PS2 rocks. I just got one this friday with 2 games, Dynasty warriors 3 and FFX. Awesome. Got 2 more on Ebay for 20 bucks each, both games I wanted.
At the store (and this is in New York not some hillbilly store), the PS2 game shelves were twice as big as the Xbox game shelves. One Xbox game shelve would have 2 games just spread out all over it. LOL. I wouldnt buy Xbox now for even 100. What would I do with it. My friend has one and almost every time I rented a game I was pissed about my wasted money.
But even with all the promises and super power graphics and blah blah (like it has been said for 6 months), still why buy now and wait. If Xbox becomes great, buy it then. It will be 50 bucks by then