Originally posted by mm
soully, honestly bro, i don\'t know why i waste my time talking to such ignorance with you
1. i never in my life said 3dfx would own nvidia. 3dfx possessed the BEST implimentation of Glide ever. nothing nvidia had at the time could compete with 3dfx on the Glide format. 3dfx banked thier entire extistance that OpenGL would be a fad, and unfortunately for them, it wasnt. hence nvidia becoming number 1, and the death of Glide. has any game since quake2 featured Glide? nevermind, you have no clue what i\'m talking about.
You have no ****en clue. Opengl was and still is highly supported. 3dfx died once they brought out STB. They ended up screwing their custormer base, had delays in manufacturing and releasing cards, the Voodoo5 6000 series of cards had shit loads of problems with certain motherboards and ended up cancelled, while all this was happening they were losing lots of money, they tried to build new chips that didn\'t come to life and in the end they ended up bankrupt. While Nvidia was still going strong selling their Geforce 1/2 series of cards
2. you are a complete fool for repeatedly saying one game. how many games featured the heavily licensed quake 3 engine? thats right, dozens, and more and more are released all the time. doom 3 will be THE hottest PC game to be released in recent years.
1 engine. That\'s all it is, even if it hundreds of games get made from it. not every developer will use it the SAME as id software. Don\'t forget there are other engines, UT etc...
Lately i\'ve seen more engines using the UTs game engines over the quakes, ohh and don\'t let the "Mtv Generation" hype fool u. It could be a shitty, good looking game.... That doesn\'t mean it is though

Even so, not every game will be FPS. The Doom3 engine will be used mainly on FPS games.
it disgusts me to think after all this time, you have little idea. i makes me think you disagree with me purposely to waste my time when you should know damn well better
Your bias views are hardly facts mm. You\'ve posted 1 game that tops ati. I wonder how many games i can post of ATI\'s new cards that tops Nvidias. Maybe they\'ve rigged the results just like they did with 3dmark2003.. Wouldn\'t surprise me.