It\'s interesting that a woman starts a thread that is essentially about "what are you going to get me?"
That\'s a bit crass, and sort of reinforces men\'s stereotypes about the worst qualities in women, doesn\'t it? It\'s generally perceived that women demand to be given gifts, demand to be bribed for their affection, demand to be worshipped and bowed down to at every opportunity.
I\'m not saying that is true for all women, but it is a commonly held stereotype that\'s repeated in the mass media with some regularity. I am personally offended when anyone suggests "I want that" or "You should get that for me." An honest gift should bear no obligation, and should preferably be unanticipated. There are gift giving occasions where that\'s impossible, like Christmas for example, but that\'s no excuse to start building expectations and making demands.
Turn off the pressure. Offer suggestions if they are requested, but don\'t go telling people what they should give you. I think that for the things we want most, we should always plan on buying them ourselves. Gifts should be primarily symbolic tokens of admiration or respect.