Heh, the initial list is a total joke if it\'s sorted from "best" to "worst".
Gilmour at no.82? He\'s on par with Clapton, IMHO. Eddie Van Halen at no.70 is a travesty. Speaking of travesties.. no Steve Vai, and no mention of Buck Dharma.. who whomps
at least Kurt Cobain.
I hate to say it, but guitarists.. well.. I don\'t think you should get brownie points for thrash metal and stuff like that. Some of the guys that Rolling Stone picked might are generic, garage band stuff. Just because you think that the songs were good, Rolling Stone.. doesn\'t mean that the guitarists were.
I also hate to say that certain forms of music have gone downhill over the past 15 years. Rock is one of them, especially with the alternative revolution. Just my opinion, but garage bands were made into gods and frankly I gotta say that a lot of the stuff (even a lot of Nirvana\'s stuff) is just plain rotten. They have their good songs, their classic songs.. but angst-filled music is one brick in that big wall of corruption in our society. Who told people that listening to jackasses screaming obscenities into a microphone while thrashing a guitar was worth multi-platinum sales?
Not me.

Heh, sorry if I offended anybody\'s tastes.. but I detest a lot of today\'s music.