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Author Topic: Game Cube = Brain Washing!  (Read 7064 times)

Offline Mr. Kennedy
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #90 on: July 16, 2002, 08:45:43 AM »
In the words of Solid Snake 88...

STFU n00b!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
\"In the last 12 months 100,000 private sector jobs have been lost and yet you\'ve created 30,000 public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecidented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.\" - Daniel Hannan

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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #91 on: July 16, 2002, 09:35:45 AM »
Your 2nd statement has a point but its pathetic.....PS2 is the first console to have backwards capability. Most psx owners bought a PS2 and kept their PSX so I dont really care and this doesnt effect the games on the gamecube.

Actually, you\'re wrong. Atari done it back in the early days and since then there has been converted released to allow other systems like an Super NES play NES games,etc.

Offline moovingnstereo1
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #92 on: July 16, 2002, 05:38:04 PM »
game cube=game console,,,,,,, PSX=gaming system,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X box=gaming system.................................................................  k they all play games, do you realize that they play some of the same TITLE games too hmmm
« Last Edit: July 18, 2002, 11:08:05 AM by moovingnstereo1 »

Offline Blade
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #93 on: July 16, 2002, 06:07:01 PM »
Cloud345: Errm, no.

Seven: Good points, my friend. Perhaps, anyway.

what makes you think production of this "mini cd" is cheaper than that of a DVD?

It\'s equal or less, I know this from reading about it. Don\'t ask for a link. The mini-DVD is just a DVD, but a smaller size.. right? I\'d assume that smaller = cheaper, and the anti-piracy "strip" applied to each disc doesn\'t cost anything.

What makes you think a disc with smaller radius has a significant higher transfer rate? Unless you know the actual data transfer rate, this is pure speculation of how much faster it is than a CD/DVD drive. And btw; no matter how big the radius of your disc is - it will never be able to compete against the transfer rate of a HD.

I\'m pretty sure that both PS2 and GCN have 4X DVD drives.

A mini-DVD running at 4X is going to seem faster than a DVD running at 4X. Less seek-time. Disagree?

And yes, being a fairly knowledgable PC user.. I know how fast a HDD is compared to optical media.
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #94 on: July 16, 2002, 07:15:19 PM »
Actually, you\'re wrong. Atari done it back in the early days and since then there has been converted released to allow other systems like an Super NES play NES games,etc.

  WRONG! Why? Because I said so :p
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Offline Ginko
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #95 on: July 16, 2002, 08:51:40 PM »
Originally posted by moovingnstereo1
game cube=game console,,,,,,, PSX=gaming console,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X box=gaming console.................................................................  k they all play games, do you realize that they play some of the same TITLE games too hmmm

in the interest of increasing my post count...

Yes, they do play some of the same titles...however Gamecube has a very strong first party line-up.  

Where is this going?:sconf:

Offline clowd
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #96 on: July 16, 2002, 09:01:05 PM »
Seeing how this forum has gone so stale since my absence,  I decided to post again.

Coke,  let them have their Nintendo.  No matter what you say about it they will make up a silly excuse to cover for Nintendo.  Its just wasting time.  

And yes Coke I agree with you 100% on everything.

Offline Ginko
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #97 on: July 16, 2002, 09:20:53 PM »
Clowd, that\'s sad to hear...you were gaining back credibility from me and probably from a few other members.  You\'re posts of late have been well thought out and rational...this however nulifies all that.

Seeing as how Coke has yet to return and argue his side, I\'d say his points are moot...

Why don\'t you prove otherwise?  Maybe you can liven\' up the forums a bit...lol

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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #98 on: July 16, 2002, 09:34:10 PM »
No.  Clowd will just tell you that he has "loads of experience" with said gaming console and then proceed to "nullify" all of our points with biased links from sony and microsoft sites and then refuse to tell us why he doesn\'t like nintendo but continually question why we do.  It\'s a scary circle because he thinks he can\'t be proven wrong and that he is king debate.  It\'s hilarious to watch and ridicule, but not fun to actually participate in.  Let me put it this way:

Talking some sense into Clowd is about as easy as trying to perform brain surgery on yourself.
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #99 on: July 16, 2002, 10:36:32 PM »
Originally posted by Blade
Cloud345: Errm, no.

Seven: Good points, my friend. Perhaps, anyway.

what makes you think production of this "mini cd" is cheaper than that of a DVD?

It\'s equal or less, I know this from reading about it. Don\'t ask for a link. The mini-DVD is just a DVD, but a smaller size.. right? I\'d assume that smaller = cheaper, and the anti-piracy "strip" applied to each disc doesn\'t cost anything.

What makes you think a disc with smaller radius has a significant higher transfer rate? Unless you know the actual data transfer rate, this is pure speculation of how much faster it is than a CD/DVD drive. And btw; no matter how big the radius of your disc is - it will never be able to compete against the transfer rate of a HD.

I\'m pretty sure that both PS2 and GCN have 4X DVD drives.

A mini-DVD running at 4X is going to seem faster than a DVD running at 4X. Less seek-time. Disagree?

And yes, being a fairly knowledgable PC user.. I know how fast a HDD is compared to optical media.

hehe, no worries. Sorry \'bout that, guess I was just nitpicking a bit after trying to avoid posting in this thread for so long.. :)

About the DVD/MiniCD price comparasment. I am quite sure that Nintendo doesn\'t produce them, but Matshushita does. So in that essence, it\'s definately cheaper for Nintendo since they would not have to pay any licensing fees as they would have if they went with DVDs (to Sony i.e.). What makes me believe that the MiniCD is more expensive in the long run is the manufacturing process which is more expensive to my knowledge, since it\'s a new medium.

Anyway, this is not really relevant anyway as the consumer doesn\'t pay for the amount of discs in the game. The advantage is no piracy and that is a very big plus. :)

Offline shockwaves
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #100 on: July 17, 2002, 08:46:33 PM »
Originally posted by Clowd
Coke,  let them have their Nintendo.  No matter what you say about it they will make up a silly excuse to cover for Nintendo.  Its just wasting time.

I\'ll bet a lot of the people posting here don\'t even have gamecubes.  Coke\'s claims were just so ignorant and moronic, that everyone can see how wrong they are.  Well, everyone but you.

Originally posted by Clowd
And yes Coke I agree with you 100% on everything.

You\'re just as much of a moron as he is then.  As if we didn\'t already know that.  How can you agree with that?  Hell, I\'d love to see you try to put together a logical post to back him up.

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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #101 on: July 17, 2002, 11:57:21 PM »
Coke, let them have their Nintendo. No matter what you say about it they will make up a silly excuse to cover for Nintendo. Its just wasting time.

And yes Coke I agree with you 100% on everything.

Thank god there\'s atleast one person here with some brains!!

As for the rest of you, i really couldnt be bothered reading the rest of that bollocks you all wrote. Ive made my points. If you have any smarts you\'ll listen to the good word.

One further point id like to make is this....

All you nintendo dild0s out there are screaming about how great it is to have a \'pure gaming machine\', and then when the fact that its pointed out that its missing a DVD player you all cry
"Oh we like to save money on our cheap a$sed console"

Well think about this, what are you going to do when you want to watch a DVD?  Casue your gaming machine sure as hell doesnt have one. You\'ll have to go out an purchase one for around $300.

Geez, what great logic guys! Save $70 on your console and spend an extra $300 on a DVD player..... WHAT A BUNCH OF TOOLS!!

PS2 and X-box both have DVD players. Nintendo has jack all going fo it!!  I reluctantly played fifa 2002 on my friends game cube (after playing the x-box verision)...and i almost threw up after seeing how crapy nintendo looked compared to the x-box.

Wake up guys,...before you become Brain-Washed more!!
Im going to kick you in the nuts.. if you have any.

Offline Coke
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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #102 on: July 18, 2002, 12:19:43 AM »
Anyway, this is not really relevant anyway as the consumer doesn\'t pay for the amount of discs in the game. The advantage is no piracy and that is a very big plus.

This point has already been addressed. If its such a "Very big Plus"...who the plus to?..nintendo, but thats about it. The consumer just looses out by paying MORE for a game thats supposed to be piracy resistant.  GREAT IDEA to have a mini disk hey!!!  Nintendo ripping you off and you cant even see it, ...truly PATHETIC.

Here are some words that come to mind when i think about nintendo fanboys:

* Wretched
* Dismal
* Sad
* Pitiable
* Weak
* Useless
* Feeble

...LOL!!   Need I continue!!!!

May I ask how its brainwashing when its just trying to say its console it mainly for game when it IS mainly for gaming.

Tell me this then...how happy would you be if you bough a car that cost\'s almost the same as other cars and it didnt have A/C, cruise control, 2 air bags, ABS...etc etc...   NOW if you paid the virtually the same price as another car that DOES have these features...well i think almost every perosn would think you an idi0t fo making such a purchase.. Same concept here buddie!

Im going to kick you in the nuts.. if you have any.

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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #103 on: July 18, 2002, 01:06:03 AM »
*does the "this thread\'s gonna get locked soon" -dance*

Coke, good fellow, do you think before you post? Or do you just think, forget about what the hell you\'re supposed to say and go on with typing useless inane crap? Or are you just a sad, bored individual having fun by behaving like a retard?

I just can\'t bother tearing you a new one or a few, \'cause people have done that already and will continue to do so as long as you keep up your idiot antics here.

What the hell is your problem... I feel sorry for you... :(
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Game Cube = Brain Washing!
« Reply #104 on: July 18, 2002, 01:19:44 AM »
Actually, DVD players do not cost $300 hundred dollars and you should ask yourself. What are you goin\' to do when your PS2/Xbox refuses to read certain DVD\'s or play the sound for them, because they have half-assed DVD support.

Yeah, I thought so...


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