The Bottom line is,is that no matter how much The Matrix rips off any genre or style of fighting etc it does it well.
I wouldn\'t complain if I was Andy or Larry cause the money is just rolling in.
I guess The Animatrix is gonna get slagged off for being a wannabe Final Fantasy:The Spirits Within is it?
I\'ve finished and swapped the game now anyway and I enjoyed it so the fact of the matter is,is everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I\'ve seen Assassins and Bound and I gotta say Gina Gershon was great in Bound,and stood out for me.
The Matrix doesn\'t have a huge deep and meaningful storyline but it makes you think and then it hits you with some action,which I enjoy.
DMX? Nope, stick to your music and Def Jam Vendetta.
Jet Lee? He\'s cool,but he\'s not exactly an all round great actor.
Keanu Reeves? He\'s a good actor but his voice is too quiet and before anybody says anything,I liked most of his work before The Matrix.
Vin Diesel? Great in Knockaround Guys,but still has an accent like he has testicles stuck in his throat.
Ben Affleck? Superb in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back,both as Holden McNeill AND as himself at the end. He\'s slowly getting better.
Anyway,no pun intended,but I\'m gonna stick by my guns and even if I do get slagged off,I gotta say that The Matrix is great filmmaking and Joel Silver has redeemed himself with this trilogy.
Anybody who wants to slag off the game,then go back to playing Max Payne if you don\'t like it.
I personally thought it was groundbreaking and took fighting and shooting to a new level.
The driving was just another driving game,and piloting the Logo was nothing special,but overall,even if you stripped it of all it\'s hype it would still be one of the best games this year.