First, I am neutral in this war. When someone is neutral it is easier for them to see what really is happening. First U.S. first attacked Iraq when they invaded Kuwait. After that sanctions and strict confinements were put on Iraq.
I do know that before 9-11 there was no talk about Iraq, except for a couple of no-fly zone violations. Then Iraq kicked the inspectors out. Now it came to be that when U.S. threatened war against Iraq they let the inspectors back in. OK, I was like good, no war. But, Bush insists that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. I said, Why not let the inspectors find them? (I remembe reading an article about how some South African group did an inspection in Iraq with the inspectors and said they were doing a fine job and nothing else was needed.) At this time the economy was bad. But when Bush ordered an assassination on Saddam Hussein I said to myself, does this man listen to anyone? The U.N. said not to go. And, why is it that Iraq must play by the rules of war but the U.S. doesnt have to? (BTW, the stock market goes up at the sight of war. Bush is an economic genius huh.) It wouldnt surprise me if this war was planned long ago...
France does not want to go to war because they know if the U.S. seizes control of the oil they can charge them higher prices. Same goes to Russia and the other countries who were anti-war. (How many civilians were lost in the WTC disaster? 3,000? I remember when I heard an American say "we shall not rest until we get 3,000 of them. Well, you have 600+ already in Iraq, and who knows how many in Afghanistan, + the hundreds of civilians killed or dying because of 4k lb bombs dropping on their head, or sanctions etc)
Reason for this war.
1. The Bush\'s and Saddam\'s "feud"
2. Bush thinks the economy will go up after the U.S. requires the resources of Iraq.
(This last one just added because it wasnt until, what, 5 days ago this was mentioned? So if we dont find weapons of mass destruction we will have something else to fall on?)
3. Liberate Iraq from a cruel dictatorship.
Dont get me wrong, I think Saddam had done some terrible things. But 2 wrongs dont make a right.
Why is it that the U.S. can go to war with anyone it wants, but Iraq or Pakistan and India cant? Basically what I see coming down is a deteriation in the stability of this world. With leaders not following any code and doing as they want, I dont see why others might do the same thing.
Violations that Bush has made that I can think of at the moment
1. Going to war without U.N. support.
2. Attempted assassination on Saddam Hussein.
They impeached Clinton for nothing but they let this man go without so much as a slap on the hand....