It was always assumed that MMOGs would not be included in the charge unless produced by MS themselves.
Also, you guys seem to forget that you don\'t have to pay for MSlive and PSO. You can just be a PSO player, and not have access to MSLIVE because PSO is carried on Sega\'s servers.
So really, it\'s the same on xbox as any other console except that you don\'t have to buy a modem, keyboard, mouse, harddirve (not to mention put up with lag).
So again, what\'s the difference?
Also, you guy aren\'t looking at it from the right perspective.
Let\'s pretend that there are no MMOGs.
PS2 online: free
XboxLive: 50/yr; 10/month
Now let\'s add MMOGs:
PS2 online: Unknown Fee
XboxLive: Unknown Fee
There is no difference. With both consoles you will have to pay to play MMOGs, so that\'s a wash (unless you count MS MMOGs and then advantage MSLive).
Most xbox live subscribers are willing to pay $150 bucks a year for a superier online experience. I could pay 10 bucks a month for dialup, but I pay 50 buck for cable. Why? Because you get what you pay for.
If you guys are seriously put out by $150 a year for an online service, then you have my pity. That\'s not even a day\'s work. I nearly spend more when I go out for diner for the night.
But of course, you clowns will jump at anything in order to get a shot off at MS/xbox.
It\'s pathetic really.