I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again. There is no point to living. We are simply animals, our only true purpose is to breed and make sure the species continues. The rest is overly complicated by the rules forced upon us by society.
What makes rape and murder wrong? The goverment. The religions. Our most basic instinct is to do both of those things. Take what we want. Survival of the fittest and so on. Our supposed "high intelligence" has only complicated life. Gave us religion. Made us try to find a purpose - when there isn\'t one.
Work. Religion. Marriage. All these things are incidental and not our nature. We as people need to accept that what is "evil" may be natrual. That the rapist, the murders, the theives are our most basic instinct. What we would all be, if it was not for the rules , the regulations forced upon us from our birth. We as people need to realize that there may not be anything after this. Most likely there isn\'t. There is nothing special about us.
Personally, I\'m amazed by the blind faith people have. That the people need, just to make it through the day. They trust in \'God\' , for all the "bad" things that happen. They trust the goverment to make life altering desicions for them, while they go to work and pay taxes. It\'s amazing, through out all our curiousty, that has inspired us to go to space, invent the internet, the most basic thing, to question \'God\' and the goverment is something most people can\'t and will never be able to do.
*see signature*