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Author Topic: Could X-box be qualified as the one of the biggest dissapointments in the 21st cent..  (Read 6193 times)

Offline Blade
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Hehe, that was a rather silly post on my part.. most of that was just thrown in there for comical value..

After playing some of the Xbox\'s better games on kiosks, I\'ve learned how much fun they are. I\'ve discovered that I have an affinity for Project Gotham Racing.. kinda unexpected! That\'s one solid game from MS.

As for GameCube.. those who don\'t own the system shouldn\'t be saying jack. Like Shigeru Miyamoto says.. play a game before you judge it. Graphics and style aren\'t the whole game.. these things must be mixed with gameplay, sound, and overall atmosphere to create the gaming experience. Just viewing a screenshot doesn\'t show you how enjoyable a game is going to be. This goes for all gaming systems.. PC, console, and handheld!
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I can bash the GC because I have played all of the AMerican released games but two and I know that many are trash or are hard to play because of the controller.

GC will come in it\'s own eventually, but right now, it is the system that at least deserves the bashing. XBox consistently gets third party games out. Where is Blood Omen 2 and Max Payne on GC? I guess Soccer SLam is pretty fun, though.

Spiderman on XBox is another bonus I guess. I can\'t believe it doesnt say anywhere on the box about the two extra levels and extra boss. It only makes sense!

Eric Jacob
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Yeah, but ya know, when I get my Xbox it\'ll be for the new and original games you can\'t find anywhere else. Blood Omen? Max Payne... pfft... who cares. While they might be pretty good in their own right, those are "Generic" titles you can find on other systems. I\'d buy the Xbox for Halo, Project Ego, Muches Oddesey, Gunvalkyrie, and... well... it\'s kinda hard to come up with a ton of Xbox exclusives right now that can be considered AAA titles. That just takes time, and it\'s why I always wait a year after a console\'s lauch to even begin seriously thinking of purchasing it.

I\'ve got MSR on the Dreamcast... Project Gotham dosen\'t interest me.

Oh.. and Altered.. I dunno what anyone else\'s reasons are.. but I could give two sh*ts less about "Added Levels" and "Enhanced Graphics" gimicks. Gimmie something new.. gimmie something I haven\'t played or seen before. Sega was always good for that.. so I have a feeling that most of my Xbox collection (when I get it) will consist of Sega and Lionhead/Molyneunex(sp?) games.
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I talk high-brow with high-brow members, I talk low-brow with low-brow members.

If you were debating with me (I would say "what happened?" :)) Then I would talk about how the hard drive may bless us all come Project Ego/BC/Shenmue III days.

I bought my XBox because I am a collector. I kept it because of the great games it has and great games it is going to have within the next year...and beyond.

Imagine Shenmue III with the full use of a hard drive. Can you even dream how big of a world it can be?

Farnation by Sega is supposed to be announced by Sega at E3. mmorpg and will take advantage of the hd. We will begin to see the light in a couple months. This will be like the day I brought home PSO.

Eric Jacob
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Speaking strictly of console games, I have not played the GC or the X-Box for almost 3 months now.  I have been a bit broke, so that happens, but I also find myself not realy wanting too much from either console anyways so maybe my lack of funds is just as well as a lack of good games to anticipate, with the exception of Resident Evil at the end of this month of course.  When a console doesn\'t get great games for a few months, it\'s hard to consider it a complete failure and let me clarify that point with a few examples.

When the Playstation first launched just shortly after the Saturn, the competition was slight.  People already wounded by the 32X and the SegaCD were still reeling and Sony as a console manufacturer was in roughly the same position as MS is now being a relaitively world renowned company for specific mediums, but a truly untested company when it comes to creating great games.  Price was a serious factor at the time and barely any consoles were really moved.  Only when the N64 was released and the price drops begin did consoles really move.  At that particular point, it was incredibly hard to tell who really was the clear cut winner and that was already a year after two console launches and the release of the revered Mario64.

The point is, in that window of time, so much had changed to really throw off the whole predictability of the situation.  Nintendo was the heavy favorite with the most anticipated console in history (whether it lived up to that hype is argueable) and Sony was the classic underdog.  Who would have thought that the displacement of one RPG franchise could have altered that equillibrium forever?  From this, we can infer that it\'s just far too early to tell who is a failure, if anyone will be a failure, or who will be a true "winner."  A mere 6 months after its release and the XBox is already a failure?  Come on guys, I think we can all learn something from Sony\'s previous venture into this worldwide phenomenon and that fact is very simple:

Anything can happen.
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Offline AlteredBeast
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And look what the underdog did, brought some of the greatest games ever out. XBox can also do this, but people got to quit hating on it.

It also seems, like with DC, that the media does NOT want XBox to be a success. It is like no positive news is newsworthy. But it is like some small insignificant matter occurs and national sites will be posting crap about it.

Eric Jacob
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Yeah well... too bad I won\'t get a chance to play it. See.. thank\'s to those wonderful people at MS who deemed only Broadband users can go online with the Xbox, I can\'t play MMORPG\'s like PSO or Farnation on it... I can\'t play any online games at all.

Eh.. *Shrugs* At least you\'re right about Shenmue III and that Harddrive. It\'s not like my PSX was any less fun even tho it wasn\'t online. Still.. that was a pretty stoopid move, you have to admit.. even if broadband only does allow for a lotta cool shiznits. I\'ll have a PS2 so there shouldn\'t be any lack of great online games to play.. not to mention I gotta feeling that Dreamcast online servers will be in use (limited use) for a long time to come.
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in another year (read: when more big online titles will actually be released :)) the US is supposed to be like 20% broadband. To have this happen price is probably going to drop down and availability will go up. It\'s all gravy man.

Who knows?

Eric Jacob
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That is my point.  Five years is plenty of time for a lot to happen with lots of different things.  Just as an example, take a look at the PC market and tell me just how much it has changed in the past five years and I expect these consoles and companies to be no different.

The people do not forget about console issues.  The only problem the PSOne really had was the fact that it broke easily and a lot of people had problems with them, but the majority of those who did remained in the minority of those who owned them and thus, the problem was slight.  However, now, it\'s going to be hard for people to forget just what looked better, what cost more, and what was worth waiting for.  When the PS3 releases, who knows what the state of the industry will be in, but I am sure that it won\'t be as easy for Sony to really pull the wool over the eyes of its competitors around that time.  I\'m sure people will consider a lot more when it comes time to put down that 300 bucks (or more) for that new hardware around then.
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Right Altered.. but isn\'t that what they said 2-3 years ago? Isn\'t that what Sony was saying back before the PS2 launched.. but as it turns out it didn\'t.. throwing Sony\'s Online plans out the window and causing them start over from scratch to allow for 56k users. I mean, Sony knew they was going to take the PS2 online from the get go.. and they aren\'t just back there in japan sitting on their thumbs because they can.

But even so.. ok, say 20% of America does become broadband enabled in the next year or so. That\'s still 80% of the market that Microsoft is neglecting. 80%.. that\'s a lot of fooking people you have to admit. If they\'d have allowed for 56k but restricted them to Low Bandwith servers with all the niceties turned off.. that would have been better than where they are now.

I\'m sorry, but I just don\'t see it happening. By the time enough users sign onto Broadband to justify having a BB only option, the Xbox will be on it\'s way out with the Xbox2 comming up to replace it. The only way I see this changing, is if someone makes a breakthrough technology to allow BB users to use their normal phonelines/Power outlets. As it is now, they\'re basically rewiring the entire country.. and that takes time.. and money.  Sure many of the big citys are covered.. but there\'s a LOT of people who live in rural communites which have no access to BB other than through satellite... which, again, is useless because while incomming packet travel at amazing speed.. you\'re still using 56k to send outgoing packets.

I really don\'t think broadband is going to grow as fast as people hope.. which is also why I think the PS3 (IF they go through with what they\'re planning) is going to be in some deep f*cking sh*t come 2005.
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altered, ive always respected yer opinions but you make it difficult by repeatedly saying throwing up that JGRF and gunvalkrye are A+ xbox titles

both of them sucked.  they contained some of the shallowest gameplay known to mankind. they are creampuffs, more puff and less cream

in fact, im glad they\'re xbox exclusives [for now :)]
as i dont want the average PS2 user to be polluted
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by mm
altered, ive always respected yer opinions but you make it difficult by repeatedly saying throwing up that JGRF and gunvalkrye are A+ xbox titles

both of them sucked.  they contained some of the shallowest gameplay known to mankind. they are creampuffs, more puff and less cream

in fact, im glad they\'re xbox exclusives [for now :)]
as i dont want the average PS2 user to be polluted

Your crazy JSRF kicks ass. You have no idea what a good game is.  Maybe you spent to much time bashing xbox to even try to enjoy the game. The game is great. Or it may just not have been your type of game. And if it wasen\'t that does not mean the game sucked.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2002, 07:41:08 AM by QuDDus »
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Originally posted by mm
altered, ive always respected yer opinions but you make it difficult by repeatedly saying throwing up that JGRF and gunvalkrye are A+ xbox titles

both of them sucked.  they contained some of the shallowest gameplay known to mankind. they are creampuffs, more puff and less cream

in fact, im glad they\'re xbox exclusives [for now :)]
as i dont want the average PS2 user to be polluted

Yes the PS2 users have enough creampuffs with Jak and Daxter (jump, spin, jump, spin, jump, jump)/ Devil May Cry (jump, action, jump, action)...

At least the two Sega titles tried to change up the gameplay a little bit...

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Originally posted by QuDDus

Your crazy JSRF kicks ass. You have no idea what a good game is.

I forgot you loved pikman though:nerd:

Pikmin\'s cool!!!

Anyway, I don\'t think he\'s actually played JSRF...Do you remember the arugement that he said JSRF is a port of JGR?  He had no arguement...

I beleive it was just another Xbox rant to go with the whole port-box, Halo runs at 30 fps, "the PS2 killah"...

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he didnt actually think the game was literally a port..

his comment was it was the same game, different levels.. no real reason to play it if you owned the first kinda thang


i think  :p


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