No, but check it

Every Wendsday the same anti-war protesters always sit at this corner of the federal building protesting anti war. Its hilarious, their signs make no sense; \'\'Support our Troops in fighting!!" then right below it it says "No War".... :rolleyes:
They always trying handing out papers to us too. I just tell them to back off. Seriously, it is human instinct to fight. It always will be. I mean- would you rather wait until he bombs us? Then we have to go through the whole 9-11 thing again? Or lemme guess- great Saddam has a personality?
I say, they have little intelligence. I dont like war, trust me on this, my brother is an enlisted marine being sent out in a few days I believe. I do not want him to, but he decided to defend our country a long time ago. I respect him for that, very much so, and even though war should be prevented if possible, sometimes it is vital for things to stop before it gets any worse. I am glad to know that the war is possibly ending soon.