Iraq may not be a direct threat to the United States at this point in time, but in the long run, without action taken against them, they could gain the power to become a direct threat to our National Security. We aren\'t going to sit around and wait for that time to come.
They are in fact, a National Security threat to their neighbors at this very moment. For a regime that claims not to have WMD’s, there sure are a lot of gas mask and Chem. Bio suits turning up over there. Just a few hours ago coalition forces discovered 3000 Chem. Bio suits in a hospital in Basra. Iraqi soldiers are being captured with gas mask in their possession.
And when we arrive in Baghdad the whole world is going to get a big fat “I told you so” because they are going to release that toxic shit all over our soldiers. I only hope that our troops Chem. Bio Suits will do their job. And I hope that it doesn\'t come to this, but it most likely will.
Despite what many of you think, we aren’t waging a war against Iraq to serve our own interest. We are simply doing what needs to be done. We don\'t want their land or their oil. We want their people to be free from the horrors they have lived with for so many years.
We didn’t bring the war to Iraq, Saddam brought the war to Iraq. He was given an ultimatum and chose to defy it, just as he has defied the UN resolutions for 12 long years. He could have easily avoided war by packing his shit and getting the hell out of the country. He chose to stay and will ultimately pay the price.
How does one justify the War against Iraq? The answers aren’t that complicated to those who do not wish to defend repression, aggression, and deceit.
He represses his people, is aggressive to the nations that are around him, (invading two of his neighboring countries in an attempt to occupy them) and he lies and deceives to make it look like he isn’t the monster that he really is.