Saddam, like so many other governments, felt an uprising vs his regime and did what was necessary to get rid of any sort of rebels. I am not saying what he did was right but, but I am saying Stalin did it on a much greater scale, but did the U.S. do anything about it? Mao did the same thing in China at a much greater scale but did the U.S. do anything about it?
Thats how things go in other countries. Start a riot in Africa, dont be surprised if your gunned down after the first warning to disperse.
Uprising arent tolerated well in Eastern countries. I have no doubt in my mind that dozens of other countries would handle an uprising the same way.
This is one of the things that got me really disgusted with this war. I was hoping that when Iraq let the inspectors back in and complied with everything the U.N. said, war would be adverted. But the president of America has his heart set like this.