Once again, Ace hits it head on. With operating systems there is always other choices. You have the various *nix\'s and you also have the Apple (I\'m an Apple whore, myself). What I am talking about is where there is no other companies. Big difference.
I didn\'t go into detail enough, but I believe the PC industry and the monopoly we have there with Microsoft is significantly different. Windows is and will stay the dominant OS because of a few reasons:
- compatibility issues: you can\'t run windows software very well on the competitors OS (Linux, Mac)
- PC architecture is fixed, but upgradable therefore, you will always have that market even if you bring out newer PC\'s. Conclusion: developers stay with the most popular OS to ensure profits and good sales.
There are more, but those are the most relevant ones for my arguement. Now in a supossedly Sony monopoly in the gaming industry, the above wouldn\'t work out, because the hardware is completely fixed. Therefore, you\'ll have an upgrade in hardware sooner or later where you\'ll have to start from scratch again with your userbase and software. One could argue though that Sony wouldn\'t make that upgrade for years... *but* I don\'t see that happening because the chance that a competitor would come is too big to loose it all. We all know how long it takes to make a console, so Sony would have to invest (as they are doing now) long before into new hardware to secure that no competitors could suprise them.
The most important aspect though, and I mentioned it in my last short reply, is that this is a $20 Billion industry and I don\'t expect any company to just watch Sony have the pie for themselves. So, basically, Sony would be forced to keep on track just to secure their monopoly. Just to repeat, the Pc Industry is different because you have a fixed hardware on which you just upgrade to keep up. Unless SOny makes an upgradable console, don\'t expect the same to apply here. (If they did something like this, it wouldn\'t be a console anymore and people would probably refuse to buy it - conclusion: bad idea, so they wouldn\'t do it).
I see no advantage to having a monoply in the industry. If any one company dominated the industry without any competors than you can gurantee that there would be nothing to drive the creative minds of developers. As it is, developers are forced to a degree to actually entertain us and gain our attenion from the other company.
I disagree. If there was a monopoly, you\'d have more developers in direct competition to one another, so they would be driven to make the better software than the others. I don\'t quite see how a monopoly would change this.
Also, I think you took what I was saying about high prices to an extreme, Seven. I am not saying Sony would raise console prices to lets say $500, but you can gurantee there would be no price drops and you would still be paying full price for that console five years from the time it was released.
Agreed. That\'s why I did admit that competition is good, especially for this reason. Unfortunately, the competition didn\'t benefit me as I paid full price for my console and the software prices haven\'t been droped here in Europe and I don\'t see them doing so. None the less, a valid point so I agree.
Finally, if we was in a monopolized industry, you can also bet that we would not see the routine we do. The routine I am speaking about is the every 4-5 year routine where companies are forced to put a new product out. If one company dominated the industry, than there would be nothing to drive this routine and we may very well be stuck with the same console even when its past its prime.
Disagree. As I just mentioned above, Sony in a monopoly would have to live in fear of a competitor with a significantly better console. To secure their monopoly, they would have to keep up with the research even if it\'s just to secure their top spot. And the most important arguement: this is the $20 billion industry we\'re speaking about. I highly doubt Microsoft or Nintendo wouldn\'t cramp themselves back up just to be able to compete again and take some of the market share.
Anyway, it\'s not as if I\'m hoping for Sony to get that monopoly - I\'m just argueing that a monopoly isn\'t likely to happen like we see it in the PC industry.