If you have relatives in the military, or are very patriotic, you may not want to read this post because you may be offended. I am none of the above, and I speak with no bias. I speak with a clear mind void of nationalism or racism or any other thing that could cloud my judgement. Dont get me wrong, at the moment America gives me freedom of speech, religion, etc, and I am thankful for that. But that will no stop me from saying anything negative about it.
George Bush has made a bad mistake. He has opened a can of worms. I dont see anybody jumping up to try and be a presidential canidate because I doubt anybody wants to clean up the mess he is making. No wonder Gore and Clinton backed out of the presidential race for 2004.
People here have said "Any rational person would want Saddam Hussein removed from power." That is being nearsighted. Millions of people, including Chris Matthews, fear what could come out of this war with Iraq. The events of September 11th were over a few cruise missiles launched on Afghanistan. What do you think this will create? Some guy, forgot his name, was on world news tonight yesterday saying, "If this war drags out, it could create 100 Bin Ladens." It has already created thousands of suicide bombers and increased the hate of America from the Muslim world.
Is Bush starting the crusades again? Yesterday on world news tonight it showed Bush talking (I think it was 6-12 months ago) about the war in Afghanistan and accidently saying "This crusade, uh, this war,...etc" The so called born again christian will probably ignite a new Crusade. Lots of Muslims have already declared Jihad, now I guess its Bush\'s turn to declare a crusade against the Muslims of the Middle East. It makes me sick to hear him talk about "We\'re coming to liberate you Iraqi citizens" when he drops bombs on them all day. Even though I myself am not muslim, I can see why they have so much hate vs America. And the people dropping bombs....how can they go back home and eat with their family at dinner? People who just got finished exterminating untold amounts of people can just walk back, be greeted as heros and go back to family life. Makes me sick to my stomach. Timothy McVeigh, said he was trigger happy with the rest of the troops as they headed to the gulf war in 1991. But when he watched his first victim\'s upper torso dissappear in a puff of blood, he thought "I have been living in America all my life. These people over here never did anything to me, never tried to harm me. But Im going to invade their country and kill them?" He went crazy. What America is doing is very evil in invading a country that does not belong to them. Not only are the putting their own troops at risk, but also the civilians of America will be put in risk.
What I see happening is that U.S./British forces will enter Iraq, and they may take control, but their will be fighting everyday. There will be no peace in the city. Even if they somehow get a government in there, there will be suicide bombings, assassinations and other things that are happening in Afghanistan as we speek. I also see the U.S. attacking other Middle East countries for helping Iraq or some other eason, they may destroy other middle east countries, but they will never fully conqueor them as there will always be fighting there. America will get stuck over there, with tension rising every day. Hijacking of Airplanes will pick up (They already are.) I remember some years ago when everytime you turned around some plane had got hijacked. Those days may come back. Suicide bombers most likely will come to America. Things will happen that will make 9-11 look like nothing. Anti-AMerica/Christian feelings will be stronger then ever in the middle east, whcih will contribute to the bloodshed. I can only hope that I am not caught in the crossfire, by flying a plane or being near a government building. Even when I visit Greece, I am not welcomed because Americans are hated over there. Some cab drivers wont even give you a ride if your American.
I see this only getting worst in the months/years to come. The fairly tale story of Iraq becoming Democratic and all its problems gone are just that, a fairy tale.