Speaking strictly of console games, I have not played the GC or the X-Box for almost 3 months now. I have been a bit broke, so that happens, but I also find myself not realy wanting too much from either console anyways so maybe my lack of funds is just as well as a lack of good games to anticipate, with the exception of Resident Evil at the end of this month of course. When a console doesn\'t get great games for a few months, it\'s hard to consider it a complete failure and let me clarify that point with a few examples.
When the Playstation first launched just shortly after the Saturn, the competition was slight. People already wounded by the 32X and the SegaCD were still reeling and Sony as a console manufacturer was in roughly the same position as MS is now being a relaitively world renowned company for specific mediums, but a truly untested company when it comes to creating great games. Price was a serious factor at the time and barely any consoles were really moved. Only when the N64 was released and the price drops begin did consoles really move. At that particular point, it was incredibly hard to tell who really was the clear cut winner and that was already a year after two console launches and the release of the revered Mario64.
The point is, in that window of time, so much had changed to really throw off the whole predictability of the situation. Nintendo was the heavy favorite with the most anticipated console in history (whether it lived up to that hype is argueable) and Sony was the classic underdog. Who would have thought that the displacement of one RPG franchise could have altered that equillibrium forever? From this, we can infer that it\'s just far too early to tell who is a failure, if anyone will be a failure, or who will be a true "winner." A mere 6 months after its release and the XBox is already a failure? Come on guys, I think we can all learn something from Sony\'s previous venture into this worldwide phenomenon and that fact is very simple:
Anything can happen.