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Author Topic: Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world  (Read 6265 times)

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2003, 01:03:12 PM »
9.USA people being told lies and not shown the truth as it is.(I watched CNN International yesterday.They havent showed the whole truth or the truth or what exactly is happening outside america.AND NO!!IRAQUI\'S ARENT WELCOMING THE USA TROOPS!!AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIED!!THANK BUSH FOR THAT!! )

When you go around believing everything CNN says (which is the biggest propaganda spreader), you come out looking like a moron. Also, after we liberated a couple cities in southern Iraq, the people were the happiest people I\'ve ever seen. they tore down and burned Saddams pictures and everything. They enjoy their new freedoms they never had.

Another thing, this is war, soldiers will die. Thats what war is about but that is what a soldier gets paid to do (or volunteer). They know they may never come back.
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Offline luckee
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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2003, 01:03:28 PM »
B/c its about image.

Just like the miami cop trials going on now. They felt the need to shoot suspects for whatever reason. Once they found out they couldnt justify it..the planted guns.

Waaaayyyyyy different scenario..but similar point.

Its about image.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2003, 01:04:51 PM »
Originally posted by Titan

When you go around believing everything CNN says (which is the biggest propaganda spreader), you come out looking like a moron. Also, after we liberated a couple cities in southern Iraq, the people were the happiest people I\'ve ever seen. they tore down and burned Saddams pictures and everything. They enjoy their new freedoms they never had.

Another thing, this is war, soldiers will die. Thats what war is about but that is what a soldier gets paid to do (or volunteer). They know they may never come back.

Have you ever watched CNN international? Im guessing you havent.

It is quite abit different from the CNN we get in the states..although still quite biased on certain issues.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2003, 01:07:41 PM »
Not all Iraqis are happy . . . yet. They are still worried we will not finish the job.

How could you not be excited and happy when you see the images of an Iraqi tearing down Saddam\'s image? How can you not be excited for these people who have something that they thought not possible . . . a future.


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Offline Titan

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2003, 01:16:42 PM »
Originally posted by luckee

Have you ever watched CNN international? Im guessing you havent.

No, actually, I never saw it. I don\'t think it is around me though so I can\'t even if I wanted to.
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Offline Unicron!
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Originally posted by videoholic
1.Civilian territoreis are being bombarded everyday.Children, women and unarmed civilians are dead or carried to the hospitals.
A) Not true.  USA has gone to extreme lengths to have as few casualties as possible.  It\'s a friggen war.  The people knew we were coming in.  BTW, people are in the hospitals every day.  Just becaus eyou see someone lying in a bed with an IV in their arm, that doesn\'t mean it\'s war related.  

2.The USA gives permission to Turkey to send army to attack North Iraq(where the Kurds are) in exchange of letting their air force to land and take off from Turkey\'s airports.
A) Are you on crack?  There is no agreement.  We were NEVER allowed to use their airbases. We were only allowed to use their airspace and we never did.

3.Disputes between countries of the European Union.
A) Yeah, that\'s the US\'s fault.  Europe would be all rainbows and flowers if it wasn\'t for the US.

4.A war between Greece and Turkey could be likely
A) Yeah, chalk that one up to US as well.

5.A spying U-2 has flown over Caucasus in Russia spying the territory.Russia is worried of a thread.
A)Yeah, Russia is worried.  Send me some links.

6.Muslims all over the world are swearing for revenge.A bomb attack in Saudi Arabia and a killing of an American and an English in Yemen is only the beginning.
More terrorism is awakening.
A) When haven\'t muslims sweared revenge for something they don\'t like.  I don\'t see the people of Afghanistan going nuts and attacking the US.  THey had the same anti war demonstrations then as well.

7.People all over the world are protesting against the war.That includes America and England.DROP BUSH, DONT DROP BOMBS!2 and a half million have protested in Europe yesterday)
A) I have yet to see a single intelligent human being give me any just reason to not liberate Iraq of Saddam and his regime.

8.Renegade soldiers after being sent to Iraq.
A) No clue why we didn\'t pick up on this fruitcake before.  Obviously they saw something with him because he was left at the base.

9.USA people being told lies and not shown the truth as it is.(I watched CNN International yesterday.They havent showed the whole truth or the truth or what exactly is happening outside america.AND NO!!IRAQUI\'S ARENT WELCOMING THE USA TROOPS!!AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIED!!THANK BUSH FOR THAT!!:rpissed: )
A) Iraqi\'s are welcoming the troops and the ones who aren\'t are more than likely worried shitless that Saddam\'s regime is not toppled and that they will be seen as traitors.

10.Yesterday I ve protested in Cyprus.With
Greeks and Cypriots, Palestinians and Iraquis were included.Iraqui\'s dont want to be bombed!!
A) No one wants to be bombed.  But Saddam wouldn\'t leave.  Why am I even responding to this crap?

Just some of the consequences and truths.

Bush has brought world order to the world.:(
Bush is smart.He doesnt watch TV to see whats happening in the world.He prefers reading books because he is smart and educated.NOT.
A) Again you are retarded.  He did watch the bombing and he does know what\'s going on.

God I hope as all hell that I don\'t get sucked into this thread by your whacked views.

1.You actually beleive THAT?MUTILATED CORPSES OF INOCENT PEOPLE!!DOES THAT SAY ANYTHING TO U?What US reporter is doing a live covering in Iraq?What CNN?there are many civilian casualties.

2.They did give the permission.I learned today that they changed their minds to avoid any disputes with Turkey.So your partly right.

3.Greece has fears as the Turkish has always been seeking to gain control over the Aegean islands.Seeing the Turkish army moving at a point near the south Iraq even after being questioned puts them into worries they could begin violating their airspace or even try to start incidents to the Aegean sea when they get the chance.The Turkish are always looking for the right moment to expand.That moment is when no international law or force can question or stop them.That moment is any kind of disorder on that territory or in Greece.Or between domains like a serious issue that bothers them commonly which pulls all the attention and efforts to find a solution for it leaving other issues or threads that are specific only to one domain overlooked.


5.Link?Sorry.I wasnt informed from the internet.

6.LOL you are actually comparing Afghanistan people as if its  the same case?Afganistan is forgotten.They are 200 years behind the world.The other muslim territories are filled with anger and sworn for revenge for what is happening now.Before it was only anger and only specific numbers that cared much.Besides the attack in Afganistan was a different matter.The right was with the US back then after the  attack in 11 of September.The majority never had a specific reason for revenge.Now things have changed.The numbers have grown.If attacking Iraq isnt enough reason for revenge put into action then tell me what is.

BTW:Protests against the bombing in Afganistan were minimal  compared to the ones now.

7.LOL!!Liberate Iraq!!!Oh my God!!!Wake up!They dont want to be liberated by the USA!!They prefer to live like they always did than puting their relatives and friends in danger!And the USA doesnt care about the Iraqui\'s liberation anyways.They never cared about anyone\'s liberation outside the USA.That attack has consequences to the world outside Iraq too anyways.

8.What are u talking about?

9.How strange only in CNN this welcoming was reported.Where were they welcomed?In the middle of the desert?U beleive that Saddam\'s government is so brute u start making assumptions.


Bush said he isnt informed from TV on the war.He said he is informed from other sources.With other words he hears and sees what he wants to hear and see .
« Last Edit: March 23, 2003, 01:46:24 PM by Unicron! »

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2003, 01:49:51 PM »
Saddam is far more dangerous than all the bombs we have sent over there. How people has Saddam killed? Care to take a guess?

How many innocents have we killed since the bombing started?


There never has been a time when the power of America was so necessary or so misunderstood . . .
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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2003, 02:03:03 PM »
We dont know yet. US says very few..iraq says many.

Wanna include the last wars casualties? :D

I know of 400 from ONE shelter..mostly women and children from 12 years ago.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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bravo to VideoHolic for answering unicorn\'s whacky view!!!

Just to add:

Muslim is always friggin delcaring jihad on this and fatwa on that. It\'s one loony religion which you can\'t reason with. Even if you don\'t bomb Iraq today, the terrorist will still be coming coz all non-muslim ARE INFIDELS AND IS ENEMY OF ISLAM!!!

That is how it is, no matter what you do, you\'re not gonna win them over. So don\'t bother.

Oh, yeah, so who will you be protesting to for the terrorist attack when they strike again?? At Osama Bin Laden\'s house??

Wake up and smell the coffee!!

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2003, 06:56:33 PM »
One thing I\'m getting sick of is all the anti-war people criticizing and protesting Bush and Bush, alone...

Most of these people probably don\'t have a clue as to how the American government works...

This isn\'t Iraq, where one man decides everything...

Here, we have a system called Checks & Balances and 3 different branches of the governement, where one branch can overrule any decision by another...

Bush can\'t declare war; Congress declares it...

Bush commands the entire military but can\'t do anything until Congress authorizes him...

I might be off on some points but I know the President can\'t just declare war...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2003, 07:06:09 PM »
Media: Support the president for war!

Voters: Good idea!

Congressman: Don\'t want to lose my job! I\'ll support war too!

Democrats: Boo Bush naughty face.

Media: Democrats EVIIIIIL

Public: Omg! Evil? Ill vote yes on this war pole!

Media: OMG protestors? EVIIIIIL!

Public: Omg! I dont want to be evil! better stop having views that go against what our govermant tells me to think!

Govermant: Excellent.

I think this would make a great movie! The script is just perfect.
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2003, 06:10:00 AM »
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
Media: Support the president for war!

Voters: Good idea!

Congressman: Don\'t want to lose my job! I\'ll support war too!

Democrats: Boo Bush naughty face.

Media: Democrats EVIIIIIL

Public: Omg! Evil? Ill vote yes on this war pole!

Media: OMG protestors? EVIIIIIL!

Public: Omg! I dont want to be evil! better stop having views that go against what our govermant tells me to think!

Govermant: Excellent.

I think this would make a great movie! The script is just perfect.

You forgot one thing:

Anti War segment of society:  Its cool to protest and its cool to be anti American - who cares if we don\'t have a valid reason, it is the trendy thing to do.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2003, 12:38:07 PM »
So why isnt being pro-war trendy?
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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Destruction of world order.What the USA government is causing to the world
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2003, 01:02:57 PM »
Because Hollywood isn\'t ;)
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Originally posted by videoholic
1.Civilian territoreis are being bombarded everyday.Children, women and unarmed civilians are dead or carried to the hospitals.
A) Not true.  USA has gone to extreme lengths to have as few casualties as possible.  It\'s a friggen war.  The people knew we were coming in.  BTW, people are in the hospitals every day.  Just becaus eyou see someone lying in a bed with an IV in their arm, that doesn\'t mean it\'s war related.  

2.The USA gives permission to Turkey to send army to attack North Iraq(where the Kurds are) in exchange of letting their air force to land and take off from Turkey\'s airports.
A) Are you on crack?  There is no agreement.  We were NEVER allowed to use their airbases. We were only allowed to use their airspace and we never did.

3.Disputes between countries of the European Union.
A) Yeah, that\'s the US\'s fault.  Europe would be all rainbows and flowers if it wasn\'t for the US.

4.A war between Greece and Turkey could be likely
A) Yeah, chalk that one up to US as well.

5.A spying U-2 has flown over Caucasus in Russia spying the territory.Russia is worried of a thread.
A)Yeah, Russia is worried.  Send me some links.

6.Muslims all over the world are swearing for revenge.A bomb attack in Saudi Arabia and a killing of an American and an English in Yemen is only the beginning.
More terrorism is awakening.
A) When haven\'t muslims sweared revenge for something they don\'t like.  I don\'t see the people of Afghanistan going nuts and attacking the US.  THey had the same anti war demonstrations then as well.

7.People all over the world are protesting against the war.That includes America and England.DROP BUSH, DONT DROP BOMBS!2 and a half million have protested in Europe yesterday)
A) I have yet to see a single intelligent human being give me any just reason to not liberate Iraq of Saddam and his regime.

8.Renegade soldiers after being sent to Iraq.
A) No clue why we didn\'t pick up on this fruitcake before.  Obviously they saw something with him because he was left at the base.

9.USA people being told lies and not shown the truth as it is.(I watched CNN International yesterday.They havent showed the whole truth or the truth or what exactly is happening outside america.AND NO!!IRAQUI\'S ARENT WELCOMING THE USA TROOPS!!AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIED!!THANK BUSH FOR THAT!!:rpissed: )
A) Iraqi\'s are welcoming the troops and the ones who aren\'t are more than likely worried shitless that Saddam\'s regime is not toppled and that they will be seen as traitors.

10.Yesterday I ve protested in Cyprus.With
Greeks and Cypriots, Palestinians and Iraquis were included.Iraqui\'s dont want to be bombed!!
A) No one wants to be bombed.  But Saddam wouldn\'t leave.  Why am I even responding to this crap?

Just some of the consequences and truths.

Bush has brought world order to the world.:(
Bush is smart.He doesnt watch TV to see whats happening in the world.He prefers reading books because he is smart and educated.NOT.
A) Again you are retarded.  He did watch the bombing and he does know what\'s going on.

God I hope as all hell that I don\'t get sucked into this thread by your whacked views.

Wow, You saved me alot of time Video...

I believe america is stepping up to stop terrorism, theirfor alot of people reject this idea, and create more terrorism to stop this. Which is stopped my the us, which angers more people, and then they do terrorism. Its an endless cycle and america is saving lives, while others kill, sad to say, in a way it evens out.  You get the idea?
Think for yourself. Question authority.


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