Deepest most thought out story ever....Babylon 5, trust me.
Anyhoo, just came back from the flick, decent enough. Dance scene waaayy too long.
Strong beliver in the two matrix theory here, whereas the supposed real world is a much smaller universe with much fewer beings it\'s much closer too perfection than the \'99 universe, where rogue programs can hang out and do whatever the fudge they want, that is why the agents are there, too make sure those rogues don\'t overstep their authority, like the agents said in the chase scene "the exile is our primary target" and said Trinity wasn\'t important.
It would seem to me that the Matrix is becoming too much for even the machines to handle, first of all, they just don\'t get humans thus the anomaly is created, 2nd of all they create sentiant programs which one could say are then infected by humans, choose life over deletion and seem to do whatever they can to have a nice life in the Matrix.
Read on another messageboard that that French guy was infact an older One and whatnot. I really don\'t care