broadband, but then you have games like Alien Front Online which are very smooth and never jerk or jitter. About the only way you could tell you\'re lagging is that every once in a while you\'ll fire twice as many rounds into a tank as what it should take to kill them.. and then have em explode a few seconds later.

QuDDus.. STFU. You might be one of those people who have to have the best of the best or nothing at all.. but there\'s THOUSANDS of Dreamcast and PC users out there who will testify that gaming, even over a 56k modem, is a helluva lot more fun than offline play. And as Ryu pointed out, not all games are FPS and not all games need broadband.

Microsoft f*cked up by not giving 56k users any kind of a choice.. deal with it.
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anyone know the percentage of actual broadbane households to dial up households?

i would guess and say perhaps 15% of all online users are on broadband

sonyfan has a valid point, the xbox user will have to get broadband to play online or nothing at all.  

what hurts 56k gaming is peer to peer communication

centralized servers are key, and sega knew that
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Offline AlteredBeast
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The majority of online gameplayers are broadband users, as was the study done by UBISoft or Infogrames. I just don\'t want my experience limited by the lowest common denominator. I want everything fast and crazy. Everything would have to be super cut down and super optimized for newer games (like Halo) to run decent in 56k. Look at Q3A on DC. The broadband PC players will kick the crap out of you because they move so fast in comparison.

Some games are fine, but do you want it to say on the box "Online! but only Broadband users" because the game is too complex. Ever tried a mmorpg on 56k? Not fun. Ultima Online is an old game and even THAT game lags.

All the people I have talked with who are buying an XBox at Best Buy and want to play online have DSL or Cable. ALL of them. Anyone who asks already has it.

Eric Jacob
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by SonyFan

QuDDus.. STFU. You might be one of those people who have to have the best of the best or nothing at all.. but there\'s THOUSANDS of Dreamcast and PC users out there who will testify that gaming, even over a 56k modem, is a helluva lot more fun than offline play. And as Ryu pointed out, not all games are FPS and not all games need broadband.

Microsoft f*cked up by not giving 56k users any kind of a choice.. deal with it.

How did MS **** up? Online gaming is not  huge on consoles. So I don\'t see where they ****ed up. And I don\'t see online gaming become huge on consoles anytime soon in the future. If

P.S don\'t ever tell me to stfu you hank;)
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline Bozco
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Theres no way more than 50% of xbox owners have BB, the overall online percentage is like 15%.  I know gaming would have a higher percentage but no way in hell would it be even near 50%.  I know 6 people with xbox and none have BB.

Offline AlteredBeast
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Bozco, you aren\'t out of high school yet, nor do you work with selling the 3 major consoles nearly every day. Everyone I have talked to that has mentioned online play with XBox already has bb. That is the cold hard facts. It may be different everywhere else.

The number of people who use bb is way higher than the number of pure subscribers, btw. Think about college students. They play TONS of games and are supplied with a direct line of bb power :)

Eric Jacob
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How did MS **** up? Online gaming is not huge on consoles. So I don\'t see where they ****ed up. And I don\'t see online gaming become huge on consoles anytime soon in the future. - QuDDuS

That\'s because (sans the Saturn\'s meger attempts at webbrowsing) console owners have never before been given a choice as to weither or not to go online. The market for online gaming consoles is not huge "now", but do you really think that Sega, Sony, Microsoft, AND Sega would have built in hardware/have plans to usher in the online gaming age for consoles if there wasn\'t a ton of potential in it? There\'s huge money to be made in the market for online games.. and it seems that all four of these companies know that. Why am I surprised that you don\'t?

Now out of these four competetors, only one has insisted on Broadband use only. Sony originally had, but they pulled out of that idea. Care to take a guess why? The answer should be obvious.

Again.. STFU. ;)

The majority of online gameplayers are broadband users, as was the study done by UBISoft or Infogrames. - AlteredBeast

Uh huh... Well first off, I\'d like to see a link. Secondly, that poll was of online gamers right now. Right now, other than the dead & burried Dreamcast, there aren\'t any online consoles (Xbox is only through a PC & GameSpy).. a market which consists of well over 120 million users or more. What do the demographics behind that list reveal? Any Dreamcast users in that list? I\'m willing to bet a large majority of those polled were collage students living in their dorms which are (Surprise, Surprise) broadband enabled.

Altered.. I realize the number of Broadband users is not small by any means. BUT.. it\'s nowhere NEAR the size of people who are still on 56k. Microsoft cut out a TON of perfectly good subscribers for apperantly no good reason.

But ah, you mentioned the niceties. Well, I\'m not programming genious, but I would imagine those can be turned off -ingame- to provide more bandwith for narrowband users right? And I would also imagine that servers could be segregated into two camps.. those with low ping and those with high ping. Low Ping connections could access the narrowband servers, but High Ping connections can only play with other high ping users.

Anywho, it sucks to say, but you\'re probably still going to be dragged down by the lowest common denomenator. See, it\'s already happening with Xbox\'s graphics. PS2 games are being ported over with only minimal touchups to make the graphics look better.. much like many low-grade PSX ports to the DC make it look like a PSOne & a Half (judging by Vigilante 8, Tomb Raider 4, ect..). This is going to happen online too. Aside from exclusive titles, any games ported over will not have the niceties which MS\'s broadband was intended for.. because they would have to change too much of the code over from the PS2/NGC versions. Maybe a few extra niceties will find they\'re way through.. but it will be nothing like you\'d find in say, Halo 2 or a similar Xbox exclusive. Not to mention that if they add in too many extras, it would negate the possiblity of cross platform Online gaming since PS2/NGC users would largely be on 56k modems.

Finally, I\'m tired of "My Store" analogys.. because they are completely different no matter where you go in the country. It\'s ok to say how thing are in your part of the world.. but it\'s not any kind of proof that that\'s how it is everywhere. Case in point, I\'ve been doing market analysis at McVan\'s videogame trader in Ft Wayne to help put together a buisness plan for my own videogame shop. Using the guise of a collage student doing a report for a small buisness management class, I quizzed the clerks and managers (when possible) of the problems & promises facing a small dedicated videogame retail shop. One of their top pieces of advice was to keep the customer happy and comming back. Now of the three locations, two of them told of irate customers (don\'t remember the exact number, but it was a fairly decent amount) who would come in and complain about their Xbox\'s (among many other things) not being able to hook up online. See.. they were lead to believe (through gullibility, illiteracy, or stupidity) that the Xbox was online out of the box.. but it wasn\'t.. and expecially for 56k users. Although I only heard of one person turning his Xbox in (not because of the online features, but because of a defect), I get the feeling that they were all pretty irate.

That was actually a very small part of what they told me tho. You should have heard about the compalints people had with the PS2. :D

Now I haven\'t quizzed Ft. Wayne\'s local Best Buy\'s yet.. but I\'ll let you know as soon as I do. Yeah, it\'s underhanded.. but it gets the job done. Besides, if you think this is shady, you should see what I\'m doing to my direct cometition. :evil:
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I wonder if people realize that of the people who are polled, they are in the vast minority OF a minority.  Yes, BB users do play games online, but just how many 56k users who game online really look at videogame sites and news updates?  I mean, there are around (and this is a very conservative guess) 5 million PC gamers... how many of them really participate in these polls and how many of them respond truthfully?  Polls don\'t mean jack and that\'s something people should have learned long ago.
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talk to vennt from GA, I believe he knows.

but it wasn\'t an online poll or anything. They did a survey, I believe it was random emails with questions like do you play games online, what kind of connection do you have? etc.

I just hope MS is successful, I need smooth online all of the time with the best experience possible.

Eric Jacob
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its a shame you wont have it

even broadband is limited by its weakest link

untill you show me a graph, no more than 15% of ALL xbox owners have broadband, which means m$ left 85% of its buyers out in the cold
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let\'s just say this,

X-Boxes future is uncertain.
\"In the last 12 months 100,000 private sector jobs have been lost and yet you\'ve created 30,000 public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecidented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.\" - Daniel Hannan

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