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Author Topic: BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!  (Read 3446 times)

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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« on: August 31, 2002, 02:17:54 AM »


This articles comes directly out of the TV teletext Games magazine in the UK.

"Those of you looking forward to the xbox version of Shenmue II had better gat a tissue ready; it is looking like the epic, Hong-Kong based adventure will never be released in Europe. While this may seem like a stupid move on the part of Infogrames, publishers of the Sega developed game, the lacklustre reaction to the Dreamcast version may prove to be the catalyst. Microsoft, Infogrames and Sega refused to comment on the matter. Infogrames is refusing to confirm whether it wil release the xbox version of Shenmue 2 in Europe. Though the game will arrive in the US in November with an English language voice-over to accompany the optional Japanese speech it is believed that Microsoft doesn\'t feel thegame is right for Europe. The game has already been dropped from the official European release schedules on http://www.xbox.com/uk site."

"While US Xbox owners can rejoice at this news, the future looks less promising for Europe, with rumours rife that the game will never appear in this territory. A Microsoft spokesperson was unable to shed any light on the situation, while Infogrames - which publishes Sega\'s Xbox titles in Europe - was unavailable at the time of writing, though the game does not appear on its release schedule."

Thanks to salman_128@hotmail.com for the information! Even though we here at Shenmue Dojo appreciate the information you\'ll be mad that he is the bringer of bad news... maybe I shouldn\'t of added his email address. heh =D [ andy@shenmuedojo.com ]

Save my Shenmue II!  August 30
Well, it didn\'t take long but there is already a Petition to save Shenmue IIx PAL. I encourage everyone to sign. Even if you live in the US you should sign because the success of Shenmue IIx will determine if we ever see Shenmue III. Also some good news to everyone who disliked the Shenmue IIx box art below. We have a picture of the Prima Strategy Guide. Prima has been doing the guides for all the exclusive Xbox titles in the US. On the cover of the guide you\'ll see the game\'s box art, or the box art slightly modified. The real box art should look very similar to the Prima Guide picture. Thanks Christopher Stearns for the picture. [ andy@shenmuedojo.com ]

Go here for the Shenmue Petition!  http://www.petitiononline.com/shenmuex/petition.html
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2002, 04:15:15 AM »
Wait til ooseven here\'s about this...

tssk, they\'ve pretty much given up on Japan and Europe, US is the only market for them now.
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2002, 04:28:24 AM »
this was on eurogamer.net a couple of weeks back only the usa will be getting it

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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2002, 05:45:03 AM »
Maybe they should release it on the PS2. *cough*

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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2002, 10:23:01 AM »
Mwehhehehee... *embraces DC version*

But... hey, this would mean that we\'d most probably miss S3 too??? HELL! Sum, heads are gonna roll if so :evil:
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2002, 11:42:38 AM »
yeah, i still smell a slight odor of "sloppy port"

im gonna stick my with DC version
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2002, 11:58:19 AM »
Originally posted by mm
yeah, i still smell a slight odor of "sloppy port"

im gonna stick my with DC version

Are you saying you would pick the DC version over the Xbox one?  Comedy gold!

It\'s not just a port, it has some enhancements to the graphics.  Tell me why a slopy port?  I know the game will have better textures on the Xbox.

:laughing: Let me help you out here.

Newly polished
Shenmue II was originally released for Dreamcast in Japan and Europe. This is a port, but Microsoft is making certain to refine the graphics so the game seems comparable to other Xbox titles. At first glance, you might think the game looks like its DC counterpart, but when you compare the two side-by-side it\'s pretty clear the Xbox version is a much more attractive game.





My Closing Comments is if it was not build from the ground up for the Xbox,  The graphics will have an out dated look.  Wait for Shenmue 3.

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« Last Edit: August 31, 2002, 12:30:36 PM by pstwo »
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2002, 01:20:17 PM »
i cant believe you just walked into the "graphics over gameplay" xbox trap

good grief man

but hey, if you like walking around forever, listening to people say the same things OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER,  then only to  fight some insects in morrowind, than thats yer business

it was a GOTY pick for you also, lol

are you letting rast use yer login here?  sometimes yer posts remind me of him

oh, and that second xbox pic looks like absolute shit
sorry if you cant notice that.  why are those xbox textures in those shots so dark also?  trying to hide something?

you should be ashamed trying to prove something with those pics.  where have you fallen to, man?
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2002, 01:25:37 PM »
Ok First off... Europe got the DC version of Shenmue II while the US got the shaft. What goes around comes around.

Second... Europe is still very much Adventure game territory. They\'re stupid if they don\'t release it over there since that\'s pretty much what Shenmue is. The DC was a flop in Europe, and Shenmue II came at the very end of the DC\'s life.. which would explain the low sales. Prime the market a bit and see what kind of reaction you get before making a decision like this.

Third, you are an idiot pstwo if you think those Xbox screens look any better than the DC version. Even in the screenshots you posted.. where are the enhancements? I sure as hell don\'t see em. Aside from maybe the lack of about 5 jaggies found in the DC version (which you cannot see in gameplay anyhow) there\'s a slight difference in the colormaps and that\'s it. OOoohh huge enhancement there.

I simply can\'t believe that a game for a console which only pushes 5 mpps max, is being ported to a console capable of well over 30mpps and the only graphical enhancements are highly transperant.

mm is right. Shenmue II for Xbox is a sloppy port. Get over it.
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2002, 01:55:24 PM »
BTW: mm, notice anything funny about that first DC pic he posted? I was jus playin through that scene not too long ago and Ryu\'s jacket dosen\'t look nearly as washed out and bland as it does there. Looks like someone ran that pic thru photoshop and turned up the gamma or something.

Meh, I also noticed that the DC version has a shadow over the map box while the Xbox version dosen\'t. For shame.
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2002, 01:59:10 PM »
lol, i didnt even nmotice the shadow

the blur in the xbox shots stopped me from analyzing them
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2002, 02:19:22 PM »
i cant believe you just walked into the "graphics over gameplay" xbox trap

Xbox and DC Shenmue II has the same gameplay.  What graphics over gameplay.      ???

You said Shenmue II for Xbox is a sloppy port.   The gameplay on both Xbox and DC Shenmue II will have the same gameplay.  So, the only part is left graphics.   Not graphics over gameplay Xbox trap.   :laughing:

then only to fight some insects in morrowind, than thats yer business

Insects?  :laughing: Did you even play Morrowind yet? Do the quests.        Insects.....

are you letting rast use yer login here? sometimes yer posts remind me of him

No, what for.

oh, and that second xbox pic looks like absolute shit
sorry if you cant notice that. why are those xbox textures in those shots so dark also? trying to hide something?

you should be ashamed trying to prove something with those pics. where have you fallen to, man?

Hiding what.   I got these picture at IGN.com.  Go here.  Hidding......

Shenmue II Hands-On


Third, you are an idiot pstwo if you think those Xbox screens look any better than the DC version. Even in the screenshots you posted.. where are the enhancements? I sure as hell don\'t see em. Aside from maybe the lack of about 5 jaggies found in the DC version (which you cannot see in gameplay anyhow) there\'s a slight difference in the colormaps and that\'s it. OOoohh huge enhancement there.

Just look picture on the Xbox again.  First off the screens is not clear but you can see the differents.  In the Xbox screen shot, just look at the sign.  You can see it more sharper.  Also, look at his face and neck on both.  You can see a differents just looking at the Xbox one has more smooth textures.    Do I have to go on?   :o   When the developers says there is more enhancements, believe them.

More Xbox enhance screen

« Last Edit: August 31, 2002, 02:31:07 PM by pstwo »
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2002, 02:42:19 PM »
Originally posted by SonyFan
BTW: Looks like someone ran that pic thru photoshop and turned up the gamma or something.

Meh, I also noticed that the DC version has a shadow over the map box while the Xbox version dosen\'t. For shame.

Ah I think the DC screen is a finish version and the xbox is not.   :o
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2002, 02:46:02 PM »

i dont even know why i bother
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BAD NEWS for European Shenmue Gamers!
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2002, 03:13:09 PM »
There is no way the DC version looks better.  That\'s all I\'m going to say.  Get over it.
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