I\'m just going to chime in one one point, and remove myself forever again from this forum. Remember, all IMO.
Though I didn\'t agree with the war starting when it did (I thought they should have more international support), I do agree that now that it is started there is NO CHOICE but to finish it and remove saddam from power.
At some point, the civilized countries of the world are going to HAVE to unite and decide that fundemental human rights, like life, shelter, food, equality, have to be given to ALL people; and, in countries like Iraq (North Korea, Sierra Leone, etc), there are no real options but to remove the problem (dictator, government, drug lords) by force. Sanctions, words, and hollow threats just don\'t work on people with mindsets like Saddam. I\'m not pretending that the US\'s interests are purely altruistic, nobody is that foolish, but what they\'re doing is better for us all in the long run, because they\'re doing the right thing... even if it\'s for the wrong reasons.
PS - Unicron! You sound foolish when you talk about people killed or mutilated from the war in iraq. Before the war, Saddam had his roving death squads keeping the people in line, with just as much, or more brutality than they can expect from a bomb. Welcome to the fact that sometimes war offers a better FUTURE for a group of peoples than the rest of us sitting back and doing nothing. Remember the tapes from
afghanistan that were smuggled out? Saddam wants the jews dead, the Kurds, and any groups outside of his control in the Middle East.