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Author Topic: For those that have seen the matrix reloaded (no spoilers)  (Read 7041 times)

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #120 on: May 24, 2003, 12:27:05 PM »
I got the whole animatrix DVD and I highly recommend it..  Watched it yesterday, very good flick.  Love animà -

I gather some of the artists who did Vampire Hunter D did one of the shorts, very well done sounds great.

I have not read over this thread, so sorry if I am jumping out of context.  I just did not want to start a new thread just to say what I said.  peace
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #121 on: May 25, 2003, 12:01:43 PM »
I saw the new Matrix last weekend, and needless to say, I can\'t say it was absolutely spectacular nor it was a complete dud.

Yes, this movie in some way, shape or form is a rip off of past movies, but again, so is the rest of mainstream Hollywood these days.

I just think this installment of The Matrix: Reloaded was to show the industry and people how far special effects has escalated over the years. I thought the freeway scene was something else, but I mean, the first installment of Speed presented this to us before.

I think this was geared towards the average viewers. The most cynical critics probably ate this for lunch as well as the true cinema fanatics who have a vast history of previous moves like this one.

No doubt was this movie a tremendous success at where it matters most, and that is sales. May have not faired well with critics, but at the end of the day, is a movie released to please critics or make some loot?

I rate this movie average.
You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #122 on: May 25, 2003, 11:36:45 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco

The story in the second was mind numbing!  It was 2 hours of action and fluff.  I can\'t believe I\'m reading this.

Yes your reading it because it is my opinion. I found it to be very good. Everything doesn\'t taste good to everyone. So if you don\'t like it don\'t eat it.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #123 on: May 26, 2003, 12:08:43 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

Yes your reading it because it is my opinion. I found it to be very good. Everything doesn\'t taste good to everyone. So if you don\'t like it don\'t eat it.

As if I didn\'t realize it was your opinion. :snore:

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #124 on: May 28, 2003, 11:50:48 PM »
I\'ve tried finding the AniMatrix DVD (only because that there is new anime material from the makes of Cowboy Bebop and Vampire Hunter D), no luck though. I am extremely curious in some of the shorts.

Offline Lord Nicon
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #125 on: May 29, 2003, 05:02:29 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I\'ve tried finding the AniMatrix DVD (only because that there is new anime material from the makes of Cowboy Bebop and Vampire Hunter D), no luck though. I am extremely curious in some of the shorts.

Yeah it doesnt come out till june i belive. I have seen about 5 of the 9 i think it was. If you want to be cheep you can rip some off kazaa of course :D
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #126 on: May 29, 2003, 07:01:25 PM »
Wow, stupid phone company disconnected my phone. Losers.

Anyways, the matrix is the best movie EVER. The Matrix:Reloaded is the Second best movie ever. THE BESTEST MOVIE EVEEEEEEER is Lion King....Yes I said Lion King.

The Matrix has one of the deepest most tought out stories in a movie ever. Critics say the acting sucks...to me it fits the type of mood and scenario the movie takes place in. Why would they feel any kind of feeling or try to enjoy the matrix if it isn\'t real? Why should they show any kind of emotion or care if they know they\'re not really showing it? Also the way Neo is portrayed is excellent. He doesn\'t talk much, but when he talks I get the feeling that he is confused or like overwhelmed with what he knows and what people expect of him. That\'s why he is so serious. Morpheous is tough all out because thats the only way that he seems like the boss. He knows he needs to be assuring and not show any kind of weakness....

All in all....

I give it 10 out of 5 stars.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #127 on: May 30, 2003, 04:49:58 AM »
SirMystiq, just wondering, how old are you?

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #128 on: May 30, 2003, 06:18:25 AM »
Hehe! I liked The Little Mermaid! And I\'m.....old. But then again, I\'m still a kid. Just older. :p
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #129 on: May 31, 2003, 10:50:30 AM »
Originally posted by Bozco
SirMystiq, just wondering, how old are you?

Does this have to do with the Lion King comment?....Ohh c\'mon man you know that movie was the best!
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #130 on: June 01, 2003, 10:10:29 AM »
No, I was leaning more towards you saying the Matrix was the best movie ever.

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #131 on: June 01, 2003, 03:42:38 PM »
The Matrix has one fo the most deep and thought provoking stories ever? Maybe, if you have a short attention span..

Offline nO-One

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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #132 on: June 01, 2003, 05:00:48 PM »
Deepest most thought out story ever....Babylon 5, trust me.

Anyhoo, just came back from the flick, decent enough. Dance scene waaayy too long.

Strong beliver in the two matrix theory here, whereas the supposed real world is a much smaller universe with much fewer beings it\'s much closer too perfection than the \'99 universe, where rogue programs can hang out and do whatever the fudge they want, that is why the agents are there, too make sure those rogues don\'t overstep their authority, like the agents said in the chase scene "the exile is our primary target" and said Trinity wasn\'t important.

It would seem to me that the Matrix is becoming too much for even the machines to handle, first of all, they just don\'t get humans thus the anomaly is created, 2nd of all they create sentiant programs which one could say are then infected by humans, choose life over deletion and seem to do whatever they can to have a nice life in the Matrix.

Read on another messageboard that that French guy was infact an older One  and whatnot. I really don\'t care
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #133 on: June 01, 2003, 07:48:07 PM »
Originally posted by nO-One
Deepest most thought out story ever....Babylon 5, trust me.

Anyhoo, just came back from the flick, decent enough. Dance scene waaayy too long.

Strong beliver in the two matrix theory here, whereas the supposed real world is a much smaller universe with much fewer beings it\'s much closer too perfection than the \'99 universe, where rogue programs can hang out and do whatever the fudge they want, that is why the agents are there, too make sure those rogues don\'t overstep their authority, like the agents said in the chase scene "the exile is our primary target" and said Trinity wasn\'t important.

It would seem to me that the Matrix is becoming too much for even the machines to handle, first of all, they just don\'t get humans thus the anomaly is created, 2nd of all they create sentiant programs which one could say are then infected by humans, choose life over deletion and seem to do whatever they can to have a nice life in the Matrix.

Read on another messageboard that that French guy was infact an older One  and whatnot. I really don\'t care

I dont believe that whole french guy was the one thing. It would have been obvious because neo would have seen it. Plus he wouldnt be able to hide in the matrix because he would be plugged in somewhere where the machines would get him unless you figure hes working for them. In that case he would have the power to destroy neo himself. Not possible.

Second, i still dont get how the programs have a conciousness and dont run by protocal. That and why the machines just cant delete the program considering they are all linked to the machine mainframe. Without it how could they operate?

For some odd reason the more i talk about it, the less i belive there are two matrixies. There could be though. That would be a lot to explain though in the next film.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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The Official Matrix reloaded + Animatrix thread (spoilers abound)
« Reply #134 on: June 01, 2003, 11:08:14 PM »
A lot to explain and I almost gurantee most of it won\'t be explained. People are making the story seem deeper than it really is.


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