You didnt get the films main purpose.Thats why you cant see the meaning hence you think thats an excuse from hardcore fans.
You are making far too many assumptions. It\'s true that Neo is becoming more machine like, which is what everyone seems to suggest while Smith himself is becoming more human -- which is the point you are referring to. That\'s not the issue here because I\'m not targetting dead-pan Keanuu Reeves. I\'m targetting every character, every person, every spec of the film. I "get" it completely, but one does not have to "miss the point" to not appreciate it -- it\'s not a prerequisite.
Regardless, whether I "get" it or not is irrelevant. To feel the characters are totaly hollow and to have no emotional ties to ANY of them and feel the spectacle was more important then the characters themselves is what made this movie terrible. I\'m not attacking its deep philosophy or its deep spiritual meanings. I happen to think discussing the films and the ideas of them are great, but that doesn\'t make the films great in themselves.
I can discuss the structure and meaning of every scene in Glitter, but in the end, a pile of bile is a pile of bile no matter what\'s buried in it.
Smith\'s attitude in the film also had a purpose in the film.Its not coincidential that Smith who is a program has a stronger character than "humans"
That much is certain and it\'s something I already know, but having the best personality and the best character doesn\'t excuse the fact that deep down, you didn\'t care if Neo died or not. Take the classic example of the Joker and Batman, both are infinitely great characters, but each one has a past, each one has a deep emotional background that connects you with them, and each one would definitely be a whole lot of fun to tinker with what with Joker\'s insane amount of gags and his playful and sadistic nature while Batman has its exuberant amount of gadgets and is the perfect human specimen. In the end, everyone wants Batman to win. No matter what the Joker does. In Matrix Revolutions, no one cared if Neo won or lost or if Smith won or lost, it was all about the spectacle, nothing more, nothing less.
If you want to see the film expecting emotional bonds strong characters it takes from the main purpose of the film.It not trying to make you feel emotional with the plot.Its trying to avoid that.Its different.You proovge hwt I have said before.Your expectations are based on previous experiences.
That\'s like saying there is no bias in the world when, in fact, everything you say and every decision you make has a degree of bias whether you like it or not. Biases can be affected by something as simple as the weather or what you had for breakfast in the morning right up to the more direct forms of influence based on prequels building to whether or not this movie is good or bad or whether or not the PS2 is greater then the Xbox based on what you played as a child.
Everyone has a bias and an expectation. No one can go into anything with a clear head. In order to do that, you\'d have to approach it as if you were a newborn baby and this was the first thing you ever saw in your life. Unfortunately, you wouldn\'t understand it and you wouldn\'t be able to remember watching it when you became old enough to articulate your feelings on it. That\'s too bad for you though as it totaly destroys your argument.
Oh and one last thing, when Neo and Trinity embraced on the train platform, it sure as hell wouldn\'t have hurt the story to smile. The humans ARE capable of expressing joy afterall. Don\'t give me any crap that it\'s devoid of emotion for some huge monumental purpose. Would you even know that Trinity and Neo were in love had they not kissed and had sex and people constantly said that love was "all over their face" when their face is always the same stern flatness that it has been for three movies?
The movie wants you be neutral from emotions.It doesnt want you to feel hatred or love or saddness or anything.It will lure you away from the movie\'s real substance.
Actually its not a movie for everyone.Its trying to enlighten through science fiction .Trying to pass some meanings.It depends from the person.Some people like it because of its action etc Other because of its effects.But they are also misisng the meaning.I agree that some people liked the movie because they dont know shit about movies and they get easily excited,But unfortunately neither do they see the substance of the movie.
Its like a work of abstract art with the difference that it has substance.Not everyone is going to understant it.
And understanding, again, is not the point I\'m trying to make here. I got it. It\'s fine. That doesn\'t make the movie better. Lets see if you can
get that.
it remains so as subject to the individual.
Sorry YOU didn\'t like it.
That\'s a fair assessment to a degree, but I won\'t crap in the face of classical cinema because it has worked for so many years and created the best films of any time.